Ingeniería Industrial

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    Propuesta de distribución en planta para un centro de acopio y clasificación de residuos textiles posconsumo en Bogotá
    Ortega-Gonzalez, Natalia Alejandra; Martínez-Niño, Jhoan Santiago; Suárez-Castro, Ruth Milena
    As is well known, it is necessary to properly design the plant layout of a company in order to take advantage of the spaces, maximizing performance, minimizing delays and even unnecessary routes, therefore, as for the first step for the creation of a collection center for this textile waste, this work aims to design a Layout in plant for a collection and distribution center for post consumer textile waste; addressing the location of the center, as well as its necessary areas and a plan which is a proposal for the creation of the same.
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    Propuesta de un manual de mantenimiento enfocado en la empresa X-Cargo en los motocarros con el fin de asegurar su disponibilidad
    Mormino Fonseca, Catherine Yazmin; Valencia Alarcon, Juan Sebastian; Linares Romero, Laura Liliana
    The main objective of the document is to establish a proposal for a maintenance manual based on the development of standardized procedures in the X-Cargo company, thus allowing traceability and identification of preventive and corrective maintenance. The development of the same within the company entails great precautions with respect to the reduction of costs, downtime and conservation of the company's assets, since it implies that not only the personnel that make up the maintenance area, including the personnel that supports the driving of vehicles, rely on this document to develop their daily activities in a more efficient way. An analysis of X-Cargo's current business situation was carried out through document review, observation of processes and interviews of the personnel that make up the maintenance sector; Identifying improvements through the implementation of standardized procedures for areas of: • Maintenance: Standardize, improve and organize the entire intervention procedure with the motor tanks. • Operation: Contributing to a reduction in downtime, creating greater confidence in the safety of drivers and also in consumers. • Purchasing: Reduction in monetary losses with respect to the issue of constant purchase of spare parts, since by carrying out preventive maintenance it will be possible to determine the useful life of the components of the motorcycle. By implementing standardized procedures for areas of:
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    Propuesta de mejora en la logística para el transporte de contenedores del puerto a Zona Franca
    Carranza-Saavedra, Brayan Stiven; Linares-Romero, Laura Liliana
    The main objective of the document is to determine the impact that a lean manufacturing model can have on the logistic and economic scope, to the company Asesorías de Comercio Exterior, having as main axis the import, with a proposal of logistic improvement applying the V.S. method. The main objective of this method is to identify the shortcomings of the processes currently managed by the company through a scheme, where it is analyzed from the beginning of the process to the end of it, thus identifying exactly the step that presents a major deficiency within the entire process, once the problem is identified, possible solutions are proposed to give an appropriate procedure to end this deficiency, In this case it was chosen to outsource the logistics process, since the main problem is that the imported containers are generating costs by exceeding the regulatory time of the port of Buenaventura, in the course of the project it is evident that the method works to reduce costs and improve the overall logistics of the company, thus reducing costs and times in specific steps.
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    Implementación de propuesta de mejora a la estructura organizacional por medio de matrices para así llevar a cabo nuevos negocios rentables para CompuAmbiente S.A.S.
    Ospina-Roa, Julián Esteban; Hamon-Cortes, Milena; Dueñas-Guerra, Jairo Orlando
    The following investigative internship is contextualized on the shortcomings and problems that can be presented within an organization, for this reason thanks to theoretical concepts-The practical aspects of industrial engineering can be improved by creating effective and efficient solutions, attracting new profitable projects for the company. Using the different matrices Amef, Dofa, Mefe and Mefi together with the schedule of activities, Dantt diagram, training and manual of functions for the commercial area was able to generate possible solutions before the shortcomings presented by CompuAmbiente S.A.S. The Gantt chart was executed in which the characterization, process map and flowchart of the business process were generated. It can be concluded that the various matrices highlighted the problems in the company, and thus the implementation of the organizational structure was a strategy, so that this way open the doors to opportunities for improvement in CompuAmbiente S.A.S.
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    Propuesta de elaboración de la documentación para la implementación de la ISO 9001:2015 en la empresa SKYNGDOM CORP SAS.
