Ingeniería Industrial
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Item Análisis de la asignación salarial para el diseño del manual de funciones del personal en las Unidades de Trabajo Legislativo en el Honorable Senado de la RepúblicaLópez-Sánchez, Angie Ximena; Ruiz González, Julio FaenzThe objective of this study is to analyze and determine if the current salary allocation for positions in the Legislative Work Units of the Senate of the Republic is consistent with the functions, tasks and responsibilities of each of the positions. To carry out this analysis, the information regarding the positions of assistant and advisor in national and international entities was taken into account, specifically, entities of the same magnitude in Latin America in order to evaluate and compare the functions and the required requirements, analyzing levels of experience and schooling, which were modified and recorded in the attached functions manual which additionally allowed to verify if the salaries were equitable with the functions by assessing the positions by the factor and point method. This method allowed us to analyze which positions received more or less income with respect to their functions and their importance in the Unit, thus determining which positions required modifications, in order to find a correlation between the score obtained and the salary received. The increases and decreases were made in an equitable manner in order to maintain the general budget which is determined for each Congressman under article 388 of the 5th law. The corresponding modifications generated a variation of $ 1,449,726, which generated an increase in attendees III, IV and V and a decrease for the same value between the positions of advisor I, VI and VII and assistant I.Item Análisis de opciones para el aumento de la capacidad de producción en la línea de enmangado termoencogible de MULTIDIMENSIONALES S.A.SBaez Castellanos, Ingrid Daniela; Romero, Giovanny; Zafra Rodríguez, AlejandroThe main objective of this work is to analyze two alternative solutions to a problem of unsatisfied demand for thermally shrink wrapped products of the company MULTIDIMENSIONALES S.A.S. Initially, a demand study will be carried out to demonstrate that the increase in demand is not temporary due to any promotion or for a special month, after it is determined whether or not this temporality occurs over the demand, the respective analysis for each alternative where a logistical, technical and financial study will be carried out. The logistic study will demonstrate the required import and export procedure with their respective costs. The technician corresponds to everything necessary to implement the two alternatives and the capital that would be needed for the technical part. The financial study will collect the information corresponding to the costs of the aforementioned studies and finally the respective recommendation will be made on the alternative to choose according to the results of the studies described above. For this, we counted on the collaboration of the marketing, demand planning, manufacturing and maintenance departments of the company MULTIDIMENSIONALES S.A.S.Item Análisis del impacto en la estructura de la cadena de suministro y en los hábitos de consumo del café procesado durante y post pandemia del COVID-19 en ColombiaMoreno-Pulido, Lizza Gineth; Moreno-Cárdenas, Karol Yineth; Meza Torres, Ricardo EfrénThe objective of this document is to carry out an analysis of the impact on the structure of the supply chain and on the consumption habits of processed coffee in Colombia during and after the Covid-19 pandemic, in order to determine results were the links most affected. To carry out this research, consultations were made in secondary information sources, likewise, a survey was carried out in order to know the possible changes in the consumption habits of the people who live in the city of Bogotá. For development, a characterization of the local supply chain of the coffee agroindustrial sector in Colombia was developed, establishing the necessary structure to consider the effects of the pandemic at each stage. The results indicate that the "consumers" link was the most affected due to the measures taken by the National Government to prevent the spread of the virus, taking into account that the establishments that sell coffee products closed, causing the consumer will adapt to the new conditions.Item Análisis económico del proceso de sustitución del abastecimiento de tazas para la sublimación procedentes de la China, destinadas a la industria de la publicidad en el sector de Ricaurte, mediante la adecuación de tazas de cerámica con poliéster liquido producidas en BogotáOrtiz-Benitez, Elizabeth; Moreno-López, Luisa Fernanda; Sánchez-Tovar, NolanIn this degree project the development of an economic analysis will be found, which describes a supply alternative for the advertising sector in Bogotá, through the adaptation of ceramic mugs with liquid polyester, produced in Bogotá. Faced with the current import of this product from China, through analysis of demand, supply, price analysis, the supply