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Item Plan de mejoramiento - TV Bingo DiamanteDuran-Moreno, Derly Gineth; Fonseca-Mendoza, Maria Camila; Cicua-Ospina, Juan Sebastian; Peña-Sanchez, LilianaThe games of luck and chance sector in Colombia has become an important sector for the generation of employment and economic contribution to the country's GDP, likewise this sector generates contributions for health thanks to the collection of exploitation rights carried out by companies of the sector. On the other hand, games of chance have had a great growth throughout its history and with an increasing boom in all areas of the country, for this reason the object of study will be developed in the company TV Bingo Diamante EU, which belongs to the SME classification and develops its operations in the municipality of Garzón, department of Huila, whose main activity is the commercialization of games of luck and chance, particularly localized games such as bingo in the hall. The content of the following document will address the characterization of the company, a preliminary diagnosis of the same where macroeconomic and microeconomic factors of the country will be analyzed in order to be able to carry out an analysis of the games of luck and chance sector specifically and likewise the market. and the company's environment used tools such as strategic matrices such as PESTEL, DOFA, EFI and EFE. Subsequently, an improvement plan will be presented to the company and the implementation of an organizational structure that will adjust to its needs, with the intention of improving its internal processes and obtaining better organizational performance.Item Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del proceso de implementación de procesos en la empresa Inversiones Raza S.A.S ubicada en Bogotá, D.C.Zambrano Obando, Ivonne Angely; Galindo Diaz, Daniela Vanessa; Culman, Yeimith; Velosa, IvanIn the following document will be evidenced the basic structure that makes up the company INVERSIONES RAZA S.A.S, in which study analysis will be carried out, to be able to make improvements in processes that can cause stagnation or reproach in the company. An analysis was made regarding the general characterization of the company, a preliminary diagnosis and an internal analysis in which the different areas in which shortcomings can be identified will be verified in order to determine the needs and thus propose possible solutions, Similarly, an analysis of the micro and macro environment will be carried out in which an attempt will be made to show a scope of the company with respect to its competence. Having reliable sources to perform such analysis. In the final part of this document you will find a conclusion of what is this first review of the company, in order to be able to provide a concrete data in terms of structure and problems of the same one.Item Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento de marketing digital en la empresa Santinic Paunat S.A.S. ubicada en Bogotá D.CAcuña-Ramírez, Carlos Eduardo; Vera-Soriano, María Fernanda; Díaz-Limas, Diana Julieth; Sánchez-Pena, LilianaCompanies are currently facing a corporate challenge, which consists of surviving and growing in the midst of a pandemic. The company Santinic Paunat S.A.S was not technologically prepared to face this new challenge, despite this, it was successful in its processes and after a thorough analysis, strategies were created to create communication channels to boost its sales. The main idea is through an expert in Digital Marketing in order to provide dynamics that help the company to have more visibility to potential customers for different types of audiovisual content, which advertise business products. Different proposals from professionals in the field mentioned above were reviewed, taking into account factors such as price, quality, experience, and finally the company AD Marketing Creativo was chosen, where the most complete offer was found. This company offering the advertising service was asked to structure two proposals that would generate value, with different prices, so that SANTINUC PAUNAT could choose which one could help it achieve its objectives and affect its economic muscle. Measurement tools were also created that seek to evaluate and generate metrics so that the company can have a process for monitoring and verifying results.Item Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del proceso de implementación en la estructura organizacional en la empresa distribuidora de cosméticos lipsBonilla-Palencia, Alexander; Castro-Galvis, Dionilde; Fonseca-Martinez, Mónica; Liliana Peña SánchezNowadays, it creates new companies,which establish like small or media companies PYMES, which it started, like small venture and innovative ideas, many of those companies never come to develop, it great potential , and this is due to beggining did not establish a organizional estrutural which help a optimus and organize operation of the organization. As before we established the next to job of grado, which it focus in create from zero an organizational structure for the company Distribuidora de Cosméticos Lips, some years in the market, it presented many fails to level administrative, which it identified in the research and diagnistic of the company, with that we could establish what kind of organizational structure , with that we could establish a agree twith guidelines by owner or manager. It worked with all tools of research and diagnostic seen during the specialization and it could establish the objectives to work, improve and create,. for this process established the