Especialización en Gerencia Estratégica del Talento Humano
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Item Afectación del clima organizacional y la disminución de la productividad en el área de mantenimiento de la empresa Colombia ViveSanchez-Ramos, Andrea Jimena; Rojas-Infante, Maira Johana; Alvarez-Galindo, Yeimi; Espitia-Amezquita, Fernando AugustoThe purpose of this work is to analyze how the work environment affects it in the maintenance area of the Colombia Vive company reflected in the decrease in productivity, see job satisfaction and motivation as a strategic tool to generate a positive work environment. Different motivators are proposed to satisfy economic, emotional and personal needs to improve behaviors that affect productivity in the company and guarantee a work environment aligned with corporate policies. Job satisfaction is represented by the Human Resources area to the Managers and partners of the organization as important and vital for the survival of an organization, as well as for its permanence and growth, as well as having people aligned and motivated in their positions. of work. By identifying the different needs and motivations to work is the only way to be able to satisfy them for the well-being of your employees, a dissatisfied employee not only costs the company in performance and quality, the dissatisfaction factor affects the retention of talent generating lack of meaning membership, a new staff does not have the same level of productivity as old staff with experience and knowledge of corporate standards. The behaviors of the maintenance personnel identified mostly by seniority and health problems were analyzed and not all of them are in accordance with the corporate values of the company and aligned with the culture and environment that the organization represents.Item Análisis acerca de la motivación y felicidad laboral desde la realidad del supermercado Danes, ubicado en el barrio María Paz, localidad de Kennedy, Bogotá, D.C.Leguizamo-Amaya, Leidy Daniela; Parra-León, NydiaHappiness at work and motivation at work are factors related to the organizational climate and competitiveness, its importance in organizations lies in the success they can have when implementing management strategies in human talent. This research has a qualitative approach applied to the reality of the Motivation and happiness at work of the organization under study, Supermercado Danes, which is dedicated to the grocery sector, a family organization that since its administration has been developed under the empirical knowledge of its owners. In order to develop the diagnosis, a theoretical review of the most outstanding concepts that define motivation, such as Maslow's theory of needs, Mc Gregor's human relations, Frederick Herzberg's motivation - hygiene, and the respective relationship with the organizational climate as an administrative treatment to achieve happiness at work is made. In the analysis of the results obtained through the observation and the interview to the collaborators and owners of the business, it shows that indeed activities have been created that generate recreation and they recognize the enthusiasm and commitment that this produces, however the same activity of the business has prevented greater quality to the motivational processes, on the other hand in the results of the survey and of the tests made by the collaborators, they show that they take into account the factors that the company provides but nevertheless the same activities of the business distract the good, highlight the negative and present low or average levels of commitment and competitiveness.Item Análisis de caso: Reconocimiento del 100% de las incapacidades por parte de la Contraloría de BogotáArevalo-Mojica, Ximena-Andrea; Manrique-Herrera, Maria-Andrea; Rincon-Malaver, Albeyro; Parra-León, NidiaThis research work consists of the analysis of the current management of disabilities in a district-level entity, such as the Bogotá DC Comptroller's Office, according to the proposal made by the Trade Union Organizations in the Labor Agreement, which intends that the entity covers 100% of the value of the disabilities to its workers. Within the formulation of the problem, it was possible to initially address the legal and regulatory aspects that govern the concepts and guidelines regarding the payment of disabilities in both the private and public sectors. Likewise, the disabilities reported in a given period and the different causes of absenteeism within the entity were statistically analyzed. In the development of said analysis, it was pertinent to review the budget assigned by the Ministry of Finance to the entity, in order to conclude the viability or not of the application of the Trade Union Organizations proposal. As a result of our investigation and the analysis of the information collected, it is intended to help the entity to obtain an overview of the current conditions in terms of the payment of