Especialización en Gerencia Estratégica del Talento Humano

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    Importancia del área de Talento Humano en cuanto a la rotación de personal y ambiente laboral de la empresa Jacora S.A.S
    Arias-Suaza, Lizeth Fernanda; Barrios-Pacheco, Elit Farid; Pedraza-Arevalo, Angie Caterine; Quiñones-Chavez, Dayanna Paola; Benavides.Ortiz, Diana Janneth
    This study addresses the importance of the Human Resources (HR) department in JACORA S.A.S and its relationship with employee turnover. It begins with a national economic analysis revealing underlying causes such as unemployment and high costs associated with hiring. Emphasis is placed on the significance of strategic HR management in creating a healthy work environment and achieving corporate goals. The research focuses on JACORA S.A.S, which is facing internal tensions due to the absence of an HR department.The research problem aims to understand how HR management influences employee turnover and the quality of labor relations. A fourmonth research process is proposed, focusing on employees with less than one year of tenure. The methodology includes a diagnosis of the current situation, identification of causes, development and implementation of retention strategies, measurement and monitoring, promotion of organizational culture and leadership, and continuous evaluation.
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    Tendencias y desafíos en la retención de auxiliares de cocina en la frutería Caffrut, para el primer semestre de 2024
    Cordoba-Tapias, Javier Andres; Lemus-Diaz, Jose Wenceslao; Benavides-Ortiz, Diana Janneth
    This research project is justified by the analysis carried out at the Caffrut S.A.S fruit store, which revealed a staff turnover rate of 42.85% among kitchen assistants during the year 2023. This alarming trend raises the need to understand its underlying causes. The importance of generating a deep immersion in the continuous rotation of this company's collaborators lies in the current concern of the management process at Caffrut S.A.S, given the significant economic effort required to satisfy the needs of the two actors in this process; employees and customers, promoting positive impacts on the environment, culture, and organizational climate. Furthermore, the economic implications of high turnover rates in the hospitality sector are substantial, considering the considerable investments made in recruiting and training employees, which may be threatened by attractive offers from competitors. Recognizing the economic impact of the HORECA (Hotels, Restaurants and Casinos) sector in Colombia highlights the importance of this study, with its significant contribution to national GDP and employment rates, particularly among young and female workers.
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    Experiencia del candidato en LHR Américas: estrategias para atraer y retener a los mejores talentos (agosto 2023 - abril 2024)
    Cabrera-Jimenez, Diana Yasmin; Bernal-Quevedo, Michelle Alejandra María; Higuera-Calderón, Patricia; Alarcón-Mejía, Orlando; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz Katherine
    During the period from August 2023 to April 2024, the company LHR Americas located in the city of Bogota, allowed the team to provide support with the aim of improving the candidate's experience in the selection process and at the same time strengthening the employer brand through the acquisition and implementation of the ATS software "Teamtailor”, which made it possible to streamline the process and attract the best talent. Likewise, various strategies were implemented to optimize each stage of recruitment, from the initial application to successful onboarding through surveys. These initiatives allowed for the simplification of application forms, assertive, clear and transparent communication with candidates, integration of technology to improve efficiency and personalization of the candidate experience. These changes not only improved the perception of the company among applicants, but also captivated highly qualified candidates, thus cementing LHR Americas' reputation as an employer of choice.
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    Análisis de causas de rotación en una empresa de abastecimiento del sector salud durante un periodo de cinco meses entre los años 2023 y 2024
    Silva-Arias, María Camila; Perea-Montes, Chay; Lagunas-Pinzón, Aura María; Elles-Jaramillo, Simón; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz Katherine
    This research project focuses on examining the causes of the high turnover rate experienced by Medife S.A.S., a company dedicated to the supply of inputs for the health sector, during a fivemonth period between 2023 and 2024. A qualitative action research methodology is used, using semistructured interviews as the main means of data collection. The target population consists of employees who left the company during the aforementioned period, with a nonprobabilistic sample of 73.6%. The data obtained is analyzed by categorization with the objective of identifying the key factors contributing to employee turnover. The purpose of this project is to provide knowledge to improve talent retention in the company and serve as a basis for future research on this topic.