    Ramos Barrios, Jeniffer Paola; Sierra Rodríguez, Jennifer Geraldine; Dueñas Guerra, Jairo Orlando
    Quality management is used to ensure customer satisfaction, commonly it is the strategies implemented in companies through improvements in services or products, this requires to meet the standards that provides quality, one of them is to apply control measurements, which is to use tools to evaluate the performance of the activity, in order to meet the objective of the organization and if necessary take corrective action for any problems or errors that may be generated. We also find the performance of tests is useful for inspections and performance, also identifies the difficulties or defect of the service or product all this in order to meet customer needs. Quality management ensures that company procedures are carried out properly, complying with the standards it establishes, this involves planning, improving, and controlling continuously with the purpose of making organizations efficient in their operations. ISO 9001:2015 is a standard that defines or stipulates the requirements necessary to manage quality, including evidence-based decision making, internal and external communication, internal audits, control activities, etc., to implement corrective measures. The purpose of this international standard is continuous improvement in order to foster trust with customers and achieve efficiency in companies.
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    Zen Dibia
    Medina-Leyva, Jhon Sebastian; Arevalo-Rojas, Lesly Ximena; Gómez-García, Nicolás Guillermo; Moreno-Ortiz, Oscar Andrés; Dueñas-Guerra, Jairo Orlando
    The dental care kit from Zen Dibia, which is 100% biodegradable, represents an eco-friendly and versatile solution that not only promotes oral health but also contributes to environmental sustainability. On one hand, it includes a bamboo cup that serves a dual function as a toothbrush holder and a pot for its final disposal, utilizing renewable resources and locally sourced materials. Additionally, the dental floss included in the kit is made of filaments that can be composted after use, enriching soil fertility and reducing waste. Furthermore, the kit offers succulent, orchid, and/or avocado seeds, along with gardening tools, so users can grow their own plants after using the kit and reconnect with nature in its final disposal process. The research focuses on the development of Zen Dibia's dental care kits, utilizing polylactic acid (PLA) filament as the primary component in their manufacturing process. Production using 3D printers and artisanal craftsmanship. The study encompasses a multifaceted approach to sustainability, including minimizing waste in the manufacturing process with environmentally friendly materials. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the product development does not generate negative environmental impacts, with a future aspiration to integrate artisanal craftsmanship with technological advancements.
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    Propuesta para el mejoramiento de gestión de inventarios del local comercial Valentina Gómez Jewerly dedicado a la venta de joyería y accesorios de fantasía a través de herramientas del Lean Manufacturing
    Ramirez-Marin, Luisa Fernanda; Cruz-Villarraga, Nelson Humberto
    During the development of this document, a proposal is presented to improve the inventory management of the Valentina Gómez Jewerly store dedicated to the sale of costume jewelry. Which is located in San Andresito, San José. Using Lean Manufacturing tools with the purpose of offering continuous improvement during the growth of this project. For which a diagnosis was made, starting with the list of products that are currently worked in the business, grouping them by product family. Since there was no record of them, therefore through the use of the DOFA matrix and the 5's, areas of opportunity were found to optimize the processes and improve the operational efficiency of the business. Where several factors were identified that play in relation to the management of the current inventory, focusing on the treatment of merchandise such as covergold, steel and brilliance. Therefore, it was necessary to propose the use of a storage policy with the purpose of maintaining a standard organization of the inventory and investing in the automation of the current management processes and implementation of an application in Excel. With the goal of reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction.
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    Diseño de un contenedor para ropa de segunda mano y análisis de los costos de fabricación
    Montaño-Gonzalez, Maria Paula; Montealegre-Perez, Juan Camilo; Pico-Rodriguez, Hernan Felipe; Suarez-Castro, Ruth Milena
    The research addresses the design of a container for the collection of second-hand clothing, with the purpose of counteracting the negative impact on the environment caused by the textile industry. A descriptive methodology and quantitative approach are used to evaluate container manufacturing costs, thus responding to growing concerns about waste generated by this industry. The main objective of the container design is to facilitate both the donation and collection of used clothing, encouraging reuse and reducing the amount of clothing that ends up in landfills and landfills. It concludes with the development of the container design and an estimate of its costs, offering a concrete solution to address the environmental and social challenges associated with textile production. This approach significantly contributes to mitigating environmental impact and promoting more sustainable practices in the fashion industry.