disabilities to workers, and the effects of making the payment of 100% of the same, in order to make decisive and convenient decisions for both parties.Item Análisis de causas de rotación en una empresa de abastecimiento del sector salud durante un periodo de cinco meses entre los años 2023 y 2024Silva-Arias, María Camila; Perea-Montes, Chay; Lagunas-Pinzón, Aura María; Elles-Jaramillo, Simón; Ariza-Matamoros, Liz KatherineThis research project focuses on examining the causes of the high turnover rate experienced by Medife S.A.S., a company dedicated to the supply of inputs for the health sector, during a fivemonth period between 2023 and 2024. A qualitative action research methodology is used, using semistructured interviews as the main means of data collection. The target population consists of employees who left the company during the aforementioned period, with a nonprobabilistic sample of 73.6%. The data obtained is analyzed by categorization with the objective of identifying the key factors contributing to employee turnover. The purpose of this project is to provide knowledge to improve talent retention in the company and serve as a basis for future research on this topic.Item Análisis de insatisfacción laboral por medio del cuestionario S 20/23 y su incidencia en el índice de rotación de personal operativo de una empresa de floresGonzález-Cristancho, Nidia Yazmín; Parra-León, NidiaThe general objective of this project is to analyze the turnover rate of operational personnel of the company Flores Silvestres, because it has been evidenced that, in that company, the turnover of operational personnel is very high if compared to that of the administrative staff. However, to achieve this objective, a series of steps was proposed in order so that the obtaining of results was in a logical and coherent way with the defined objectives, that is, the specific objectives were guided to the identification of the sociodemographic differences of the operational employees of the company, in addition to the determination of the variables that generate labor dissatisfaction and their influence on the productivity of the company and finally recognize the perception of the operational workers of the wildflowers company and their commitment to the institutional mission. To achieve this, a group of 80 operational employees was applied the questionnaire S 20/23, and a sociodemographic survey, tools with which an appropriate diagnosis of employee job satisfaction could be made and served as a basis for determining the incidence of job dissatisfaction, with the rate of staff turnover in the company.Item Análisis de la calidad de vida laboral y los factores riesgo psicosocial de los funcionarios del CCV del INPEC del Establecimiento la Blanca de Manizales Caldas, Colombia en 2021Cañón-Buitrago, Paula Andrea; Cardona-Patiño, Maria Eugenia; Delgado-Arias, Luz Adriana; Parra-León, NydiaThe general objective of this research was to determine the quality of working life and the psychosocial risk factors in the employees of the CCV of the INPEC, in their professional work. Through the quantitative approach, a field research, descriptive level and non-experimental design was carried out. The sample consisted of 30 dragoneers who provide service in the La Blanca establishment in Manizales, Caldas. To obtain the information, a survey-type instrument with a Likert scale was used, consisting of 54 questions. The conclusions of the study were: 1) the factors that generate tension to the dragoneers are physical aggressions, excessive work, monotonous work, the number of officials for the prison population, the general conditions of the work environment and the lack of resources materials for the performance of their duties. 2) Dragoneers consider that their work environment is positive, they stated that they have job stability and there are no major problems with superiors. However, despite not considering verbal aggression as a source of tension, the risk of suffering a physical aggression is a stressor. It can be affirmed that dragoneers do not present a high level of stress despite working in a penitentiary. 4) The surveyed officials feel satisfied with their work. 5) regarding the quality of work life, they stated that both their quality of work and personal life is high. They reported experiencing well-being and that they feel satisfied with themselves in relation to the work they do.Item Análisis de la contribución de un “Business Partner” de gestión humana en los factores estratégicos en el negocio Funtrition en el año 2021Moreno-Romero, Andres-Ricardo; Bozón-Jerónimo, Blanca-María; Parra-León, NydiaThe objective of the present work is to evaluate the analysis of the contribution of a “Business Partner” of human management in the strategic factors in the Funtrition business, helping to potentiate its human capital. In this way, this analysis is focused on the leaders of each of the areas, achieving the impulse of transformational