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    Propuesta de incorporación de la perspectiva de inclusión laboral a personas en condición de discapacidad para la metodología de levantamiento de perfiles aplicada en Colombia para el año 2024
    Reyes-Bachiller, Juan Daniel; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz Katherine
    The processes of labor inclusion of people with disabilities or functional diversity in Colombian organizational contexts have been little explored from the organizational design and strategic planning, denoting research gaps. It became necessary to structure a methodology of labor inclusion for this population, using a method of job profiling with a perspective of diverse capacities, guaranteeing the labor inclusion of this population, promoting the fulfillment of their rights, ratified by Colombia in 2009. It involved a qualitative research of exploratory and documentary type, with synthetic and inductive methods. The documentary research yielded eleven related texts, of which one met the inclusion criteria as a reference for the structured methodology. This materialized as a heptalog that includes: the design of a policy, the structuring of a committee, an internal assessment, the establishment of a program, the identification of positive measures, the implementation of design strategies or adjustment to job profiles, the creation of new hiring and training routes. It also considered the development of an organizational educational program in this methodology. The need to make epistemological and organizational transformations towards inclusion was reflected upon. It was concluded that it is possible to provide methodological and educational strategies for the inclusion of this population, demonstrating that it is possible to adapt the forms of job development towards inclusion in the Colombian context. Finally, it was recommended to give continuity to these research perspectives encouraging these perspectives of inclusion and diversity.
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    Documento técnico para el desarrollo de una herramienta tecnológica como fortalecimiento al proceso de evaluación del desempeño laboral dirigido a los empleados nombrados en provisionalidad en la Superintendencia de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios – SSPD para el año 2023
    Gil-Sierra, Luz-Mery; Gutiérrez-Gómez, Yessica-Rocío; Torres-Medina, María-Camila; Rueda-Prieto, Natalia; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz-Katerine
    Public entities at the national level with administrative career systems must evaluate the job performance of their employees, including those on career tracks and employees on probation, but not those appointed provisionally. Despite this, the Administrative Department of Public Service states that entities can evaluate provisional employees using instruments designed for this purpose, without granting them career rights. In light of the above, the following research will be applied at the Superintendence of Public Utility Services and is focused on constructing a technical document for the development of a technological tool to strengthen the job performance evaluation process aimed at provisionally appointed employees. For the development of this work, a review of two hundred and three (203) formats was conducted, which are applied by the Superintendence for the job performance evaluation process, using a qualitative, descriptive approach methodology, which allowed identifying the most common errors, such as incomplete information, lack of evidence registration, loss of agreed commitments, among other significant failures. According to the findings, it was identified that the entity should consider the implementation of a technological tool for the application of job performance evaluations for provisionally appointed employees, in order to achieve timely monitoring of the evaluation process and ensure the data generated in the measurement regarding the performance of the employees.
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    Estrategia de bienestar y capacitación para fomentar la fidelización a la organización en empresa de prestación del servicio integral de aseo y servicios complementarios proyección para el año 2023
    Lozano-Varela, Leidy Karina; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz Katherine
    The main objective of this document was to propose a welfare and training strategy to a company providing comprehensive toilet service, having as its source and information base different activities previously carried out within the company and the personnel who were part of it in 2022 such as surveys of personnel who decided to resign, surveys of work climate, performance evaluations, including this information for the year 2022, the previous thing arose as a result of the identification that the company did not have a proposal or plan of training and well-being that aimed to give fulfillment to the requirements in the different norms and also to identify a number of important withdrawal in the support charges company as are collection assistants, operators.
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    Análisis de tendencias efectivas de retención de personal para aplicar en empresas bogotanas en el año 2023
    Ortiz-Ibañez, Jazmin; Chogo-Santana, Karen Lorena; Reyes-Betancur, Claudia Marcela; Espinosa-Cuervo, Sandra Stefania; Parra-León, Nydia
    Currently, there are changes in the business environment, forcing organizations to reinvent themselves and counteract paradigms in human talent management. Some companies have successfully retained their staff, while others face difficulties due to turnover or resignations, so one of the main challenges organizations encounter is employee retention, for this reason, it becomes a significant challenge for the human resources area to contribute to the implementation of strategies that minimize employee turnover and ensure job stability. The objective of this research is to identify the most recurring reasons influencing employee turnover and, concurrently, to highlight trends implemented by other companies that have proven effective in retention, enabling those companies to achieve brand positioning, competitiveness, profitability, and recognition in the labor market, leading to cost reduction and increased productivity in the workplace.