process, logistics and the transformation process, in order to provide the study of costs and investment and the comparison of these two supply processes. The study of supply and supply chains of companies is a fundamental element in the analysis of a certain economic activity. The redesign of supply chain networks starts from the consideration of aspects such as the concentration of suppliers and supply sources, the interconnectivity between them, and the dependence or ability to substitute a supplier (Campos, 2020).Item Aplicación de analítica y métrica en el Operador Logístico MCT S.A.S, con el propósito de incrementar la productividad y la competitividad, bajo los lineamientos del modelo de estándares internacionales SCORLombana-Molina, Michel Dahana; Pena-Galeano, Laura Dayana; Sánchez Tovar, NolanThis project is developed in the logistics operator MCT SAS, located in the municipality of Funza Cundinamarca, with the purpose of knowing and diagnosing the supply chain using the SCOR reference model. The SCOR model is made up of four phases, phase I called higher level is characterized by the identification of the processes that make up the supply chain, additionally in phase II or configuration level the activities with which the processes are carried out are determined, On the other hand, in phase III or level of process elements, the information flow is evidenced and the activities are broken down; additionally, in phase IV an improvement proposal is made. It is worth mentioning that throughout the development of the SCOR model methodology, attributes are proposed and metrics are identified; however, in this document phase I and II will be developed. Firstly, for the development of the model, the processes that are important for the company are identified by means of a flow chart and the application of the VSM (Value Stream Map). Then, the attributes are evaluated according to the indicators that the company manages and a board of indicators is created to diagnose the supply chain and the quality of the information managed by the company.Item Aplicación de la metodología Lean StartUp en la elaboración de casas para perros a base de cartón recicladoTello-Cárdenas, Angel Duvan; Cruz-Rodríguez, Brayan Andrés; Meza Torres, Ricardo EfrenThe main objective of this project is to apply the Lean Startup methodology for the production of dog houses based on recyclable products with the purpose of make a product that is to interest by people, achieves their real needs and creates liking and impact on the market. With the above will be done a characterization of the target client looking for patterns and datum that allow us identify people tendencies, once analyzing all the costumer aspect, dog houses will be produced based on recyclable carton, according to market needs make the all material selection process and prototype production, validate it in front of costumers, improve it according to customer feedback and define if the idea is restructured or is maintaining until getting a product that achieves real customer needs.Item Aplicación de un estudio de tiempos y movimientos en pro de la mejora de las operaciones del centro de distribución en la empresa MCT implementando herramientas de la filosofía Lean LogisticsGamba-Casallas, Laura Estefanía; Núñez-López, Andrea Carolina; Sánchez Tovar, NolanThe objective of this project is to carry out a study of times and movements in the company MCT SAS, a company belonging to the logistics and transport sector, located in Funza, Cundinamarca, taking into account that currently there is no proper control over loading and download and the activities associated with these such as waiting and transport times, which, accompanied by the use of Lean Logistic tools, will allow to determine wastes of time that detract from the final result of the operation and that could affect its correct operation and development; Additionally, it is intended to make improvement proposals that contribute to the improvement of the organization and its operations.Item Caracterización de los factores que afectan la competitividad en talleres de re-pintado automotriz en la ciudad de BogotáMurcia-Perez, Luisa Fernanda; Morales-Macana, Jenny Alexandra; Hoyos Trujillo, Manuel GuillermoThe central objective of the work is to determine the impact that internal factors have on the competitiveness of automotive repainting workshops. In order to carry out this identification, a series of surveys were carried out, field visits which resulted in the main problems that directly affect the competitiveness of the workshop, worker safety, high turnover, loss of raw materials or excess of using these, it was evidenced that by not continuing with the processes that are already standardized, reprocesses, guarantees are presented, which means that the client does not have a good image of the workshop and the quality of the materials. On the other hand, it is evident that, although the workshops seek to have highly reliable and qualified personnel, they do not have constant training about updates of the techniques or safety standards and the importance of the use of personal