company address ( mision, visition, targets, etc.), a funtion manual (administrative area and operation inside of the organization), organization chart, work rules and internal politics. It could establish, for the measurement of the results, high sales or it default the profitability growth of the organization, the permanence of the employees and fulfillment of each area through a mensual report.Item Propuesta de mejora organizacional y administrativa aplicable a la empresa Mallas y Figurados S.A.S.Moreno-Carrero, Luisa Fernanda; Liliana Peña SánchezTo carry out the proper investigation and application of the diagnostic tools, the first step was to characterize the company Mallas y Figurados SAS, identify the corporate purpose, what it does, how it was established and who its shareholders and representatives are. The problem that could be identified through a preliminary diagnosis for Mallas y Figurados SAS, was the non-structuring, the lack of definition of its main areas and how they were at the initial moment of the investigation, this causes inconveniences, not only in customer service and taking orders, but also when making the due requirement of raw materials and supplies. Subsequently, its main clients, suppliers and competitors were identified, a study and analysis of the economic indicators that negatively and positively affect the company Mallas y Figurado SAS was also carried out, it is important for the organization to be updated on the country's economic situation and behavior. of the economic indicators have negatively affected the construction sector, reducing its share in GDP (gross domestic product).Item Elaboración de la estructura contable para la toma correcta de decisiones en Unienvases SASSoto-Hernández, Wendy Gineth; Liliana PeñaIn the case of the company, the production line is mainly focused on the elaboration of raw materials for the plastics industry sector. The current purchase value of these materials ranges from $ 100 to $ 900 / Kg. and the sale price is between $ 600 to $ 2500 per kilogram depending on the quality, colors and type of material that is being processed and offered. A production cost is estimated between $ 200 to $ 600 per kilogram according to the processes carried out on the determined material. The estimated gross profit per kilogram of plastic processed would be between 20% to 50% according to the processes and types of materials that are being processed at the time and in accordance with the economic objectives of the company. According to information collected by the recycling sector, the economic behavior of the activity has been affected by factors such as the country's economic recession, the value of the dollar, large imports of virgin or original raw materials, and unfair competition. , winter, etc. However, the market is relatively stable with the typical ups and downs of the market in general. The company's production is intended to supply the national market, with clients located both in the city of Bogotá and in general throughout the national territory, which are manufacturers of plastic products or elements.Item Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del proceso organizacional de la empresa BBG COLOMBIA SAS ubicada en la ciudad de Bogotá.Rayo-López, Lina Vanessa; Narváez-Osorio, Cristina; Fernández-Ponce, Sandra Mercedes; Peña Sánchez, LilianaThe main objective of this project is to determine a problem in the company BBG COLOMBIA S.A.S, which was found using tools and techniques such as the SWOT matrix, PESTEL, interviews, etc. To carry out this, the bottlenecks were identified and characterized, in order to determine a short-term solution, but of high impact, it was found that the main problem is in the organizational structure which generates a great impact. In the analysis and improvement plan, it is intended to identify the administrative and organizational structure of the company; seeking to know all the external and internal factors that influence its development, for this a study of its administrative processes, infrastructure and human resources will be carried out, taking into account the importance of the latter in the development of the organization's activities. The following investigation will show the areas with improvement opportunities for the fulfillment of the proposed organizational goals, as well as the investments in technological improvements and / or personnel training that is required. As a result of this analysis, the implementation of the improvement actions found in the different fields of the company is expected, all with the aim of aiming at the effectiveness and efficiency of its processes, promoting BBG COLOMBIA SAS to be one of the companies more competitive in the market and in this way contribute to the tendency for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to become stronger in the country.Item Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del proceso de la estructura organizacional en la empresa Comercializadora el Terminal S.A.S. ubicada en la Cra. 25 N° 1593Muñoz-Murcia, Dana Camila; Aguilar-Gil, Ángela Roció; Peña Sánchez, LilianaThis improvement plan refers to a strategic plan designed for the SAS Terminal Comercializadora company located in the city of Bogotá in the Paloquemao neighborhood, which aims to cover the level of difficulty that this company has, because in the course of Over the years, it has not been able to have the fundamental base of an organization and thus presents some problems in the administrative, financial, commercial and human resources areas. Due to the foregoing, the strategic plan will