leadership, finding tools for the development and improvement of emotional intelligence within the most critical points within the business. From the definition of the strategic factors, the management of Human Resources leaders will be redefined as those business partners to adopt those challenges of the organization through the analysis of the current competencies, performance, strengths and weaknesses and those expected to adopt tools by HR leaders, the functionality of its operating model and the characteristics of its training and development plans. Throughout the study, there was congruence in the competencies, business vision and trust generation considered relevant and the lack of adaptability and deficiency in performance metrics as barriers to fluidly adopt the proposed strategies, which is probably influenced by a traditional passive attitude and lack of skills in HR, achieving organizational restructuring and positive experiences in strategic initiatives motivating more incorporations but these are overshadowed by a poor selection of tools and their adaptation to processes, there is waste or interference between roles those of HR and training and development plans do not have explicit objectives related to economics. Defining strategies towards HR proactivity in terms of economics, improving the functionality of current operating models and recognizing the evolution of the digital economy and promoting its adoption as a positive change represent three strategic factors that HR must try to successfully meet the challenges imposed by the evolving digital economy.Item Análisis de las consecuencias de tipo ocupacional, dada la extensa jornada laboral que presentan los conductores de servicio urbano de pasajeros de la Cooperativa de Transportadores Bolivar-COOTRANSBOLIVAR LTDA de la ciudad Bogotá 2019 - 2021Algarin-Carrillo, Yarlinis Isabel; Bautista-Martinez, Maira Alejandra; Parra-Leon, NydiaThis research project was based on the study of working hours and health and well-being consequences faced by an urban bus driver in the city of Bogotá DC, this problem not only affects the population with driving charges in Colombia, is generalized to the multiple activities carried out by a driver as: deal with traffic, road conditions, insecurity, compliance with local and national regulations and other concern related with their work. Futhermore, the investigation will be focused in the analysis and description of the problem to be solved, setting the methods, techniques and instruments to be used, in order to know the perception and personal affectations, specifically to the bus drivers employees by the Cooperativa de Transportadores Bolivar Ltda, in that way we have the opportunity to provide suggestions, getting better work, health, family and social conditions of the employees already mentioned. To summarize, with the supplies used was possible to corroborate the actions that the company takes to change the scenarios to reduce the work hours, likewise integration activities to the progress of the work environment.Item Análisis de las principales causales de despido en el sector textil en la ciudad de Bogotá por efecto del COVID19 durante el año 2020Zapata Muñoz, Carlos Julio; Diaz Herazo, Deiby David; Espinal Fierro, Karen; De La Espriella Correa, Ludwing; Parra León, NydiaThis research project analyzes the main causes of dismissal generated in the textile sector as a consequence of the health emergency of Covid19 during 2020. This allowed us to show under a documentary review, a description collected under various bibliographic data that showed us the social and economic reality of our country. In this sense, this document catalogs and classifies the monographic documentation based on the regulations, and the different collection analysis techniques that managed to categorize the main actors, who participated in theoretical and referential actions. That being said, we were able to identify the economic crisis that impacted the world and generated macroeconomic failures. To achieve this, we reviewed government and private sources, in order to show the great impact generated in a real and grounded context. As a result, it is possible to show that the institutions before dismissing their workers contemplated preventive measures to guarantee the employment, and we were able to identify the following actions: early and collective vacations, employment contract temporary suspensions, pay cuts, online work, support from partial severance assistance programs and shift work, these being the most used. Despite all these measures, the textile sector has shown great economic losses, because most of the companies that compose it worked at 45% of their production capacity, which to a large extent managed to impact their revenue, and this as a consequence resulted in layoffs, due to the closure of small and mediumsized companies that did not have sufficient financial muscleItem Análisis de los beneficios de