protection elementsItem Creación e implementación de controles operacionales en la empresa Integral Services Ltda. Ubicada en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. Utilizando como herramienta la cadena de valor de Porter y Lean logistics.Sánchez Triana, Jeisson Giovanni; Mendes Reina, FernandoThe following project presents a descriptive investigation about a series of shortcomings presented by a company located in the city of Bogotá called Integral Services Ltda. Which provides cleaning services, reception, locative maintenance and facades to horizontal properties. After a conversation with the management of the company, the investigation, analysis and intervention of the company's processes was approved as a result of a survey made to the clients, which reflected the nonconformity in the service rendered to them. The objective of the project is to present a proposal for improvement and applications of certain minimum standards for the provision of the company's service to customers. It is intended that the company improve its image regarding the quality of its service and in the organization that is held internally in the company; which helps to improve the efficiency in which all the positions involved execute their work in benefit of providing the best possible service to current and future clients. It is intended that the company improve its image regarding the quality of its service and in the organization that is held internally in the company; which helps to improve the efficiency in which all the positions involved execute their work in benefit of providing the best possible service to current and future clients. The process that is the backbone of the company is the provision of the service headed by the operations coordinator, which does not have a clear procedure on how to perform all its tasks and how to act in certain situations in the clients; there are no tools that help to control and verify the fulfillment of the work of the workers in mission.Item Desarrollar para la planta de joyería industrias Inca – Duprée una propuesta basada en lean manufacturing que permite incrementar la productividad manteniendo los estándares de calidadLaguna-Cañaveral, Cesar-Andrés; Cifuentes-Benítez, Adriana; González Bulla, John Jairo“Industrias Inca-Duprée” is one of the industries responsible for direct sales in which a large part of its market is dedicated to the production of jewelry distributed in the countries Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia and Guatemala. Its production model is based "on demand", which did not take into account that increasing demand generated delivery problems and operational cost overruns. The philosophy of Lean Manufacturing contains a set of techniques that improve the production system making it a model of high flexibility of demand compliance, lower costs and improve quality.Item Desarrollar una propuesta de manejo y control en la ubicación de material con el uso de Técnicas de almacenaje en el área de almacenamiento para minimizar la pérdida de material en una empresa fabricante de cartón corrugado.Cruz-Roa, Rigoberto; Rocha-Gonzalez, Jair EduardoThe purpose of this research project is to be of help by presenting an improvement proposal for the corrugated cardboard manufacturing company dedicated to the production of corrugated cardboard boxes with the purpose of minimizing the losses of material that are representative. To carry out this work, the historical base of the problems presented for the year 2021 was taken as a reference, where it is evident that the greatest cause of waste occurs in the storage area of both product in process and finished product. Through the operations analysis methodology, a detailed study of the storage area is carried out, showing that the main causes of material losses are due to the lack of an information system that allows traceability of the information in real time. and efficiently, this gives rise to excess movements, among others. Finally, an improvement proposal is developed that integrates an RFID coding system, implementation of racks that allow a better distribution of storage for which it allows a greater use of space, acquisition of plastic pallets that minimize the deterioration of corrugated cardboard and, for Lastly, a cost analysis that provides information on its viability.Item Desarrollo de una Aplicación Didáctica Educativa: Para Estudiantes de Ingeniería Industrial de la Uniagustiniana sobre Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo con la Herramienta ApphiveContreras-Garcés, María Alejandra; Linares-Romero, Laura LilianaThe study focuses on the development of an educational application aimed at Industrial Engineering students at Uniagustiniana, with the purpose of enhancing their knowledge in Occupational Health and Safety through the Apphive tool. A comprehensive survey was conducted among 55 students to identify their educational needs, revealing a gap between the perception of importance and the level of knowledge on the subject. The design process involved creating clear and functional interfaces, followed by the development of the