improve the institutional and therefore personal living conditions of all those who make it up. In this context, the development and application of a strategic plan aims to improve the organizational structure where there is a participation of all those who are part of this company. To carry out the diagnosis, an interview was carried out in which a series of questions was made directly to the legal representative, who indicated the state of the company and its current condition, gave a general vision of where they want to be, where they want to reach and analyze the results they hope to obtain. Through the application of the strategic plan for the Terminal SAS Marketer, it seeks to improve the administrative management of the company by formulating strategies and projects that direct the company to seek development and be a model company in the hardware sector, in addition to the strategic plan The appropriate administrative structure will be defined defining its functions and responsibility for each position or positionItem Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del proceso de tanlento humano en la empresa Limacor My SAS ubicada en la ciudad de BogotàChaves-Ortega, Erika Natalia; Pascagaza-Gómez, Jenifer; Peña Sánchez, LilianaThis work was developed with the aim of analyzing and identifying both internally and externally the current state of the company Limacor My SAS, which belongs to the construction sector whose main activity refers to the remodeling and local adequacy in industrial and / or commercial projects and the manufacture of furniture and thus identify the problems and implement an improvement plan in order to mitigate them.Item Propuesta de mejoramiento de la cadena de abastecimiento de la empresa COASPHARMA S.A.SMoreno-Bernal, Jhoan Alexander; Veloza-Monroy, Leidy Yohana; Mariño Reyes, JohnyOnce the most important products for the company are identified, we will delve into the manufacturing and packaging formulas of each of them and the information will be consolidated, surely there are common packaging materials in many of the products that have been selected, such as For example, PVC and aluminum in the products of tablets and capsules or caps and jars for products in liquid presentation, or flavoring excipients, colors and grouped fragrances, the need must be determined in a certain period of time and then the Supply policies, one of the proposals that are deduced from this analysis is that year negotiations with the suppliers of these materials and supplies are agreed and partial deliveries are agreed according to the rotation of those inventories and also a judicious periodicity of payment of Obligations for suppliers to feel very committed to serving our order s, the other proposal has to do with substitute products and is to evaluate in the international market the achievement of materials that meet the quality conditions demanded by the laboratory, highly rotating products can provide sufficient scales to consider a direct import that probably It will generate economic benefits for the company in terms of profitability for each of the lines. The results we want to achieve range from cost improvement, without sacrificing quality, intelligent management of inventory levels, availability of finished products, continuous production that allows planning and projection of needs (input), schedule of shifts and work resources ( process) and delivery of the needs of the sales force (output) which leads to an effective sales customer satisfaction with those who can work hand in hand to exploit the competitive advantages of COASPHARMA brand products that are market leaders.Item Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del proceso de la estructura organizacional en la empresa Manpower Compañia Integral de Servicios S.A.SEcheverri, Gustavo-Andres; Fajardo-Alvarez, Yury Katherine; Peña Sánchez, LilianaIn this, a consultancy was executed to a micro family business where a preliminary diagnosis, an external and internal analysis of each of the areas of the organization was carried out, through observation and inspection we learned about each of its processes and tasks, likewise the relationship with suppliers, direct and indirect competitors, clients, in order to obtain an overview of the current situation of the organization. In order to contextualize a fund in the company's environment, a characterization of the sector was carried out and with this we were able to have a clearer vision of how its behavior is and how it has contributed to the country's economy in recent years; Within the analysis of the macro environment, the entities that regulate this economic activity were included in order to have a governmental and regulatory perspective for the operation of its operations. For this analysis the social, environmental and technological aspects were also taken into account. Regarding the internal analysis, through various diagnostic tools such as the EFI, EFE, DOFA, and PESTEL matrix, we show the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement that the organization has. Based on this, a research problem was drawn up, in order to identify and propose a restructuring of the strategic planning, the functions manual and a profile of the positions that are currently in force in the company, each one accompanied by some indicators of measurement that will allow to measure the effectiveness of the proposal.Item Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del proceso administrativo en la empresa Mag Dotaciones SAS ubicada en BogotáMartinez-Rueda, Nataly; Castañeda-Velasquez, Naidy Lizeth; Pinto-Gomez, Astrid