Especialización en Gerencia Estratégica del Talento Humano
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Item Plan de mejora del Bienestar Laboral en el área administrativa de la empresa Servicios Complementarios en Logística SASOcampo-Jimenez, Yvette Irene; Parra-León, NydiaThe purpose of this work was to propose to the company a new model of labor welfare that allows improving the quality of life at work of the collaborators of the company Servicios Complementarios en Logística SAS, for this purpose a survey focused on the measurement of the Organizational Climate was used as a measurement tool to have the perception of the living conditions of the workers and also to inquire about the needs, tastes and preferences of each of the members of the company.Item Análisis del Índice elevado de rotación de personal en la organización Soluciones Omega S.A, en el Municipio de Mosquera, Cundinamarca durante el año 2020González-Páramo, Denisse Mariana; Torres-Ortiz, Diana Marcela; Muñoz-Romero, Jullieth Tatiana; Ávila-González, Lina Julieth; Parra-León, NydiaEmployee turnover is one of the main factors in which human resources departments focus their efforts in order to reduce it or prevent it, as this represents mainly cost in the processes of the organization. That's why trace back principal causes in the employees turnover has become a priority for the managers in the organizations. The research is looking to analyze the causes of employee turnover at Soluciones Omega S.A, a company located in Mosquera, Cundinamarca in Colombia, The data analysis was provided by the organization itself, as a survey that gives the employees before retirement. with the elements provided before A mixed research was conducted combine quantitative and qualitative methods, after applying some filters in the categorization of employees turn overs it concludes that Personal Problems, Contract termination, Another Job Offer, Work Environment with colleagues, Problems with bosses, Safety and Health at work, Change of city, Demotivation , Adaptation to Work, Transportation and Salary are the causes that most affect employees at Omega. and these has to be the key point the company should measure in the future for minimize employee turnoverItem Diseño del programa de formación para la prevención de sustancias psicoactivas de acuerdo con los resultados de la evaluación de las causa-efecto del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en el ámbito laboral y extralaboral en el personal de la empresa Línea Estratégica SASRamírez-Parra, Flor Inés; Gómez-Aristizábal, Edith Julieta; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz KatherineWorldwide, the abuse of psychoactive substances is considered one of the most serious public health problems, which must be intervened from all possible angles (social, family and work). In the present degree work we will focus on the labor scope, branch of interest and application in the exercise of the Occupational Health and Safety profession. It is noteworthy that in the working population and society in general the consumption of psychoactive substances (SPA) has a high prevalence that has repercussions on the work environment, generating work-related accidents, multiple diseases, including memory disorders, aggressiveness, fatigue, work-related disabilities, absenteeism, poor performance, among others). Therefore, the need to implement a policy in the world of work is evident, to minimize and prevent occupational risks derived from the consumption of psychoactive substances, through prevention programs that contribute and guide the approach of the problem in the affected workers.Item Factores limitantes para la inserción laboral de la última década en ColombiaBarrios Garcia, Juan Manuel; Romero Casallas, Angélica Johana; Grandas Ortiz, Jennifer Alexandra; Valero Martínez, Vivian Nataly; Parra León, NydiaThe main objective of this document was to determine the limiting factors for job placement in the last decade in Colombia, based on the documentary review, which included the quest, recovery, analysis, and interpretation of secondary data and electronic sources. Based on this review was possible to determine that there are various limiting factors in Colombia associated with cultural, political, social, and economic conditions, which over time have had an impact on situations of inequality and discrimination. The factors that stand out the most for this research were gender and age. For these factors, an analysis of the causes was carried out, as well as a contextualization of the problem and the exposition of a series of situations in which these inequalities are evidenced based on the statistics of the last ten years. Despite the fact that progress has been made in terms of labor equality and equity, this progress has not been enough to overcome the limitations faced by people in the workplace. On the other hand, it was indicated that labor equity and the elimination of gender and age barriers bring positive transformations in terms of opportunities, quality of life, and cultural and economic context. Finally, the conclusions, recommendations and challenges which the entire State should bet on the subject are presented.Item Análisis del cumplimiento de protocolos del MIPG en INDERBA, como herramienta estratégica para el adecuado desarrollo de la entidad pública en la ciudad de Barrancabermeja en el año 2021Baeza-Alvear, Daicy Xiomara; Jimenez-Moreno, Diana Milena; Parra-Leon, NydiaIn the following project, the reader will find the final product that was fed day after day through each learning obtained in each of the tutorials and courses convened by the teacher