application using Apphive and the production of complementary explanatory videos, generating interest among students. The initial assessment demonstrated the viability of the application, sparking significant interest among students. It is concluded that the application has the potential to improve its effectiveness and acceptance among the target audience. In summary, the study lays the groundwork for an effective educational tool in Occupation Health and Safety for Industrial Engineering students at Uniagustiniana.Item Desarrollo de una aplicación para gestionar las matrices de identificación y valoración de riesgos laborales mediante la herramienta Apphive para su eventual implementación en diversas organizacionesBorbón-Gómez, María Juliana; Linares-Romero, Laura LilianaThe central objective of this Project is to develop an application using the Apphive tool to manage the matrices of identification and assessment of occupational risks, with the aim of its subsequent implementation in various organizations. Crucial aspects such as the variables corresponding to the Colombian Technical Guide (GTC45) and the Methodology for the Identification of Hazards, Evaluation and Risk Assessment (IPEVR) have been identified. Based on this, an application has been created that facilitates generating these matrices more efficiently, leading to cost and time reduction. Additionally, it provides risk levels and recommendations to address the hazards present either in the company or in these processes. As a result, a functional application is obtained that assists the user in documenting and evidencing the occupational risks present in an organization, thus promoting occupational safety and compliance with regulations, which improves the work environment and operational productivityItem Diagnóstico del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en la empresa Blink spa.Arias Gutierrez, Daniela; Camacho Camacho, HernandoAccess to the needs in the progress and improvement of the national industry in accordance with the management systems and the security of competitiveness, this study proposed the diagnosis of the management system of safety and health at work in the company. Spa, where with the support of the current legislation of decree 1072 of 2015 and the ISO 45001 of 2018, against the requirements demanded by the Colombian regulations, the risk analysis is carried out in the organization by means of a sociodemographic survey and of felt morbidity, an initial study based on the baseline, hazard and vulnerability matrix and an audit under the ISO 19011/2012 standard, in order to promote awareness in the company and anticipate occupational risk.Item Diseñar la propuesta de valor para la formulación de un proyecto social que permita implementar equipamientos biosaludables para personas en condición de discapacidad en silla de ruedas en un parque de bolsillo de la ciudad de Bogotá.Leal-Celis, Karen Alexandra; Rozo-Olaya, Jair Alejandro; Franco Rubio, Juan PabloThe document seeks to understand the needs of people in wheelchairs who, due to their physical fitness, operate avoiding problems for access, use and enjoyment of free time in small pocket parks, as well as in the metropolitan parks of the city of Bogotá, where the restrictions or limitations are the day to day that prevent the development of a physical activity by those people with disabilities, which in turn generates frustrations before, during and after wanting to try to solve some type of activity without having Count the negative results by developing it. Through a semi-structured survey it is possible to know the needs and the great impact it represents for society, as it is also achieved Under what is described by (Osterwalder "et al.", 2014) in generating business models and designing value propositions, design a value proposition where the user profile fit with the value map, additionally apply the CANVAS method to structure the integration strategies of user relationships.Item Diseño conceptual de la planificación del sistema de gestión de seguridad vial ISO 39001 para operador troncal en Transmilenio S.A.Beltran-Bejarano, Michael Yesid; Vargas-Pisco, Mario Esteban; Manuel Guillermo Hoyos TrujilloDue to the high accident rate in the Transmilenio mass public passenger transport service in its trunk component, the planning of the road safety management system is designed, where, through an analysis and standards guided by the ISO 39001 standard, identify the key aspects of intervention of private organizations such as the analysis of the internal and external context, the interested parties, the risks and opportunities for the improvement of the results and the determination of performance factors that in their application allow to intervene in a way timely and effective so that in this way, accident events on the road are prevented and reduced.Item Diseño conceptual de un modelo de gestión RCM para una empresa de catering aéreo.Sotelo Riaño, Arbi Yadir; Hoyos Trujillo, Manuel GuillermoCatering as a service provider must be highlighted by the quality of its production processes, each of the areas that make up this