Mayerli; Doria-Gonzalez, Yiseth Paola; Peña, LilianaThe project is meant to provide an improvement plan for the company Mag Dotaciones S.A.S. that is centered in taking corrective actions focused mainly in the area of human talent and in the implementation of digital platforms (Web Page and Application). For this purpose, the strengths and weaknesses within the company's operation and the most significant factors in the competitive positioning of the global market were identified. In order to carry out the strategic management that allows the proper development of human and technological resources, and in addition to find out what would be the advantages of having this division, an external and internal diagnosis was carried out, including different variables of the environment. The importance of establishing an area of human talent for the improvement of processes, the definition of staff functions, organizing selection and recruitment processes, as well as finding a means of interaction with customers and users to organize and optimize the relationship between information and the company's goals, became evident. As a result, we consider that the created functions manual should be implemented since it is of great relevance for decision-making and the establishment of an organization chart, delimiting the work and defining responsibilities of the different positions to promote business strategies.Item Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del proceso de compras en la empresa vavilco s.a.s ubicada en Bogotá D.C.Mora-Pinto, Oneiber Fabiane; Beltran-Malagon, Luisa Fernanda; Peña Sánchez, LilianaThe project is focused on an investigation based on a diagnosis and an improvement proposal to a company called Constructora Vavilco sas, we identified that in some of its purchasing and human resources departments there were different reprocesses that implied that the organization did not comply with the due guidelines , whose objectives were focused on customer satisfaction, improving the effectiveness of the quality management system, developing affordable projects on different socioeconomic strata and facilitating the minimization of costs related to after-sales service in each of the projects of the organization. Next, we define the research question Could the non-compliance of the processes be affecting the main development of the company, generating Post-Sales or Guarantees?Item Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del proceso de transformación digital en la empresa Tecinf S.A.S ubicada en BogotáFeliciano-Parra, Andrés Felipe; Pino-Nino, Brayan; Forero-Orjuela, Leidy; Peña Sánchez, LilianaIn this work, what was done was an investigation about the company Tecinf SAS, first of all, to observe what it does, what market it is in, what tasks it does and everything related to the contextualization of the company to get to know it more thoroughly and know in what aspects can be improved. After contextualization, it was necessary to define what shortcomings it had in order to improve, and so it was that an improvement plan was developed at a general level to seek for the company to grow in every sense and seek the best results by enhancing each of its processes and that can be applied as soon as possible.Item Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del proceso optimización de procesos en la empresa hv services & supply sas ubicada en bogotá.Galindo-Rivera, Ingrid Carolina; Pachón-Santana, German; Peña Sánchez, LilianaThe present work provides answers to how costs can be reduced for labor claims made by former employees of the company, being clear about what kind of conventional or legal salary will accrue with the respective extra benefits that the company has for its employees, the importance of having an adequate selection process is of vital importance for the mitigation of this risk and thus to be able to generate greater profits for the company. With the search carried out in the area of services to Operators in the oil sector of exploration and Workower in Latin America where it can be taken as a reference to give a solution to the problem that is presented in HV Services & Supply SAS, We also did not find a study or document that we could take as a reference. The investigation was carried out with the data that were taken from the accounting part of HV where the monitoring and management of resources are carried out, worked from a comprehensive perspective so that the proposal presented impacts on the processes that are affected with the reprocessing that affects their normal performanceItem Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del proceso de organización administrativa en la empresa Agencia de Aduanas Aduanera Mundial S.A.S nivel 1 ubicada en Cr 74B No 47 - 57 Of 102Fernández-Gutiérrez, Jhon Alexander; Rincón-Pérez, John Sebastián; Ahumada-Venegas, Yeimi Edith; Peña Sánchez, LilianaThe company Agencia de Aduanas Aduanera Mundial SAS Level 1 does not have policies and procedures in the areas of Human Resources and Finance; Therefore, in this work, the design of an improvement plan for the optimization of processes and the creation of policies and objectives that help internal and external improvement in the aforementioned areas is carried out, as well as the elimination of internal reprocesses that do not contribute to the good organizational performance, analyzing with different matrices and administration methods the current situation of each area and the possible solutions to current problems, which affect the perception that the client has of the company today; Accordingly, said improvement