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    Desarrollo de una Aplicación Didáctica Educativa: Para Estudiantes de Ingeniería Industrial de la Uniagustiniana sobre Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo con la Herramienta Apphive
    Contreras-Garcés, María Alejandra; Linares-Romero, Laura Liliana
    The study focuses on the development of an educational application aimed at Industrial Engineering students at Uniagustiniana, with the purpose of enhancing their knowledge in Occupational Health and Safety through the Apphive tool. A comprehensive survey was conducted among 55 students to identify their educational needs, revealing a gap between the perception of importance and the level of knowledge on the subject. The design process involved creating clear and functional interfaces, followed by the development of the application using Apphive and the production of complementary explanatory videos, generating interest among students. The initial assessment demonstrated the viability of the application, sparking significant interest among students. It is concluded that the application has the potential to improve its effectiveness and acceptance among the target audience. In summary, the study lays the groundwork for an effective educational tool in Occupation Health and Safety for Industrial Engineering students at Uniagustiniana.
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    Modelo matemático para la predicción de obesidad en estudiantes de la Universitaria Agustiniana a través de la dermatoglifia dactilar
    Rojas-Boada, Andres Camilo; García-Aldana, Lennyn Andrés; Vargas-Pulido, Paula Andrea; Rodríguez-Florián, Roman Leonardo
    The main objective of this project is to design a mathematical model based on fingerprint dermatoglyphics to anticipate the probability of obesity in students at the Agustiniana University, due to the increase that has been generated worldwide over the years. Finger dermatoglyphics, which studies the patterns of ridges and figures in fingerprints, have been linked to genetic characteristics and medical conditions. Dermatoglyphics, body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage (%FAT) data were collected from the students of the Universitaria Agustiniana through data collection sessions. These data were used to develop a model using Statgraphics software, employing statistical analysis and mathematical modeling techniques. Where two mathematical models were implemented using multiple regression and simple linear regression to analyze the variables of body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage (% FAT). These models are intended to be an early detection tool to identify students at risk of developing obesity. Which could facilitate the implementation of preventive and public health interventions within the university community.
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    Desarrollo de una aplicación para gestionar las matrices de identificación y valoración de riesgos laborales mediante la herramienta Apphive para su eventual implementación en diversas organizaciones
    Borbón-Gómez, María Juliana; Linares-Romero, Laura Liliana
    The central objective of this Project is to develop an application using the Apphive tool to manage the matrices of identification and assessment of occupational risks, with the aim of its subsequent implementation in various organizations. Crucial aspects such as the variables corresponding to the Colombian Technical Guide (GTC­45) and the Methodology for the Identification of Hazards, Evaluation and Risk Assessment (IPEVR) have been identified. Based on this, an application has been created that facilitates generating these matrices more efficiently, leading to cost and time reduction. Additionally, it provides risk levels and recommendations to address the hazards present either in the company or in these processes. As a result, a functional application is obtained that assists the user in documenting and evidencing the occupational risks present in an organization, thus promoting occupational safety and compliance with regulations, which improves the work environment and operational productivity
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    Propuesta de implementación del SG­SST de acuerdo con el capítulo III de la resolución  0312 de 2019 en la empresa Induestructuras Colombia S.A.S 
    Serrato-Galindo, Suly Yulieth; Caraballo-Martínez, Erika Patricia; Cruz-Galindo, Paula Nicol;  Castro-Jiménez, Laura Elizabeth
    The degree project focuses on the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety  Management System (SG­SST) in Induestructuras Colombia S.A.S, a company dedicated to the  manufacturing of structural metal products, classified as risk V due to its high probability of work  accidents. A diagnosis was carried out that evaluated compliance with the 60 standards established  in resolution 0312 of 2019, using a checklist that yielded a score of 60.75%. This result indicated  that the company was not 100% compliant with the standards. To address this situation, a detailed  manual was developed that identifies and explains in depth the 21 items that are not yet met,  providing precise guidance on the necessary actions. This would allow the company to execute the  remaining 39.25% and meet the standards according to the law. Additionally, the project included  a cost­benefit analysis, highlighting the potential fines the company could face if it does not comply  with current legal regulations, along with the benefits of achieving full compliance with the  standards. These benefits include a safer work environment, improved working conditions, and  ensuring the company meets legal requirements for worker safety. In summary, the project seeks  not only to comply with regulations, but also to improve the safety and well­being of the employees  of Induestructuras Colombia S.A.S.