organization must be aligned to the fulfillment of the organizational objective that is the delivery of a service in optimal conditions, with respect to to this objective the maintenance area of the catering company has a problem in the management of maintenance because there is no model that guarantees the fulfillment of the internal objectives within the area, focused on the maintenance of the assets. The lack of a maintenance management model has led to the presence of problems between the different areas since the guidelines for programming and executing the activities that have to be focused on reliability are not followed. Within the development of the work will present the different elements that are part of operational reliability focused on maintenance with respect to each of the elements, will develop a management model based on the four perspectives that have the Balanced Scorecard tool, which allows the creation and implementation of indicators (KPI`s), for the measurement and traceability in the management model that will be developed.Item Diseño Conceptual de una estrategia Marketing Digital que se enfoque en las pymes de la UPZ 46 (Castilla-Villa Alsacia)Porras-Díaz, Johana PorrasThis degree work arises from the idea of helping the PYMES of UPZ 46 to be more competitive and productive, since it was noted that as a result of the Covid-19 phenomenon, many of the PYMES presented too many problems since they sales decreased radically, the country's economy also had a decline since the GDP and different factors have affected it; leading many of the PYMES to disappear and to increase unemployment rates, where the distribution of the country's wealth was paralyzed by issues of confinement and pandemic. It was also noted that PYMES throughout history have flaws in terms of their competitiveness and productivity, especially the Digital Marketing strategy was created as a response to these problems, generating a business relationship of PYMES of UPZ 46 (Castilla - Villa Alsacia), where they are able to join forces to improve their distribution channels, customer loyalty and optimization of times since technology will be used as it is in this case a conceptual design of the Letoup APP. generate strategies such as events and APP promotions to attract new customers and retain them, PYMES will be able to control the order route.Item Diseño de información documentada del sistema de gestión de calidad de la empresa de software basados en los requisitos de la NTC ISO 9001:2015Jimenez-Lombana, Yuri Marcela; Ramirez-Leon, Jeisson Javier; Talero Parra, Adriana del PilarThe purpose of this graduation project is to design a quality management system based on the requirements documented of the NTC ISO 9001: 2015. Descriptive research is used for the development and the first stage is to apply a self-assessment of the organization, which allows identifying compliance with the documented information requirements of NTC ISO 9001: 2015, as a result, the sections that are not in accordance with the standard were identified. In order to comply with the objectives of the graduation project documentation that is in accordance with the needs of the organization is designed and its structure according to the requirements established in the sections of NTC ISO 9001: 2015 where it specifies clearly the need to maintain and control the documented information as support for the processes or objective evidence to the development of activities such as the following sections: Quality management system, steps to identify risks and opportunities, evaluation of performance, customer satisfaction, and taking corrective actions or continuous improvement, which will generate a significant impact on the software company and reverberates to certification in ISO 9001: 2015.Item Diseño de la documentación del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad, basado en la norma NTC ISO 9001: 2015, para la empresa “Afin S.A Comisionista de bolsa”.Gómez-Martínez, Camila Andrea; Quiroga-Cubillos, Angie Eliana; López Castaño, María EsperanzaThe need for continuous improvement in Colombian companies leads them to generate projects that help strengthen the search for tools that improve their processes, products and services in order to meet customer needs. One of these tools is the documentation of the Quality Management System based on the NTC ISO 9001: 2015 standard. It is noteworthy that much of the success in the implementation of a Quality Management System can be based on the preparation of documentation. In this sense, this documentation is useful to demonstrate to a certifying entity that the company meets the requirements of the standard to be able to obtain the certificate, in addition to this it can reinforce and contribute to classify and normalize the execution of the company's operations. The main objective of this work is to design and prepare the documentation for the Quality Management System of the company Afin S.A based on the requirements established in the NTC ISO 9001: 2015 standard and for this purpose some objectives were established that allowed systematically achieve this purpose