Tecnología en Desarrollo de Software
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Item Aplicación de escritorio para gestión e inventarioSerrato-Violeth, Jean Paul; Ramirez-Castillo, Carlos Andrés; Villalba, Mauricio AlonsoAn inventory management system is essential for any organization that handles physical products. Facilitates efficient inventory management, improving purchasing and sales management. It allows the organization to record and maintain a complete catalog of products with descriptions, codes, categories, prices and suppliers, ensuring accurate tracking of each item. The system controls purchases and sales, recording all entries and exits of products, guaranteeing an updated view of stock levels and avoiding shortages or excess stock. Efficiency is key, as it automates tasks, saves time and reduces errors. In addition, it provides detailed reports and analysis that allow you to make informed and strategic decisions. In summary, an inventory management system significantly improves the organization's efficiency in managing its inventory. It facilitates purchasing and sales control, ensures effective inventory management and provides a competitive advantage by making decisions based on accurate and current data. Inventory becomes a strategic asset for the organization, optimizing the purchasing and selling processes. Inventory management becomes more efficient, resulting in reduced costs and better customer service. Ultimately, the organization can make wiser and more efficient decisions, leading to sustainable growth and success.Item Aplicación móvil para identificar los diferentes componentes que tiene una red WifiZambrano-Rodriguez, Nicolás; Valle-Diaz, Francisco ClementeThe application will have the display of the different components that a Wi-Fi network has, since when loading a file on a platform called Firebase, the Json file will be loaded, which will have all the information of the Wi-Fi networks, where three APIs are generated. which will be loaded to the application, when loaded, it will be possible to view all the different components that a Wi-Fi network has (MAC, Ip Address, name, SSID). The SACUW software is presented for the academic community, designed to operate as a tool for WIFI network data analysis captured with the Kismet sniffer. For its construction, the Dart language and the Flutter Framework were used, which allow us to move in the development of a WEB page and an application for mobile devices that work with the Android and IOS operating systems. In the same way, it is intended to collaborate in the creation of a collective awareness around cyber security, showing the information that can be obtained from the frames captured and analyzed in large volumes.Item Aplicación web para el control de facturación, pagos e inventarios del salón de belleza JoseppCasas-Díaz, Jhon Alexander; Villalba, Mauricio AlonsoThe objective of creating this web application is to allow the company Jossep Beauty Salon to have better control of its main activities, both internal processes, as well as inventories and sales control that were not previously executed. , thus leaving many gaps when closing the month. For the development of this application, the Extreme programming (XP) software methodology was implemented, the development process was executed in a total time of 6 months, conducting telephone interviews and strict monitoring to be able to make the delivery as the client requested it.Item Aplicación web para la gestión de servicios tecnológicos de la empresa GitSoftRondon-Useche, John Styven; Segura, Martha YanethAbstrac The objective of this project is to collect information, analyze, design and develop a web application that allows the management of company information called GitSoft. The data collection instruments such as the interview, the survey, the observation are applied and according to the results, the use case diagram, the class diagram, the deployment diagram and the package diagram are carried out in UML. The applied method corresponds to the Scrum methodology emphasizing the application of Sprint to carry out specific tasks in a given period of time where increments are obtained in the project and modules can be tested. The project web application consists of a login page, Crud interaction views for products, services, clients, users and administrator. The development software used is proprietary and corresponds to Visual Studio.Net with C # language For the Front-end and Back-end, SQL Server for the database; access to the data is available in Url through an Api service.Item Aplicación web SIC de ubicación en bodega con código de barras e inventarios con formato de Excel para la inclusión de guías y vuelos de Cargolap Logística S.A.Vargas-Martinez, Daniel Felipe; Villalba, Mauricio AlonsoStudy the airport needs of airlines Cargolap Logística S.A clients regarding their organization, merchandise control, inventories and offices to provide solutions through a web application that adapts to the needs of the client and allow improvements in each of these processes. In this way we will ensure that the company can To be recognized in the software development sector oriented to airport entities. For To carry out this, meetings were held with some clients and we were allowed to know the difficulties they presented regarding the management and handling of goods in special warehouses, With this, problems were identified in the dispatch of goods and their location in the warehouses, given the high traffic, the high handling and the amount of inventory handled. Given this situation was thought of a web application that would meet each of these needs, managing to control the goods from the time