las nuevas tecnologías implementadas al proceso de reclutamiento de personal a partir del Covid-19 en grandes empresas colombianas en el 2023Bareño-Pinzón, Laura Natalia; Orjuela-Garzón, Paula Katalina; Pinzón-Galeano, Fabio Andrés; Parra-León, NydiaThis document analyzes the benefits of the new technologies implemented in the personnel recruitment process as of Covid-19 in large Colombian companies in 2023. Thus, the evolution of the recruitment process is briefly described, making known the new technological tools to be implemented, and the virtual scenario where large Colombian companies operate; as well as the main benefits of the adaptation of these technologies to the recruitment process in postpandemic times are mentioned. For the purpose of the research, the bibliographic matrix was applied as a data collection instrument under the qualitative methodological approach, and through the descriptive scope, the general and the specific objectives were answered; for this, fifteen research or academic documents were selected with special emphasis on the contribution that each article provides to the current research, relating them to the stated objectives. Subsequently, the results were analyzed, and explained in the context of the study’s approach regarding the implementation of new technologies to the recruitment process based on the relevant literature obtained through documentary review, evidencing the broad scope of talent, the efficiency in the preselection of candidates and the automation of administrative tasks. Concluding that these advances have proven to be fundamental in a constantly evolving labor world, they allow reaching candidates in a faster and more effective way in a virtual environment.Item Análisis de los elemento importantes del clima organizacional para los empleados de la alcaldía de Cáqueza para el año 2022Vargas-Rodriguez, Daniel Felipe; Cetina-Ramirez, Juliana; Bravo-Cotrino, Liliana Marcela; Parra-Leon, NydiaIn the public sphere, government entities have taken various measures and actions to guarantee timely, quality and effective care, seeking to establish an assertive communication with the community and to be able to satisfy the needs of those who come. The Entity's human talent is the image of the institution and must seek to maintain a climate adequate labor that allows the worker to be understood in all its spheres, that is perceived as a human being that also presents different emotions, feelings and moments of his life and that require a harmonization and a balanced work from the Entity, for this reason it is important that work on the different aspects that generate a stable work climate, since the users who come perceive efficiency immediately through the attention. For this specific case we are going to investigate the interior of the Mayor's Office of Cáqueza, Cundinamarca, which is made up of 195 people who are part of the Municipal Administration, of which 45 are linked by Administrative career, 13 provisionally and 137 by contract of service provision.Item Análisis de los factores que han causado incremento del índice de rotación de los trabajadores de Digital Ware Durante El Año 2020.Carvajal-Cruz, Nathaly; Cuervo-Torres, Angie Paola; Brochero-Puentes, Nelson Danilo; Parra-León, NydiaThe objective of this work is to determine through an analysis the factors that cause the turnover rate in the workers of the Digital Ware company in the year 2020, and to identify which are the variables that generate staff turnover and how to mitigate these causes in the company . To determine the factors, retirement interviews were applied to retired personnel in the months of January to August 2020, it was possible to identify which was the period where there was greater labor desertion and different possible variables were evaluated as causes of retirement among them (Work environment, best economic proposal, relationship with the immediate boss, workload) and others that will be found throughout the investigation, identifying that the main reason for retirement is due to better salary, having an impact of 48%, also a factor of desertion it is the workload that impacts 22% of retirements.Item Análisis de los factores que inciden en Kajú Bar por la falta del cargo de recursos humanos entre el año 2018-2022Casallas-Quiroga, Luisa Fernanda; Gómez-Gómez, Luisa Fernanda; Osorio-Castro, María Fernanda; Vides-Páez, Camilo Andrés; Parra-León, NydiaThis research project was based on the study and analysis of the factors that affect Kajú Bar by not having the human resources area. Along with the consequences and effects on the Kajú’s staff that this problem entails. Among the factors were evidenced certain types of nonconformities within the organization. which are focused on workforce turnover. This has generated a series of negative factors such as work stress. Which is one of the main causes that affects the mental health and motivation of the workers. Another factor is labor