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    Propuesta de identificación y prevención de riesgos en la Empresa TierraXtrema conforme a la guía Técnica Colombiana GTC 45
    Avila-Lopez, Santiago; Medina-Tovar, Andrés Felipe; Linares-Romero, Laura Liliana
    The thesis focuses on proposing risk prevention measures for the company "TierraXtrema," located in Utica, Cundinamarca. This organization specializes in providing extreme sports services, falls under ARL V risk category, and has a workforce of 20 employees. The methodology is based on the Colombian Technical Guide 45 (GTC 45) and its matrix to analyze risks and suggest improvements. A handbook is developed to condense the necessary steps and changes for risk prevention in an accessible format, facilitating quick access to information. The analysis revolves around calculating risks and improvements using GTC 45 and its matrix. Potential sanctions and the cost of hiring personnel required for risk mitigation are evaluated. The focus is on demonstrating that risk mitigation is not only essential for compliance with regulatory requirements but also the most viable option from an economic and occupational well-being perspective.
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    Tiempo de atención teleTiempo de atención telefónica y cumplimiento de indicadores corporativos en Dafiti Colombia mediante la aplicación de teoría de colas.fónica y cumplimiento de indicadores corporativos en Dafiti Colombia mediante la aplicación de teoría de colas.
    Blanco-Calderon, Mario Fernando; Serrano, Yeimmy Katherine
    The objective of the present study is to develop a proposal that promotes compliance with Dafiti Colombia's corporate indicators through the implementation of queueing theory for telephone waiting time, taking into account the importance of customers to the brand. Therefore, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the proposed improvements to implement strategies to enhance their waiting time. The research was conducted based on data collected from the Customer Service Center (SAC) of Dafiti Colombia, where the average waiting time of a customer was related. Once the current scenario was determined, appropriate simulations were conducted to identify the point at which improvements are necessary to meet the standards requested by Dafiti, which indicate that the waiting time should be around 30 seconds. This is achieved through the application of queueing theory and normal distributions, fulfilling the purpose of not increasing operation costs and opening the possibility of having a system capable of being efficient in all seasons, regardless of demand fluctuations.
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    Propuesta de un modelo para la reducción de costos en la industria del cuero Colombiano, recopilación de datos periodo 2010-2022
    Bandera Martínez, Franklin; Martínez Vallejo, Arnold Joel; Suarez Riveros, Erika Alejandra
    Colombia is a country with great export potential, which over time has been improving the quality standards of its products. These conditions, together with the free trade agreements and tariff preferences that the government has achieved with some countries to encourage exports, create the possibility of placing Colombian products abroad as a good business opportunity. The globalization process in the world to some extent creates the need in all countries to participate in the marketing of their products in foreign markets. For this reason, the State creates a flexible and supportive legal framework that seeks to encourage and motivate the industrial sector of leather and leather goods in Colombia, to export activities. Likewise, academia and the private sector must strengthen relationships that result in the development and production of knowledge through research and the generation of new ideas, which in turn has a longterm impact on economic development. In this way, it is expected that SMEs can implement this cost reduction model in their processes and thus improve their productivity and grow as a company internationally.