they arrive at the warehouses until they are dispatched, recording the traceability of the merchandise and thus having precision in the information.Item Aprendizaje Virtual con Webquest (AVWQ): Plataforma de apoyo académicoGuatibonza-Bello, Diego Alexander; Granados-Sanchez, Fernando Esleyder; Villalba, Mauricio AlonsoAlong with the Internet boom, the vituals plataforms emerged in the middle of the 90’s. Those spaces of virtual interactions are oriented from its beginnings to offer different types of services that include, among others, entertainment, business, politics and every time stronger, education.Item Creación de un aplicativo web orientado a la gestión y comercialización de productos en línea para la empresa comercializadora avícola Los BaqueroGarcia-Prieto, Jhonattan José; Acosta-Orjuela, Duver ReneThis document presents the situation and requirements for the development of the web application for the online product management of “Avícola Los Baquero”. It outlines the characteristics of a traditional poultry company and its transition to the digital market through the creation of the website. The primary focus of the web application is to allow users unfamiliar with the company to learn about it and purchase products through e-commerce. However, additional functionalities that digital tools offer have been incorporated, such as sales report management, product trend reports, and the creation of communication channels between users and the company. This channel will remain open for message reception in a stable and continuous way, providing options for potential customers to access the company’s products and services even outside working hours.Item Creación de un software de seguimiento de calidad para la empresa INEMFLEX S.A.SVargas-Sandoval, James Eliot; Prieto-Gutierrez, Julian Felipe; Villalba, Mauricio AlonsoWe developed a web application for the company Inemflex S.A. S for quality control, we were presented with the problem they had, which was that they carried this process in excel sheets, it became a tedious task for them, as they were very heavy files and it takes a long time to open, this gave us step to present an idea to optimize the procedure they performed from a web application, this application is presented as a solution, since it is accessible with internet, they can work from anywhere in the world, this is favorable for them because they can keep track faster, this leads to less time invested and agility of the process, throughout the document will explain the development of the software.Item Creación de una aplicación móvil hibrida que aplique la metodología del Design Thinking y documente el producto de cada una las fasesCastaño-García, Ferney; González-Morales, Natalia; Villalba, Mauricio AlonsoThe Design Thinking technique is not an exclusive property of the designers: all Great innovators in literature, art, music, science, engineering, and business have practiced it. The special thing about Design Thinking is that designers' work processes can help us systematically extract, teach, learn, and apply self-centered techniques human to solve problems in a creative and innovative way (RIKKE FRIIS DAM, 2020, P.4). The objective of this project is to document the entire process that was carried out to develop an APP that contains the guide and all the phases of the Desing Thinking methodology, in order to decrease the investment in time and money that users interested in the subject make to train, be able to understand it and in addition to this focus it on the students of the University Augustinian. In order for them to appropriate the application and use it to solve the different problems that arise during their professional preparation. It is a method to generate ideas in an agile way with innovative procedures, which They concentrate their efficiency in understanding the problems and solving the real needs of the users and clients. In general, the people who use this tool are those who find in an entrepreneurial project or are making an improvement to a product or service and require focus on the user in order to be successful on the project.Item Creación de una aplicación web para generar los inventarios en el restaurante Chispas de la Colina ubicado en BogotáZipa-Fonseca, Brayan Francisco; Botero-Núñez, Germán David; Villalba, Mauricio AlonsoThis document addresses the description of the development process of an inventory control web application designed for the Chispas de la Colina restaurant. The main objective of the application is to be able to keep more detailed control of inventory records and in this way optimize response times for the activities of the restaurant's corporate purpose. To carry out the development and meet the requested requirements, the Extreme Programming (XP) methodology was implemented, which focuses on speed and flexibility when developing a software project, in addition to the technical implementation it was used of the Laravel framework for its robustness and flexibility, as well as a set of modern open source web tools that allowed the efficient construction of the application and ensure an optimal user experience and solid performance. Once the development stage was completed and with a stable and functional system already implemented on the website, the corresponding tests were carried out with real users, which resulted in positive statistics in terms of functionality and compliance with requirements. In this way, through the software developed, a solution is provided that provides the restaurant with the ability to keep detailed control of its inventory records.Item Desarrollo de Aplicación web canvas interactivo para crear modelos de negocio en CEIDEA de