and conducted by us in order to analyse and monitor compliance with the MIPG in the Entity of the Institute for the Promotion of Sport, Recreation, Use of Free Time and the Physical Education of Barrancabermeja – INDERBA. It includes an analysis of the different dimensions of the MIPG and the levels of compliance with cross-cutting policies, bearing in mind that the MIPG is a reference framework that enables it to direct, plan, monitor and evaluate the management of the entity, with the aim of generating results that meet the action plans, annual management plans and development plans. This is to guarantee the rights of all public employees of the entity and satisfaction of Social Welfare during their stay. At the same time, a survey and an interview were conducted that allowed us to know the different opinions of some of the people working at the entity, taking primary data for the analysis of the project and concluding that INDERBA is an entity that needs to strengthen some of the dimensions of the MIPG, by which it’s evident that 100% of the protocols stipulated in the same one weren’t complied with.Item Factores que inciden en la permanencia laboral del área de logística en Permoda Ltda.Vega-Ramirez, Jennyfer Alejandra; Arango-Londoño, Gloria Katherine; Parra-Leon, NydiaThe collaborators in the companies comply a fundamental factor in their growth and sustainability, considering that an adequate administration and performance of talent are important to achieve the objectives set by the companies. Having a high staff turnover represents an increase in costs that are linked to the administrative processes of income, withdrawals and search for new talents, as well as intangible costs that are represented in the training of employees and adaptation to the culture. Flores, Abreu, & Badii (2008) citing Chiavenato (2007) say that: Staff turnover is involved with primary and secondary costs. Primary costs are the investments made by the company to hire staff to fill vacancies, and secondary costs are what the company allocates during the time the vacancy is filled. The replacement costs of human resources are: costs of recruitment, selection, training and job termination. (P.72) The constant changes that are generated in the environment, the globalization of markets and the development of technology means that companies are constantly changing with the aim of adapting and responding to customer requests, in this adaptation process the Employees play an important role and it is also necessary for organizations to have programs aimed at providing satisfaction to workers and this impacts productivity. Flores et. to the. (2008) say that "behind excessive labor turnover lies demotivation, discontent, job dissatisfaction and this in turn is influenced by a set of aspects linked in many cases to insufficient Human Resources management." (P.65)Item Comunicación entre areas en pro de la mejora en los procesos de Tracto Génesis S.A.S.Correa-León, Paula-Alejandra; Galeano-Duarte, Lina-Dayana; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz-KatherineThe present work allows to identify communication failures between the different areas within the company Tracto Genesis S.A.S after its unexpected growth in the year 2021, which allows to carry out an investigation that helps to identify the changes that this requires and allows to establish a side of improvement in the communication between the different areas of the company to generate a strategic change in the operating processes that will help the productivity, efficacy and effectiveness in the performance of the activities of the organization. To carry out the improvements, a series of new activities are generated within the process map that was previously developed within the company and is currently being implemented within the company. all in order to have a better development of the activities in view of that the company every day has a greater growth.Item Factor de riesgo psicosocial en la vida laboral de las servidoras judiciales del Municipio de Florencia en el año 2020, ocasionado por el trabajo en casa por el COVID19Caro-Rodríguez, Sandra Milena; De La Rosa-Rudas, Aracelis Marina; Rincón-Arango, Claudia Lucia; Luna-Robles, Yorny Lorena; Parra-León, NydiaParticularly today safe and healthy working conditions are a fundamental factor for a pleasant and decent work environment, now more than seeking to guarantee a good return to work after the COVID19 pandemic, time in which the modalities and working conditions changed bringing new psychosocial challenges for employees, who abruptly went from the company is work environment to home, aggravating the risks associated with those that already existed, adding risks generated by the health emergency, facing stressful situations, exposed to psychosocial risks specific, such as isolation and blurred boundaries between work and family life, and which have a direct impact on mental health. These in turn can be aggravated by the conditions of the health emergency, the application of strict isolation measures during work at home, and even with the resumption of activity, influencing productivity as well as the quality of work. This research focuses on determining these risk factors given by the inadequate conditions of the places where the activities are carried out, since work at home is a vulnerable condition, it seeks to guide and enhance the capacities of each individual and in case of find limitations, identify all hazards, assess and assess risks; guide and recommend planning and management strategies, taking into account psychosocial risk factors and collaborate with guidance in the correct establishment of the respective controls and improvements.Item Estrés laboral y el desempeño de los empleados del área comercial en la empresa Colfondos S.A en la ciudad de Bogotá en el periodo de febrero – noviembre del año 2022Vargas Segura, Laura Yineth; Jula Castro, Yineth Alexandra; Pedrozo Cantillo, Lorena; Benavides Ortiz, Diana JanethStress is a manifestation that affects most people, due to the fact that companies currently have more demands and this implies that the work rhythms must be faster, which leads to employees working more of hours, therefore, they overexert themselves physically, emotionally and psychologically, this has several consequences for the lives of workers and poor work performance. