Especialización en Gerencia de Empresas
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Item Análisis e Implementación de un Sistema de Recaudo en la Empresa Dewars CosmetiqueBrochero Muñoz, Estefany Lorena; López Arciniegas, Juan Diego; Mariño Reyes, Johny RubielIn the development of this whole project and all this process we noticed many shortcomings and needs that we must abide by immediately within the company Dewars Cosmetique Ltda. What? In the first instance is the portfolio should take into account the financial part in all companies as one of the key aspects, and in this company there is a problem in the collection of money on your bills there is no control at the time of charging clients and have been delayed exponentially creating a vacuum monetary within the company, this affecting the cash flow based on that we enter the second aspect to solve and it is in the field of production, as the portfolio has increased the profit margin that is to say the utility is small, for not saying scarce every month, one is beginning affecting the payment to the providers of the raw material for the development of the cosmetic products and often it is not fulfilled by the order stock for all the clients and affects the sale and the whole production line of the Company. The solution that we propose is outsourcing through a software and a company the method of collection, is called Data Credit Experian, with this we seek to ensure the way in which you can make the contract at the time of sale and generate in the medium term the recovery of money that has not yet been made effective and made lack receivable.Item Análisis y estrategias para el mejoramiento de la empresa L.I SPAVIVIR NEW ESTETIC IPS LTDAAlarcon Menjura, Iris Margoth; Hernandez Suarez, Leidy Tatiana; León Lozano, Esteffany; Suárez Lozano, Iván FernandoThrough this research work seeks to analyze each and every one of the relevant processes of operation of the Company LI SPA VIVID NEW STETIC IPS LTDA, proposing quantitative and qualitative measurement indicators to create a final proposal for improvement that allows competitive development in the different areas; since this is the starting point for the proper functioning of all types of companies. The integrating project is divided into two phases: the first is the research component, whose objective is to know closely and widely the history, trajectory and general information of the company under study and the services offered; The second phase is the disciplinary component, in which each one of the modules that make up the specialization program in Business Management estimated by the Universidad Agustiniana is applied, and they provide tools of great importance for the realization of the project. For the development of the case study, several support tools are taken into account, such as the matrix MMGO, SWOT, MPC, The Five Forces of Porter, among others, which applied to the IPS provide information and basic analysis, for the implementation and application of a strategic management and administration model. Providing the opportunity to the directors to know the actual operation of their company, and implement the improvement proposal that is presented to the management and other directives of the company in question, whose purpose is the effective and competitive management of the company.Item Asesoría DeliRicos Congelados S.A.S.Sanchez Ochoa, Edith Lorena; Ovalle Guzman, Maria Fernanda; Mariño Reyes, Johny RubielThe main objective of the document is the process of advice in companies to detect weaknesses and / or problems that influence the development of the mission, vision and objectives of the same, conducting external and internal studies, for this case DeliRicos Congelados SAS, were carried out several investigations and field studies in the environment where it is located, direct competition, suppliers, customers, the economic impact that the country is going through and finally the processes of each area based on the manuals of functions, procedures and the degree of responsibility of each member of the company, as a result it was evidenced that the problem is in the production area with the treatment of waste (banana peel), since there is no established process or a commercial line such as exit option, and this expands to other areas, influencing the cost overrun and thus hurting the increase in utility.Item Desarrollar un plan estratégico en el proceso comercial que permita aumentar las ventas en la Empresa Cuidado y Atención en Salud en Américas S.A.SBarreto Cataño, Diana Esmeralda; Rocha Lopez, Maria Claudia; Mariño Reyes, JohnyIn the company CARE AND CARE IN HEALTH IN AMERICA SAS, a General Diagnosis of the operative and administrative processes was carried out in order to identify weaknesses to be improved and it was determined that the commercial area needs an investment in order to increase sales and expand its customer base that allows fulfilling the Vision that they have set for the year 2019, which indicates Consolidate as one of the best service companies in health promotion and prevention, providing a good service, with