plan was delivered to Mrs. Sivilina Peña Hernández, who is the current Manager of the company and recognizes the shortcomings detected as well as appreciates the proposed improvement plan, which will take it into account in the future, as soon as it is carried out. a series of internal changes.Item Identificación de problemas y formulación de metodologías de mejora en ATH & ASOCIADOS LTDA.Vega-Triana, Luis Hernando; Pachón, María Isabel; Cruz-Díaz, Yuly Alexandra; Peña Sánchez, LilianaThe company Ath & Asociados Ltda, was established on July 29, 2011, in the city of Bogotá, dedicated to providing concierge services, cleaning and administration in horizontal properties, currently providing most of these services in the area of Usaquén- Barrio Santa Bárbara, small co-owned properties (not exceeding 20-25 apartments). The strong point of this company in the last three years in the market is the administration of horizontal property since by the cadastral census made in 2018 the increase of construction in modality of horizontal property was significant with an increase of the respect to the previous validity, in the sector of strata 5 and 6 that is our area of positioning. Due to the increase registered in the census it can be evidenced that there is a reactivation of the construction of horizontal property, plus the programs on the part of the government (Frech and my house) has generated an incentive for the acquisition of housing, this has caused the company to focus more on this service.Item Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del proceso productivo y flujo de caja en la empresa MACROMET S.A.S en la de ciudad BogotáGarcia-Preciado, Diana Milena; Lopez-Diaz, Gisell Natalia; Acosta-Buitrago, John William; Peña Sánchez, LilianaMacromet is a company that produces and sells furniture for all types of exhibitions, which are manufactured through various own production processes, such as metalworking, and outsourced, such as painting. Their main means of communication are WhatsApp, telephone and email. It has a production process established several years ago that has allowed it to open up a field in the advertising market; It has personnel trained in all its activities, but it has shortcomings due to delays in product delivery times, cash flow and production times. Therefore, this consultancy aimed to carry out a business diagnosis, to identify the processes, resources used and possible restrictions that somehow prevent the evolution and continuous improvement in the organization. For this, it was necessary to collect information through interviews with management, data collection from digital and physical sources, which served as a guide in the elaboration of matrices, mapping of processes and representation of the value chain, thus obtaining a visualization of all the productive areas of the company, allowing the work team to identify bottlenecks in the productive and administrative process that will be detailed in the following sections of the work. Likewise, it was possible to obtain a panoramic view of the administrative processes, which suggest a series of changes that will allow an improvement in the profitability of the company.Item Plan de mejora para el fortalecimiento del sistema de costos en la empresa Sublimación (Transfer) ubicada en Patio Bonito.Homez-Guzman, Anyela; Gómez-Figueredo, Fanny Nelly; Porras-Fajardo, Karen Sofia; Peña Sánchez, LilianaSublimación (Transfer) is a micro-company in the textile sector, located in the Patio Bonito sector, its main products are lycra for skating, cycling and soccer uniforms, being the lycra for skating one of the products with the highest turnover and therefore has greater recognition and remembrance among its customers. Through different diagnostic tools, it was possible to develop an improvement plan, which consists of designing a production order cost system for the company Sublimación (Transfer), developed through an Excel application. Implementing a production order cost system will allow the company to identify relevant aspects of the financial area and the production area, helping the organization to carry out adequate control and planning of the company, it is important and essential that all the records that are made reflect the actual information of the company, since this depends on the reliability and reasonableness of the accounting information.Item Implementación RSE para Cortadora y Dobladora Fenix S.A.SCifuentes-Camargo, Erika Lorena; Useche-Gonzalez, Claudia Marcela; Villalobos-Hernandez, Jesica Daniela; Peña Sánchez, LilianaThe Company Cortadora y Dobladora Fenix SAS opened us the doors and gived us the chance to know all relating with heavy ironmongery, to know the classification and economy activity are a good beginning in order to work on the project. Important data was found through the comprenhensive sector investigation, data as important as the participation on PBI, how much employment it is generate, where come the inputs, benefits of active TLC, import and export percentages. Besides, different diagnostic tools were applied or implemented which show how is the company at inside level. In the visits was possible to know what kind machines use, what is the complete process since the customer ask the order, company services and products and their end use; also we identified how work the administrative department, who are their customers, suppliers, competitors; from the commercial department and their social networks, web page, how is the administration of their database. A lot of information was collected in order to identify improvement opportunities.