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to determine how work stress affects the company Colfondos S.A. in terms of performance, mental and physical health of employees. For which this research was carried out through the mixed methodology, being a process of collecting, analyzing and linking quantitative and qualitative data in a study; Two instruments were used: the OIT-WHO Work Stress Questionnaire and a job performance survey. According to this, the present investigation can conclude that the employees of Colfondos S.A are not motivated and it is recommended that from the human resources area a work plan be implemented to reduce the levels of work stress.Item Diseño del programa y plan de bienestar laboral para la empresa Sabama LtdaBarbosa-Valderrama, Enny Johanna; Rios-Gamboa, Lady Alejandra; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz KatherineThe main objective of this work is to design a labor welfare program that contributes to the quality of life of the collaborator in order to increase their productivity and sense of belonging to the company Sabama Ltda. For this purpose, a theoretical framework on labor welfare will be presented, then, each of the objectives set out in this document will be developed. The current state of the company is established by means of a quantitative methodology, applying a survey and thus analyzing the perception of the collaborators, gathering information regarding health conditions, perception of welfare activities carried out by the company and the mood of the respondents. Finally, the wellness program, the results and some recommendations were presented.Item La Tercerización, como factor clave en la desmotivación laboral en la empresa “SERVICIOS AEROPORTUARIOS INTEGRADOS SAI” a partir del 2017Garcia-Galindo, Maria-Monica; Ramos-Puentes, Darling-Yadira; Parra-Leon, NydiaThe objective of this research is to analyze the outsourcing of Avianca with the company SAI (Integrated Airport Services) and thus make known the weaknesses that have affected the improvement in the work environment, mainly the reasons that generate the demotivation of the employees of this organization, a survey was carried out on a group of collaborators to analyze the results and thus be able to identify the reasons why SAI collaborators have lost motivation due to outsourcing. In this document it can be seen how small actions affect motivation and the work environment within an organization, the importance of knowing the opinion of collaborators, teamwork.Item Factores que incidieron en el alto nivel de rotación en el cargo de profesional de selección de la empresa Listos S.A.S en la ciudad de Bogotá, en el año 2020Leon-Martinez, Anlly Marcela; Porras-Valencia, Ingrid Marisol; Calderon-Quiroga, Lady Carolina; Parra-Leon, NydiaIn every organization there is staff turnover, this being a factor that generates impact and affectation in it´s performance, this is why in this research the main objective was to analyze the main factors that influenced the high turnover of professionals in the company LISTOS SAS in Bogotá city, the causes associated with the high turnover of personnel were identified, the most frequent reasons for leaving employees were classified, furthermore the negative effects that the rotation of people brings to the organization were identified. For this reason, for the development of the research, a qualitative analytical research approach was used, like instrument for collecting information, we used semi-structured interviews applied through Google forms. From the analysis of the results, the main cause of staff turnover was identified as work overload, as well as other situations that were recognized as reasons for resignation, such as: low salaries, lack of incentives and lack of opportunities for professional development. Finally, it was determined like negative effects of the entry and exit of personnel that not only impact in the company LISTOS SAS, in addition to also harming employees in equal measure, therefore recommendations are delivered focused on the implementation of strategies that lead to minimize and avoid staff turnover in this organization.Item Diseño de los perfiles de cargo de la Agencia de Desarrollo Rural (ADR) en la Dependencia de Talento Humano en el año 2022Baez Ulloa, Jenny Paola; Gil Acosta, Jaime Andres; Giraldo Rodriguez, Leidy Vanessa; MuNoz BogotA, Lady Julieth; Nydia, Parra LeonThis work was prepared for the Rural Development Agency with the purpose of evidencing and guiding the importance of the elaboration of position profiles by competencies, since they allow to exalt characteristics and potential of the workers, for them 05 profiles were designed for the human talent unit. Within the methodology for the fulfillment of our objectives, theoretical concepts were reviewed, surveys were conducted, as well as the application of the 180° test to the sample employees, which allowed us to know