exploitation. This issue is reflected in the long working hours and the low remuneration given to employees. The research was based on the qualitative methodology, which allowed us to get to know the point of view and the perspective of the internal customers of Kajú Bar through a survey. Under this research it is intended to suggest improvements and benefits that Kajú Bar can implement in order to offer better working conditions and ensure a good working environment and better organizational culture. Becoming a healthy organization at last and therefore, fulfilling the objectives set. Likewise, it is intended to highlight the importance of the creation of the human resources area, not only for this organization but also for the future implementation in the entertainment sector.Item Análisis de necesidades para la creación del área de Gestión del Talento Humano en la empresa Globalthor S.A.S.Vargas-Espinosa, Jennifer-Lizeth; Parra-Leon, NydiaThe present work is based on the description and analysis of the company Globalthor, oriented to the area of human resources; The origin of this research is focused on the processes of recruitment, selection and hiring of personnel, since it has been evidenced drawbacks in the recruitment process, identifying that there are weak processes and others are non-existent. The company Globalthor provided direct information to take into account in the development of the research, a study was conducted based on the qualitative method with descriptive approach, whose data collection instruments was initially an interview with the manager and representative of the company, then a virtual survey with the accompaniment of its leaders and me, which had 15 questions derived in 3 phases the first characteristics of the position, knowledge of the company and aspects of recruitment and performance evaluation. The above helped for the formulation of proposals which aim to help the company Globalthor to create the human resources area having a clearer vision of the aspects to work to improve the productivity of the company and the quality of life of its employees.Item Análisis de riesgos laborales generados por trabajo en casa durante la pandemia en empresa privadaGarcia-Castillo, Diana Dirley; Cadavid-Velásquez, Jhon Fitzgerald; Parra-León, NydiaThis research analyses the occupational risks generated by the house work during the pandemic in the Concesion Vial de los Llanos company. First, the policy about work at home was consulted. Second, a survey was designed and applied to workers who worked from home since march 2020 to February 2021. Finally, the potential risks workers were exposed and the risk prevention implemented were identified. he bornout, the lack of interpersonal communication and the incomplete delivery of work items and absence triggered fatigue, sleep disturbances (insomnia and hypersomnia), sadness, irritability, as 81% of those surveyed, as 81% of those surveyed claimed to have experienced any of these symptoms and more tan 50% assured stress alarms; In conclusion the most significant risks are psychosocial, biomechanical and physical.Item Análisis de tendencias efectivas de retención de personal para aplicar en empresas bogotanas en el año 2023Ortiz-Ibañez, Jazmin; Chogo-Santana, Karen Lorena; Reyes-Betancur, Claudia Marcela; Espinosa-Cuervo, Sandra Stefania; Parra-León, NydiaCurrently, there are changes in the business environment, forcing organizations to reinvent themselves and counteract paradigms in human talent management. Some companies have successfully retained their staff, while others face difficulties due to turnover or resignations, so one of the main challenges organizations encounter is employee retention, for this reason, it becomes a significant challenge for the human resources area to contribute to the implementation of strategies that minimize employee turnover and ensure job stability. The objective of this research is to identify the most recurring reasons influencing employee turnover and, concurrently, to highlight trends implemented by other companies that have proven effective in retention, enabling those companies to achieve brand positioning, competitiveness, profitability, and recognition in the labor market, leading to cost reduction and increased productivity in the workplace.Item Análisis de un plan de beneficios y la rotación del personal de cobranzas en la empresa de call center Contacto solutions en Bogotá - ColombiaTautiva-Pulido, Adriana del Pilar; Guzman-Díaz, Karen LissethIn the present study, we will seek to determine the most relevant points in the analysis of a company’s social benefit plan with the turnover rate of collection personnel of a call center company in Bogotá DC. To evaluate the mentioned variables, we will take into account It has two phases: 1. The preliminary project: process in which the bibliographic search was carried out and all the most representative data of the empirical review were collected, in order