high quality standards and excellence in the attention With a teamwork that allows users, clients and patients to be guaranteed a continuous development of personal growth, achieving a permanence in the market and becoming more competitive and sustainable every day.Item Diagnóstico y plan de mejora en el área de mercadeo para la empresa Carruseles S.A.Martínez Pachón, Judy Alejandra; Ramírez Palacio, Paula Andrea; Suarez Gutiérrez, Jeraldin; Mariño Reyes, Johny RubielThe diagnosis was made and the company Carruseles SA is dedicated to family entertainment in amusement parks, has 110 employees, takes into account the administrative and operational part of the company, its parks are distributed in six shopping centers in the city and its surroundings, Centro comercial Tunal, Centro Comercial Unisur, Centro Comercial Tintal, Centro Comercial Portal 80, Centro Comercial Plaza de las Américas, Centro Comercial San Juan Plaza (Neiva) and Centro Comercial Hacienda Casablanca (Madrid). of video games, redemption machines and services for family and business events. To obtain this report, we must take into account the area of human resources, purchases, services and financial services, have been in the best conditions, production processes have been given, the results of the functions have been given. Improvement proposal in this company. From this process it has been demonstrated that the company has been without a person in charge of marketing for several months and in the company that has seen a considerable decrease in its income, and that the main functions of this area are Manage part of events, promotions and innovative ideas to attract customers.Item Diseñar una estrategia comercial que fortalezca los ingresos con la expansión de la línea de servicios en la empresa Auto Faca S.A.De Dios Velásquez, Adolfo; Quintín Pérez, Oscar Iván; Ramos Villafañe, Yesica Milena; Mariño Reyes, Jonny R.This document contains the proposal for improvement at the marketing level for the company Auto Faca S.A. with the purpose of obtaining greater financial results. One of the means to reach this improvement proposal is to take advantage of the business and industrial growth that the western savanna of the city of Bogotá D.C. is having, which has led to a greater flow of mobility of people in this area. And that's where Auto Faca S.A. Taking advantage of its trajectory of more than 50 years, operating as an intermunicipal transporter of passengers by land, and with a greater use of its vehicular fleet destined to provide the special transport service, it expands in this line of business, allowing the company and its Affiliates, get higher profit margins. This through commercial alliances with recreation centers, business and religious training, greater coverage in terms of routes and destinations; directed mainly to companies in the Western savanna area and family groups. If this improvement proposal is implemented, the company will have an adequate use of its vehicle fleet, in terms of the financial area the improvement will focus positively on its cash flows, this will represent a higher margin of profitability for the company, given the expansion of this niche market in the area, taking advantage of the boom in business and industrial growth that this sector is currently experiencing.Item Diseño de plan estratégico para la empresa surti-mascotasBohórquez Rodriguez, Juan Camilo; Cifuentes Largo, Miller Antonio; Molina Roa, Omar Giovanni; Suárez Lozano, Iván FernandoNowadays the small companies posibilities in markets are too small, because of multiple factors, related with the lack of management and the poor contributions given by state entities. The main objective of this study, consists in the execution of a diagnosis process that generates an impact and value contribution to a company under study, where the organization is able to determine their own difficulties and from this point of view may obtain relevant information applicable to their current reality.Item Diseño de un plan de mejoramiento de los procesos de gestión humana estudio caso AFG IMPORT S.A.SCantor Florez, Angie Estefania; Marin Garcia, Yisel Bianed; Olaya, Juan CarlosIn the process of the investigation, administrative elements of significant importance were obtained that were not addressed in the company from a strategic context, which could be evidenced that directly affected efficiency, productivity and the work environment. Hence the importance of applying changes to the management model proposed in the improvement plan proposed in the development of this project. As required changes in the management model, strategic planning is required that involves all the company's collaborators, generating a shared mission. to involve the different hierarchical levels of the company in the proposed strategies in order to achieve a greater commitment and synergy between the areas to achieve high performance teams. To advance in this model with strategic focus as a determining element to execute it, communication in The double challenge presents the greatest challenge because the strategy must be mobilized in such a