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    Estrategias para la retención del personal orientado a disminuir la rotación de la empresa Américas BPS durante el año 2023
    Malfitano-Cárdenas, Cristian Leonardo; Doncel-Castro, Andrea Milena; Reatiga -Carreño, Ingrid Katerine; Velasquez-Turga, Jennifer Catherine; Parra-León, Nydia
    In this work we will carry out the identification and analysis of the main causes that generate high personnel turnover in the Américas BPS Company during the last quarter of 2023. In order to obtain the required data, tools such as surveys and interviews will be used that reflect the current situation of the company to subsequently generate conclusions and recommendations that can mitigate the impact of the constant change of collaborators. Personnel turnover causes loss of economic resources in the company since hiring expenses such as medical examinations, affiliations, training, etc. arise, and it also represents work overload for the personnel who carry out these processes. Within this work, it will also be possible to demonstrate the level of satisfaction that the collaborators have with the conditions provided by the company and whether they meet the expectations and real needs of the collaborators. It is important to keep in mind that the company's human resources are one of the main factors for it to be in constant growth and to obtain the desired results. For this reason, it is necessary to know the main characteristics of the population and thus establish strategies that are consistent with their own needs
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    Análisis de los beneficios de las nuevas tecnologías implementadas al proceso de reclutamiento de personal a partir del Covid-19 en grandes empresas colombianas en el 2023
    Bareño-Pinzón, Laura Natalia; Orjuela-Garzón, Paula Katalina; Pinzón-Galeano, Fabio Andrés; Parra-León, Nydia
    This document analyzes the benefits of the new technologies implemented in the personnel recruitment process as of Covid-19 in large Colombian companies in 2023. Thus, the evolution of the recruitment process is briefly described, making known the new technological tools to be implemented, and the virtual scenario where large Colombian companies operate; as well as the main benefits of the adaptation of these technologies to the recruitment process in postpandemic times are mentioned. For the purpose of the research, the bibliographic matrix was applied as a data collection instrument under the qualitative methodological approach, and through the descriptive scope, the general and the specific objectives were answered; for this, fifteen research or academic documents were selected with special emphasis on the contribution that each article provides to the current research, relating them to the stated objectives. Subsequently, the results were analyzed, and explained in the context of the study’s approach regarding the implementation of new technologies to the recruitment process based on the relevant literature obtained through documentary review, evidencing the broad scope of talent, the efficiency in the preselection of candidates and the automation of administrative tasks. Concluding that these advances have proven to be fundamental in a constantly evolving labor world, they allow reaching candidates in a faster and more effective way in a virtual environment.
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    Propuesta para la creación del departamento de Talento Humano en la empresa Movilidad Futura S.A.S en la ciudad de Popayán
    Rodríguez-Pinzón, Jeraldinne; Calderón-Silva, Johanna Cristina; Guiza-García, Ludy Karina; Bermúdez-Chávez, Pablo Andrés; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz Katherine
    Human talent is currently considered the most important tool for organizations, there are strategies, ways and methods of work, which promote personal and organizational commitment, in search of common welfare evidenced in the growth and positioning of the company within a competitive market, therefore, this research proposes the creation of the department of human talent with staff for the company MOBILIDAD FUTURA S.A.S. of the city of Popayán, which serves as strategic manager of public passenger transportation in this territorial entity, knowing that there are, as in all companies, problems of an administrative or financial nature that cause delays in the processes or setbacks in the execution of plans and projects, it is intended to sensitize the mayor's office of Popayán by presenting a project with its respective manual of functions that allows the hiring of at least one staff person for the area of human talent, dedicated to the specific functions of the processes of recruitment, selection, hiring, training and welfare of personnel, ensuring compliance with the plans and policies that are implemented, since, after the development, it is evident that such creation will allow the organization to give continuity to the processes, minimizing turnover and possible leakage of valuable human talent for the company; The management is socialized and the written document is submitted for a new socialization, since there are limitations for the implementation due to the change of administration as a result of the departmental and municipal elections.
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    Comunicación entre areas en pro de la mejora en los procesos de Tracto Génesis S.A.S.
    Correa-León, Paula-Alejandra; Galeano-Duarte, Lina-Dayana; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz-Katherine
    The present work allows to identify communication failures between the different areas within the company Tracto Genesis S.A.S after its unexpected growth in the year 2021, which allows to carry out an investigation that helps to identify the changes that this requires and allows to establish a side of improvement in the communication between the different areas of the company to generate a strategic change in the operating processes that will help the productivity, efficacy and effectiveness in the performance of the activities of the organization. To carry out the improvements, a series of new activities are generated within the process map that was previously developed within the company and is currently being implemented within the company. all in order to have a better development of the activities in view of that the company every day has a greater growth.
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    Modelo de formación y capacitación para fortalecer las habilidades técnicas y sociales de los colaboradores de la empresa Green Travel DMC en la sede Bogotá durante el primer semestre del año 2023
    Caicedo-León, Omaira; González-Casas, Michael German; Verano-Verano, Luis Fernando; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz Katherine
    Through the human resources area and the processes that arise from there, objectives are set to strengthen the capacities that all employees need, the training and training models contribute to developing the work in a more specialized way, for which they require training periods. depending on the area in which improvement must be made, since human resources are the most important factor in the execution of tasks and the creation of strategic plans, so reinforcing knowledge or implementing new ones contributes to the professional growth of the company, social skills are They are related to promoting the integral development of work teams as well as motivating the behavior of people and this is reflected in the use of time optimizing response times, technical skills correspond to the use of tools to develop a specific task , these are essential for the development of profesional according to the position must be carried out to the permanent updating of the new forms of production.