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    Diseño de un modelo de gestión de inventarios de equipos y accesorios de la empresa Fast & System Solutions
    Reyes-Florian, Olga Marcela; González-Chávez, Juan Manuel; Peña-Flórez, Luis Alfonso
    Fast & System Solutions is a company dedicated to the maintenance and sale of computers and several accessories, which has some problems with its purchasing process and inventory management. In order to identify its problems, it was necessary to use historical sales information to calculate the sales volume and the charge generated between July 2021 and July 2022, finding that there was a large difference between the total invested each month and the recovered value in the same period. The entire methodological process was designed using mixed research, taking as its beginning the collection, standardization and analysis of all the information. Additionally, it allowed defining the appropriate variables to develop a functional tool to achieve correct inventory control
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    Propuesta de mejoramiento para el proceso de sellado de tabletería en la Central de Adecuación de Medicamentos de la Empresa Audifarma S.A. mediante la filosofía de Lean Manufacturing
    Abreo-Gamboa, Ana Yalith; Mendoza-Hernandez, Angie Camila; Rodriguez-Florian, Román Leonardo
    The purpose of this project is to make an improvement proposal for the Medication adequacy Center of Audifarma S.A., a company dedicated to the wholesale and retail trade of pharmaceutical products, providing a broad portfolio of services, included adequacy and dispensing of different medicines. The IPS and the hospitals its main clients. Currently, in the package area located in Bogotá, shortcomings, waste and reprocessing were identified that did not allow a continuous flow in production, especially in the process of sealing the tablets, since the machines used for this work did not generate the expected performance. In addition to other factors such as lack of training, preventive maintenance, staff turnover and the reduced space that made work more complex, therefore, as a result of this, it is proposed to make a proposal for improvement that benefits the area in general through Lean Manufacturing tools.
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    Propuesta para la reducción de tiempos de fabricación en la planta de conexiones (PAVCO WAVIN) en el proceso de inyección mediante técnicas de ingeniería de métodos y productividad
    Durango-Restrepo, Ronald Eduardo; Rocha-Gonzalez, Jair Eduardo
    In the work, a review of one of the production processes of the connection plant is made, this is the injection and the assembly subprocess, focusing on the manufacture of composite accessories, which, due to their design, need additional steps for their completion. There are several parts that make up the composite accessories, some can be manufactured and others supplied by suppliers. The parts have manufacturing routes in different injection machines, as long as the machines meet the required specifications, having manufacturing at different times of the month, for this reason unscheduled times are generated, some are for the planning that the plant has defined for its manufacturing program and others for the assembly, Because it is an activity that is carried out in another area of the plant and requires the availability of personnel which in some cases are not carried out, for these problems, two solutions are proposed, the first that is responsible for reducing the waiting time for programming through the use of the sequencing of the parts that are manufactured optimally, with the use of LEKIN software and the second eliminates the waiting time by assemblies with the change of activities to the helpers of the connection plant.
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    Propuesta para el diseño de la documentación del sistema de gestión de calidad de acuerdo con la norma ISO 9001:2015 para la empresa Danwap Products
    Pita-Paez, Brayan Andres; Casallas-Romero , Brandon Stiven; Rozo-Rodríguez , Diego Luis
    The need for improvement has always been evident regarding products, processes and services to attract more customers and provide a better experience. This is done through tools and instruments that enhance these aspects that in one way or another seek excellence, one of These tools are the NTC ISO 9001:2015 standard on which this work is based. At first we must talk about the documentation that is required for a quality management system, which provides a clear and efficient operating environment, it is also the basis by which a certifying body verifies compliance with the standard demonstrated through this documentation that reinforces and supports the development of the company's operations. For the purpose of this work, objectives were developed in order to allow the purpose of this project, which is the design of the documentation for the Danwap product quality management system. Initially, the initial diagnosis of the company was prepared to know the aspects in which there are deficiencies and needs for improvement, with the purpose of estimating the performance of the chapters and obtaining the results of the diagnosis, making the respective corrections and suggestions for the company. and preparing the documentation required by NTC ISO 9001:2015 and as a final factor, the procedures that are most important within the organization were developed.
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    Diseño y viabilidad de un dashboard operacional basado en business intelligence en una empresa real de tecnología ubicada en Colombia
    Contreras-Hernandez, Daniel Esteban; Linares-Romero, Laura Liliana
    The All in One Solutions company currently faces a technological barrier with regarding the control of its operational metrics penalized by its client USA Wireless, Therefore, they have agreed to create an operational board that meets this need. corporate effectively allocating resources to the creation of the department of reporting, the software and the infrastructure necessary for its creation. However, I want do it with the lowest possible cost and with the respective planning and evaluation of the project viability. The purpose of this project is to evaluate, measure and verify the different factors. operational, financial and corporate that encompass this technological development from of business intelligence within the organization. In turn, the organization seeks enrich your operational news by implementing new processes and technologies to develop a better corporate image before potential clients from the international market.