way that each of the company's workers have the information required for their role and thus achieve the expected contribution. As an administrative model and based on the modern theories of human relations were established change to the labor climate model, based s in the motivation and the evaluation by competences what would allow to potentiate the skills of the team to obtain results of better quality.Item Elaboración de la estructura contable para la toma correcta de decisiones en Unienvases SASSoto-Hernández, Wendy Gineth; Liliana PeñaIn the case of the company, the production line is mainly focused on the elaboration of raw materials for the plastics industry sector. The current purchase value of these materials ranges from $ 100 to $ 900 / Kg. and the sale price is between $ 600 to $ 2500 per kilogram depending on the quality, colors and type of material that is being processed and offered. A production cost is estimated between $ 200 to $ 600 per kilogram according to the processes carried out on the determined material. The estimated gross profit per kilogram of plastic processed would be between 20% to 50% according to the processes and types of materials that are being processed at the time and in accordance with the economic objectives of the company. According to information collected by the recycling sector, the economic behavior of the activity has been affected by factors such as the country's economic recession, the value of the dollar, large imports of virgin or original raw materials, and unfair competition. , winter, etc. However, the market is relatively stable with the typical ups and downs of the market in general. The company's production is intended to supply the national market, with clients located both in the city of Bogotá and in general throughout the national territory, which are manufacturers of plastic products or elements.Item Estrategia y plan de mejora para la empresa ingsumitec s.a.sAmaya Rincon, Edicsson Eduardo; Cuesta Poveda, Hernan Dario; Mariño Reyes, JohnyIn search of a project that required attention from management, we found a company called Ingsumitec SAS, in which after an inspection in their administrative processes we realized that they had many faults to improve which fitted perfectly into the creation of the strategic planning of the company since it did not have any defined process to which we proposed to the manager to give a diagnosis of the company and the recommendations within the strategic plan for its later implementation. The approach of the problem which is the subject of research is the few sales obtained for the operation of the company, because the company was created with empirical knowledge in the industrial sector and does not have strategic planning, this may be the reason principal as well as others that are grounds for analysis, since customers have been lost and has not had the recognition and expected growth. The methodology that was used for the analysis of the company Ingsumitec SAS was the analysis of Pestel and the five forces of Porter, this is a micro-company of the service sector created one (1) year ago that has two employees and provides its services of sale, installation, repair and advice in pumping systems, steam and hardware to the industrial sector where is its field of action. For the creation of the strategic plan, the logical framework model guide for the planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects and programs (MML) proposed in the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is taken.Item Estrategias de mejora en los procesos productivos de la empresa Artgraphic DAVRoa Correa, Angela Patricia; Sánchez Montaño, Daniel Alberto; Olaya Molano, Juan CarlosThis integrative project was carried out to the company ARTGRAPHIC DAV looking for the strategies that must be developed for the improvement in the productive processes during the period between July 2017 and May 2018, evaluating each component involved in the operation of the economic activity of the company and the results generated by these. For this, it was necessary to carry out a diagnosis that would allow analyzing the current state of the company and determine the processes that require improvement, then the generation of a proposal for improvement in the production area and finally the construction of control indicators for the measurement of the production area. This study was justified by the problem that exists in the production area and that affects to a large extent the final result of the goods offered to the client. The methodology used in this project is approached from the type of qualitative and exploratory applied research, with the use of different tools designed to obtain the greatest amount of information for the development of the work and applying the case study where each one was analyzed. process determining which ones have the possibility of improvement. Finally, this diagnosis allowed to reach the conclusion that ARTGRAPHIC DAV presents its main bottleneck in the production area in the finishing equipment and intends to take immediate action in the time it takes to