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    Rotación de personal en la empresa Conalejos en el año 2021, impactos y consecuencias
    Rojas-Naranjo, María Paulina; Leguizamón-Cardona, Liliana Andrea; Suárez-Riasco, Alicia; Guerrero-López, Ángela Rocío; Parra-León, Nidia
    The main objective of this research work is to determine the factors that cause the turnover of personnel in the company Conalejos BPO, this study was taken with a current plant of workers of 700 people where they were applied a structured questionnaire with a rating scale, Agree, Disagree, Does not apply. The purpose is to identify within their functions which is the cause that generates the atertion of the person and for them through an organizational climate survey 6 dimensions were divided: HR Management, Working Conditions, Job Satisfaction and Motivation, Leadership, Communication, Work at Home. Where as a result it was obtained that a good organizational climate is evidenced in the Conalejo BPO campaign, giving results greater than 80% of agreement in the different items consulted. The dimension of communication and leadership stand out. However, the human resources area must provide more information on payroll processes and more recognition of people in front of their work and seniority.
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    Rotación de personal en el sector Pamicultor en el departamento de Casanare municipio de Orocue periodo 2019 -2020
    Fernández-Piragua, Yuli Andrea; Pinto-Alarcón, Blanca Lilia; Esquivel-González, María de los Ángeles; León-Parra, Nidya
    This research project analyzes the causes that lead to the high turnover of personnel in the palm growing sector in the department of Casanare, taking into account that the majority of the employed population is foreign personnel, which implies low local employability in agricultural and agronomic work, for the development of this research, 20 surveys were applied to the operating personnel of tasks such as pruning, harvest, chemical plating, pollination among other tasks, The result of this research method gave us the result that what generates the greatest impact when leaving the workplace in this palm-growing sector on workers is the family situation ( being away from their families for a long time causing breakups, complications are their children, dependents, among others) generating pressure and tension in them, but also this cause is directly related to poor wages (badly paid wages), delays in your payments directly affecting the economic situation (support), of their families. This additional investigation presents a robust structure based on the results of the characterization of surveys carried out by the human resources area of one of the companies in the palm growing sector in the department of Casanare, where the results were analyzed and alternative solutions were proposed in favor of the improvement of the working conditions of the sector oriented to the implementation and fulfillment of policies of hiring and inclusion of local labor.
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    Influencia que tienen las relaciones laborales en el estrés del trabajador y como esto coacciona su productividad
    Daza-Riapira, Liliana; Medina-González, Brenda Tatiana; Rodríguez-Carrillo, Carlos Andrés; Parra-León, Nydia
    The objective of this work is to identify and be able to analyze the characteristic stress levels that occur in organizations.The consequences of working in a bad work environment are not beneficial for any of the members of an organization, stress is an adaptive phenomenon of beings Human beings that contributes greatly to their survival, to an adequate performance in their activities and an effective performance in many spheres of life. What is negative is that these experiences are excessive, uncontrolled and uncontrollable. Lazarus and Folkman (1986) argue that stress arises when there is an imbalance between the demands of the environment and the person's resources. From the organizational point of view in the world of the company, the results and organizational effectiveness are evaluated in terms of economic benefits, however, generally in companies there is no concern about measuring the negative consequences that these variables have on people, they affect the individual well-being: environmental conditions, type of work, social relationships, roles played, promotion systems or management style, we will put into practice knowledge acquired by conducting surveys on the related topic as well as conducting analyzes, consequences , recommendations and everything related to work stress and how it coerces you in your day to day.