the competencies and skills they had developed and served as a complement to the functions they perform. The results of the tests applied to the employees become an input for the development of other components of the competencybased management model, such as the career plan, performance management and creation of the training plan. The competencybased model allows the application of performance evaluations that show the gaps to be closed through knowledge management processes. This work allows the entity to develop the competencies of its employees, all this in pursuit of the fulfillment of its mission and with a focus on the Development Plan established by the new Government. This profile model can be replicated in other agencies belonging to the public sector and national entities of the same or similar configuration to the Rural Development Agency, including the National Land Agency (ANT) and the Land Renewal Agency (ART).Item Factores que influyen en el riesgo psicosocial de colaboradores de la Universitaria Agustiniana que ejercen funciones de atención al cliente en el periodo de diciembre de 2021 a marzo de 2022.Sopó-Venegas, Camila Andrea; Anaya-Collazos, Piedad Yalecny; Villanea-Hernández, Zulma Marimar; Parra-León, NidyaThe present research has the objective to determine the psychosocial risk factors that influence in the work motivation from the customer agent workers of University Agustiniana ́s call center. The project contained a qualitative methodology, that start with scientific method and descriptive designs. The data gathered by the implementation of survey with the technique, “likert scale” applied to workers during the period from December 2021 until March 2022. As a result, the mains psychosocials risks factors are about workload and the content role, which have influence in the motivation, productivity, competitivity and ideal work environment, additionally in long time this can cause threat to health, for example, cardiovascular and system immunology illness, emotional affections, work accidents, work absenteeism and affections in the work and personal life areas.Item La Comunicación asertiva en tiempos de COVID 19, durante los años 2020 - 2021 en la Secretaría de Hacienda Alcaldía Municipal de IbaguéRamirez-Olaya, Sandra-Milena; Gómez-Umbarila, Natalia-Carolina; Stevens-Quintero, Francisco-Javier; Ramírez-Olaya, Sandra-MilenaAssertiveness is the indicated form of communication because it makes it possible to mention what one supposes and to act in a way that, without attacking or insulting anyone, nor allowing to be attacked or offended and avoiding conflictive situations, for this reason the assertive communication at work is too fundamental to be able to make sympathetic collaborations together with a healthy work environment where ideas can flow without discrepancies and in this way successfully reach the objective of any organization, taking into account the efforts shown in the coercive collection sector, because the human resources area lacks dialogue and interest in optimizing the daily occupations and methods to strengthen the communication sector and thus achieve a competitive virtue in the market, aimed at increasing their effectiveness and productivity. Achieving an assertive organizational communication involves producing a message and being able to express it in such a way that both or more parts understand the message in the same way, thus avoiding communication gaps and therefore misunderstandings that may hinder interpersonal interrelations or the results sought. Nowadays, communication management has become a tool that companies must work on to ensure competitive advantages. Effective practices will help to build it, hence the cost of constant training and knowledge of innovation in communication issues.Item Tipos de conflicto y negociación en la unidad bancaria BBVA Plaza de las Américas en el año 2022Suarez-Arenas, Cesar Augusto; Sánchez-Novoa, Angie Tatiana; Angulo-Lamus, Yenny Andrea; Parra-León, NydiaIn this document we determine the types of conflicts that arise in the last three years in the BBVA Plaza de las Americas Banking Unit, involving its employees or collaborators to discharges or disciplinary sanctions that affect their qualifications and salary remuneration, working environment not relevant for the development of activities, bearing in mind that it is a business that must meet budgets assigned and must be executed by each member, a theoretical study of all fields of conflict and the best way to resolve these, history, mission, vision, objectives and values is made to know the functioning of the entity. With the permissions granted, research is carried out with a qualitative approach which allows interaction with the object to be investigated, the unit and the employees, the design used is descriptive, allowing the narration of the diary of the activities and functions designated, phenomenological method based on the study of the experiences lived by the employees, These are analyzed to generate strategies to prevent conflicts, reduce disciplinary sanctions or dismissals, generate teamwork, establish stable and lasting relationships and achieve the objectives efficiently, presenting recommendations and suggestions that can be implemented in the activities that are carried out.Item Análisis de la contribución de un “Business Partner” de gestión humana en los factores estratégicos en el negocio Funtrition en el año 2021Moreno-Romero, Andres-Ricardo; Bozón-Jerónimo, Blanca-María; Parra-León, NydiaThe objective of the present work is to evaluate the analysis of the contribution of a “Business Partner” of human management in the