finalize the pieces in this area, developing a staggered production strategy and decreasing the times executed in each of these.Item Estrategias para la implementación de un nuevo punto de venta de la fábrica de empanadas la caseritaPaez Romero, Carlos Andres; Olaya Molano, Juan CarlosRecognitionItem Estrategias y planes para el fondo de empleados FenlinterGomez Cardenas, Daniel Esteban; Muñoz Castillo, William Gustavo; Orduz Pinzon, Daniela Michell; Mariño Reyes, JohnyThe Fenlinter employee Fund is an organization of solidarity economy, which links employees with indefinite term contract, currently, it has an agreement with many companies such as Halliburton, Gas instrument, Magnatesting, Pemarsa, and Valmar, with the presence at the level Providing savings and credit services to their partners. Moreover, the previous argument that we must take in mind and principal items for the proper development of the research is the analysis of the scenario which activity of the employee fund is being operated and is a field of aggressive commercial strategies, innovative advertising campaigns and structural alliances of Unimaginable sizes and styles. Within the company, there are many factors against that they must work to turn them into beneficial opportunities in the future and that can materialize quickly, based on this concept, we define the key question of researching which is : how to determine a business strategy with the purpose of increasing the membership of the Employee Fund and scope the benefits counseling to partners? The objective of this project is to determine a commercial strategy that increases the sales and loyalty of associates. Derived from this is expected to increase the number of associates linked to the fund, generating a greater cash flow and better benefits for them and their families.Item Estratégias y planes para el mejoramiento administrativo en la empresa Construcciones Mauricio Páez SAS.Guerrero Bulla, Yeinson Darwin; Mahecha Cardenas, Liceth; Rincon Castañeda, Jesica Briyid; Suárez Lozano, Iván FernandoThe research project was carried out at the company Construcciones Mauricio Páez SAS, it is a company of the construction sector with a trajectory of 5 years in the market, performing activities such as masonry in pressed brick, pañete and finished of all kinds, through The outsourcing of processes, currently has coverage in Bogotá, Cundinamarca and Boyacá, within its growth process is the certification in quality standards in order to expand its market to public works.Item Estrategias y planes para la Corporación Casa de la Cultura de Fontibón Cacique HyntibaLópez Rodríguez, Anderson; Gutiérrez Garzón, Fanny Melina; Olaya Molano, Juan CarlosThis research project aims to contextualize the management and development of the Corporation House of Culture of Fontibon Cacique Hyntiba looking for the improvement of their communication alternatives within the community.Item Estrategias y planes para la empresa ALAMBRES Y MALLAS S.A.Paez Nieto, Diana Paola; Rojas Serrano, Edna Mayerly; Torres Cagüeñas, Katherine; Avellaneda Avellaneda, Zulma JuliethThis project is carried out with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the wire and mesh, S.A. company through research and diagnostic internal and external in the development of its social, oriented to identify flaws that put people at risk the operation and image of the company. For this reason, strategic objectives that lead to the search for viable solutions to problems found are created. In the same way, is taken as reference management and planning from different concepts of authors, to be tools that are conducive to the achievement of objectives and therefore, the continuous improvement of the organizations. On the other hand, used the case study as a type of research that defines the population and shows tackled for a better analysis. Therefore, this work includes the component discipline which describes the concept of organization, purpose, business review, as well as its location and facilities. Also, modules of economic environment, strategic management, management of human talent, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance, financial management, market, negotiation and conflict management, management and competitiveness are finishing with operations and logistics. It is necessary to mention, that in every module you create objectives and indicators aimed at improvement of the company, responsible for measuring the implementation of the proposals in this project, in the same way, prepares a timetable and budget determining the time and costs required to implement it.Item Estrategias y planes para la empresa Coconut Company SASMoreno Valles, Claudia Mabel; Sanchez Sanchez, Ana Milena; Suárez Lozano, Iván FernandoThis document addresses the case of the company Coconut Company S.A.S. Food processing company and marketer of coconut products a proposal for improvement for the different areas evaluated, being relevant for the organization the opening of new markets to achieve growth. When making the diagnosis in the company, and according to each module studied in the