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    Factores que influyen en el abandono de cargo de los trabajadores de la constructora Tenco S.A., de la obra Kunava en la ciudad de Villavicencio-Meta durante el año 2021
    Meneses-Ríos, Marley Ofeimer; Ruiz-Duran, Jeimmy Alejandra; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz Katherine
    The construction sector represents a high rate of hiring in Colombia "according to figures provided by the DANE, the construction sector has generated more than one million jobs, thus breaking a record and having a greater number of labor linkages with respect to 2020, with a total of 142,000 more people employed" (, 2021). Therefore, construction is one of the sectors with the highest demand for employment in Colombia and constitutes a significant source of direct and indirect employment, significantly boosting the country's economy. According to the Dane for the first quarter (January-March) of 2019, 1,397 thousand people were employed in the Construction branch; of these 87.8% were located in the capitals (1,226 thousand people) and 12.2% (171 thousand people) in populated centers and dispersed rural areas. (Dane, 2019), and, the third quarter of 2021, Villavicencio's informality rate was 58.8%, placing it above the result of the rest of the 13 areas (46.4%) (Planeacion, 2021, p. 4). Therefore, Villavicencio increased by 15.7% between the third quarter of 2020 and the third quarter of 2021, in contrast to the other cities that had a 13.4%, with the city of Villavicencio having a higher level of increase in employability in this last year. Now, although the construction industry has a great impact in generating employment, it is also a rather unstable sector for various reasons such as: working conditions, salaries and temporary employment, and others, so many of these workers are permanently looking for other job options where they can find better working conditions, leaving a gap in the organizations that represents costs, time and setbacks in administrative issues. Thus, this research aims to identify the factors that influence the abandonment of positions of the workers of the construction company Tenco S.A., of the Kunava construction site in the city of Villavicencio-Meta during the year 2021 and thus generate an intervention plan to reduce the abandonment of positions and staff turnover.
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    Importancia de la Existencia e Implementación de un Plan de Bienestar e Incentivos como Herramienta Fundamental para la Motivación Laboral en la Empresa PSQ S.A.S
    Guerrero-Gonzalez, Brayan-Steven; Acosta-Duarte, Diana-Carolina; Garcia-Peña, Lady-Johanna; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz-Katherine
    The project was created with the objective of verifying the importance of the existence and implementation of a welfare and incentive plan as a fundamental tool for work motivation in the company PSQ SAS in Bogotá, posing the research question: What actions should be developed in a social welfare and incentive plan that provides greater motivation to the workers of this company? In the theoretical and empirical review, related variables were identified such as job permanence, social welfare and incentive plan activities, organizational climate, recreational and cultural activities, leadership styles, emotional expression, and psychological distancing from work, directly involved in the perception of well-being and work motivation. Based on a mixed methodology, an instrument composed of 16 items was applied, 14 of them quantitative and 2 qualitative, thus determining that in order to keep the human talent motivated within the company, actions of social recognition, gratification, identification, and approach of interests and motivations of a personal nature, involving the family and personal projections, as well as working on organizational climate, leadership styles, organizational orientation and management of human talent, should be carried out. It is suggested that senior management promote activities, family inclusion, and support with other entities or agreements that do not generate extra costs, achieving job stability and management focused on workers.
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    Estrés laboral y el liderazgo en adultos jóvenes en edades entre los 25 y 35 años
    Malaver-Prieto, Anderson-Stiven; Velasco-Lopez, Allison-Juliana; González-García, María-Ximena; Rodríguez-López, Rocío-DelPilar; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz-Katherine
    Occupational stress is a very important issue, because it can cause multiple effects and consequences on the worker, such as: decreased performance and alterations in physical and mental health. The current literature concerning occupational stress provides insight into identifying the causes, consequences and factors related to work stress, with a focus on analyzing the impact that this has on the leadership of young adults between 25 to 35 years of age. Taking into account the theoretical references, the topics of: concept, causes, and consequences of work stress, leadership styles and work performance are addressed. The present investigation was carried out under the quantitative research model, using a 26-question survey as a method of collecting information, which was designed taking the research objectives as a reference. The sample is made up of 40 employees of two companies in the tourism sector of Bogotá. According to the results obtained, evidence shows that the population presents high levels of stress associated with causes such as relationships with peers and leaders, excessive workload and perception of limited support from their immediate boss. As a consequence, there is a lack of work life balance, health effects such as insomnia, headaches and muscle pain; likewise, factors related to the alteration of behavior such as anguish and decrease in their productivity and motivation.
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    Influencia de la Inteligencia Emocional en la tasa de rotación de la empresa Atento S.A. en el periodo de marzo-agosto de 2022
    Martinez-Nanez, Cristian-Julian; Pinzon-Gomez, Maira-Alejandra; Garzon-Calvo, Olga-Lucía; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz-Katherin
    The present investigative work is based on identifying how emotional intelligence influences the variation of the turnover rate of the company Atento S.A. in the period between March and August 2022, it seeks to categorize the different reasons for voluntary resignations and thus determine what percentage occupies each of the types of turnover, from this it is expected to determine if the emotional factor is influential in the discharge voluntary turnover rate in the company; therefore, a review of some texts is made and how the evolution of work models over time begin to manage the concept of EI (emotional intelligence) as a transcendental factor for the development and permanence of workers within the company