to determine the instruments and structure the study procedure, 2. The execution of the Project : In this second phase, the instruments that were previously organized will be applied in order to check if there are statistically significant differences between the influence of a benefit plan and the personal turnover rate.Item Análisis del cumplimiento de protocolos del MIPG en INDERBA, como herramienta estratégica para el adecuado desarrollo de la entidad pública en la ciudad de Barrancabermeja en el año 2021Baeza-Alvear, Daicy Xiomara; Jimenez-Moreno, Diana Milena; Parra-Leon, NydiaIn the following project, the reader will find the final product that was fed day after day through each learning obtained in each of the tutorials and courses convened by the teacher and conducted by us in order to analyse and monitor compliance with the MIPG in the Entity of the Institute for the Promotion of Sport, Recreation, Use of Free Time and the Physical Education of Barrancabermeja – INDERBA. It includes an analysis of the different dimensions of the MIPG and the levels of compliance with cross-cutting policies, bearing in mind that the MIPG is a reference framework that enables it to direct, plan, monitor and evaluate the management of the entity, with the aim of generating results that meet the action plans, annual management plans and development plans. This is to guarantee the rights of all public employees of the entity and satisfaction of Social Welfare during their stay. At the same time, a survey and an interview were conducted that allowed us to know the different opinions of some of the people working at the entity, taking primary data for the analysis of the project and concluding that INDERBA is an entity that needs to strengthen some of the dimensions of the MIPG, by which it’s evident that 100% of the protocols stipulated in the same one weren’t complied with.Item Análisis del impacto de la motivación laboral en los docentes de una institución educativa en la ciudad de Bogotá en época de pandemia por el COVID-19 durante el periodo de marzo a septiembre de 2020Garcia-Ramirez, Laura Camila; Mesa-Avila, Andrea Esperanza; Parra-Leon, NydiaThe importance level which has taken the remote learning strategy since the year 2020 is a situation which has changed even in the pedagogical process and also in the educational methodologies around the world. In this way, it reflects the gap in social, economic and cultural levels during the effect of Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 (Garcia and Rodriguez, 2020). First of all, an analysis about the aspects which took action in the teacher’s motivational issue which begins with their work through remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. For that reason, it looks for identifying the impact in the teacher’s motivational labor during COVID-19, in the term of March to September of the year 2020. During this research 11 teachers participated voluntarily by means of a structural interview taking into account aspects from their daily labor and of the educational institution where they are working, which is located in the north of Bogota city. It is able to conclude that one of the main factors which impact the teacher’s motivational labor during the studied term is the labor fatigue or Burnout syndrome and their high exposure to psychosocial risks due to the social distancing and workload. Also, it remarked on the importance of the technological tools and their place in remote learning.Item Análisis del Índice elevado de rotación de personal en la organización Soluciones Omega S.A, en el Municipio de Mosquera, Cundinamarca durante el año 2020González-Páramo, Denisse Mariana; Torres-Ortiz, Diana Marcela; Muñoz-Romero, Jullieth Tatiana; Ávila-González, Lina Julieth; Parra-León, NydiaEmployee turnover is one of the main factors in which human resources departments focus their efforts in order to reduce it or prevent it, as this represents mainly cost in the processes of the organization. That's why trace back principal causes in the employees turnover has become a priority for the managers in the organizations. The research is looking to analyze the causes of employee turnover at Soluciones Omega S.A, a company located in Mosquera, Cundinamarca in Colombia, The data analysis was provided by the organization itself, as a survey that gives the employees before retirement. with the elements provided before A mixed research was conducted combine quantitative and qualitative methods, after applying some filters in the categorization of employees turn overs it concludes that Personal Problems, Contract termination, Another Job Offer, Work Environment with colleagues, Problems with bosses, Safety and Health at work, Change of city, Demotivation , Adaptation to Work, Transportation and Salary are the causes that most affect employees at Omega. and these has to be the key point the company should measure in the future for minimize employee turnover