strategic factors in the Funtrition business, helping to potentiate its human capital. In this way, this analysis is focused on the leaders of each of the areas, achieving the impulse of transformational leadership, finding tools for the development and improvement of emotional intelligence within the most critical points within the business. From the definition of the strategic factors, the management of Human Resources leaders will be redefined as those business partners to adopt those challenges of the organization through the analysis of the current competencies, performance, strengths and weaknesses and those expected to adopt tools by HR leaders, the functionality of its operating model and the characteristics of its training and development plans. Throughout the study, there was congruence in the competencies, business vision and trust generation considered relevant and the lack of adaptability and deficiency in performance metrics as barriers to fluidly adopt the proposed strategies, which is probably influenced by a traditional passive attitude and lack of skills in HR, achieving organizational restructuring and positive experiences in strategic initiatives motivating more incorporations but these are overshadowed by a poor selection of tools and their adaptation to processes, there is waste or interference between roles those of HR and training and development plans do not have explicit objectives related to economics. Defining strategies towards HR proactivity in terms of economics, improving the functionality of current operating models and recognizing the evolution of the digital economy and promoting its adoption as a positive change represent three strategic factors that HR must try to successfully meet the challenges imposed by the evolving digital economy.Item Diseño del programa de bienestar laboral, como herramienta para incentivar y aumentar el desempeño laboral, motivación y mejora del clima organizacional, en los trabajadores de una empresa del sector saludHernández-Burgos, Claudia Yaneth; Parra-León, NydiaThe main objective of this research project is to know the importance and the impact that work well-being generates in a worker; Therefore, it is intended to develop proposals for the creation of a wellness program that can encourage and increase or maintain motivation, labor productivity, and improvement of the organizational climate of the selected company; implementing adequate policies and tools that allow to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire company, previously knowing the perceptions of the employees regarding their work, environment and conditions; With this, it is possible to analyze where the exposed or found situations derive from, seeking continuous improvement within the organization.Item LA RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL Y LA INCLUSIÓN LABORAL EN LA COMPAÑÍA BERLITZ COLOMBIA S.A.Gerena - Marín, Cindy Lorena; Triana - Triana, Leidy Milena; Ariza - Matamoros, Liz KaterineThis Project was a search and investigation at the company Berlitz Colombia SA, the opportunity to incorpórate people in the selection processes with motor disabilities was analyzed and identified. So, in this place do the recognition process and it was carried out, what mades it easier to determine the type of disability that would have the best fit for the company. Once the type of disability was identified and the perception that some of the organization's collaborators had regarding the hiring of workers with a disability was determined; For this process, the interview was used as a means of collecting information, where the willingness and openness for incorporation of the people with disabilities was evidenced. After completing the qualitative data analysis, it can be determined that the company is not yet prepared for the incorporation of people with disabilities in the selection processes. So we recommended to carry out a first approach as a pilot test to guarantee effectiveness in future selection processes.Item Plan de modelo de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo SG-SST en la microempresa Plásticos G&PAcevedo-Espitia, Geraldin; Caballero-Bohórquez, Gilberth; Murcia-Quiroga, Laura; Parra-León, NydiaThe present work was born thanks to the identification of a need of a labor and legal nature, of In accordance with the provisions of Decree 0312 of 2019 on minimum safety standards and health at work SG – SST. This was carried out in the micro-enterprise Plásticos G&P, located in the city of Bogota D.C. For this case, a proposal for a model plan is designed for the microenterprise Plastics G&P. The object is to propose the structuring, jointly between Plásticos G&P and the 5 active workers in function, the application of Security measures and Occupational Health SST through the identification of hazards with the design of a matrix to the identification of risks and potential dangers in the area of operation according to the Technical Guide Colombiana GTC 45. Also, this is a standard grading and grading model of hazards previously exposed in the hazard identification matrix, this being only one model, without being applied to workers in operations since it corresponds to due evaluation by professionals in Occupational Safety and Health. Finally, create a development schedule, application of activities and strategies to be applied after the hazard identification and assessment. The development of this proposed model aims to promote the continuous improvement of the working conditions of employees, the prevention of injuries, occupational diseases and accidents, protection and promotion of health and integrity of these.