specialization, it was possible to visualize problems present in the development of the daily activities of the organization; We used the tools provided by the strategic management as an applied base in order to establish indicators projected over time that give the company more competitiveness, financial stability, and growth in the market niche. The main objective of this project is to publicize the importance of each of the company's areas, and with this define the interaction they present in the achievement of company objectives, working as a team to achieve the expected results; Additionally, the company must have a focus, and a projection in time, a clear mission and vision to know where they are going in the market.Item Estrategias y planes para la empresa Comercializadora Llano Moreno S.A.S.Hernandez Rojas, Claudia Milena; Mendoza Serrano, Viviana Marcela; Oritz Villalobos, Lina Alejandra; Avellaneda Avellaneda, Zulma JuliethThe development of the research includes the theoretical and practical foundations focused on the exercise practical; a first investigative chapter which seeks to answer the question What strategies must be developed for the administrative and productive improvement of Comercializadora Llano Moreno SAS ?, through the structuring of a strategic plan applied to the organization and through the respective diagnostic analysis it is possible to establish the current conditions presented by the company, and project possible improvement options. The second chapter develops the disciplinary component that integrates each one of the areas of the organization such as the area of markets, financial, human talent, logistics, etc. Using the tools acquired in class, a revision is made to each of the areas of the company Comercializadora Llano Moreno SAS, finding different flaws that significantly affect the growth and development of the organization, and do not allow be recognized and be competitive with other companies engaged in similar activities. Comercializadora Llano Moreno SAS, is a marketer of pineapple grown in the plains Orientals of Colombia, their offices are located in the neighborhood of the Bogota fairs. HE performs analysis in the company's process where opportunities for improvement are identified in the different processes that they develop. The diagnosis made shows that the different areas evaluated have shortcomings in different aspects, such as lack of training, ignorance of the processes, lack of market policies, advertising, among others.Item Estrategias y planes para la empresa Contacto Estrategico OutsourcingPardo Monsalve, Gustavo Adolfo; Sevilla Montenegro, Brayan Steven; Urrea Romero, Gloria Johana; Olaya Moreno, Juan CarlosThe integrating project contains the identification of a problem under an investigation carried out to propose improvement solutions, looking for the organization to continue developing its operation, growing and fulfilling its goals. For this, the type of qualitative research is carried out, which allows to identify variables that help to formulate the different scenarios that the company can interrelate both internal and external factors. Finally, a proposal for improvement is given to the company, which allows the company to have a tool or input on the current stateItem Estrategias y planes para la empresa Crispeticas SportBriceño Cáceres, Diana Stefania; Mariño Reyes, JhonyThe central objective of the document is to design the strategic plan of the company in such a way that it improves processes and decision-making in the organization of the company Crispeticas Sport. To carry out this, tools were identified for the diagnosis of the company, whose results were analyzed for the construction of strategies to base the strategic plan of the company: The Porter matrix, the Pestel matrix and the Logical Framework methodology. The Porter matrix was used to analyze the organization internally; the Pestel matrix to diagnose the external context of the company and the Logical Framework Matrix for the definition of goals, indicators and assumptions through the analysis of the problem tree and objectives tree. Given the application of the Porter matrix, it was evident that the most important forces were the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of the buyers and the bargaining power of the suppliers; from the application of the Pestel matrix, that the textile sector has positive aspects at a technological, ecological and legislative level, is affected by factors such as unemployment, corruption, poverty, limited purchasing power, dollar variations affecting the stability of the inputs, arrival of migrants that increase unemployment rates and increase in poverty levels, the increase in taxes When applying the Logical Framework Matrix, problems related to the absence of strategic planning and an administrative area within the organization were identified, which generates a chain affectation on the processes, stability of the personnel, optimization of the production of the company and customer satisfaction, through which the strategies for the definition of the strategic plan were built.