UniagustinianaRamírez-Chitiva, Daniel Stivens; Saavedra-Medina, Joan Sebastian; Pirateque-Guerrero, David Alejandro; Rojas-Tavera, Jhon AlexanderThis document shows the implementation of a different and practical way of managing academic projects at the Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Business Development Agustiniano CEIDEA, which seeks to enable entrepreneurs to clarify their doubts regarding their idea and/or project. When starting or having a business idea, not always all aspects are clear and this leads us to make mistakes that can mean losses in different areas, such as the organization, the economy or the added value that our venture has to become a successful product. To improve these aspects, based on the Ash Maurya business model method called Lean canvas, which works to identify, evaluate and correct, in order to find an optimal solution along with other factors to consider for the effective development of the business model, which makes this process easier and faster for entrepreneurs, in addition to having the advice of experts from CEIDEA who, within its Gestemp platform where Uniagustiniana projects are managed and where the Lean canvas interactive system will be managed, will manage the respective processes; The business model will also have a new block which will make the entrepreneur go hand in hand with the objectives of sustainable development and thus cover the social, economic and environmental aspects in their respective project.Item Desarrollo de aplicación web para el monitoreo y conservación del Humedal de Techo, departamento de proyección social UniagustinianaHerrera-Castañeda, Raúl Orlando; Acosta-Orjuela, Duver ReneThe Eco-Techo project aims to develop an environmental monitoring application for the Techo Wetland, allowing the capture, storage and visualization of telemetric data that contribute to its conservation. The Eco-Techo system collects real-time data from the telemetry station that has been installed in the wetland; this station measures environmental variables such as temperature, humidity, pressure and gas resistance. The system consists of a frontend in Angular, which provides users with an easy-to-use interface to monitor and examine the data, and a backend in NestJS that processes, organizes and stores the data in a PostgreSQL database. The telemetry station sends the information to the backend via Node-Red, allowing the system to collect sensor data and create automatic alerts when values outside the set limits are recorded. Eco-Techo users include engineers, the university's outreach group and the local community. These users are able to visualize data in real time using gauge graphics, consult historical information and receive alerts about critical situations in the wetland. This system not only simplifies the monitoring of the wetland ecosystem, but also helps in making decisions for its protection and preservation, including the community in the process.Item Desarrollo de la versión candidata en realidad virtual para la accesibilidad en el aprendizaje de estudiantes sordos y oyentes (Caso Lógica de Programación).Rodriguez-Rincon, Lina Marcela; Cortes C, Andres F; Segura-Ruiz, Martha YanethThe central purpose of the project, titled “Development of the candidate version in virtual reality for accessibility in learning for deaf and hearing students (Programming Logic Case)”, is to create an interactive experience in virtual reality that addresses the challenges of accessibility to knowledge of people with hearing disabilities in relation to the area of technology and computer science, more specifically in programming logic. Our focus is on the development of this experience, which will allow people to interact with the content in an immersive and accessible way. Throughout this report, we will detail the tools and methodology (SUM) used for the development of this candidate version, which allowed to execute within the established times each of the tasks complying with the defined parameters. In addition, a superficial view on the use of controls and specific parameters is provided so that users can experiment, make decisions that influence the way they access and assimilate knowledge. The initiative seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the hearing impaired and to offer alternative solutions that benefit both students and ordinary people who are interested in understanding how programming logic works, allowing for a more inclusive and effective learning experience in the virtual reality (VR) environment.Item Desarrollo de prototipo de plataforma web para la generación, envío y revisión de reportes de una planta con sensores en un ambiente educativo agrícola.Poveda-Borda, Ingrid Michell; Zamora-Calderon, Nicolas; Segura-Ruiz, Martha YanethThe central objective of the document is to present a prototype of a web platform called Smart Crops designed to support education focused on agriculture. Research was conducted to identify the software tools available for agricultural education in Colombia. The findings revealed that most of these tools rely on a purely informative methodology; however, there is a notable lack of tools that provide user support through direct interaction with the system. Considering this, the project aims to offer a tool where students aged 12 to 17 can learn about plant growth by observing this process and recording the plant's condition using the platform. Furthermore, the platform is expected to increase students' knowledge about agriculture through informative sections and interactive features that work in tandem with a planter equipped with sensors.Item Desarrollo de sistema APP para informar a los usuarios sobre las patologías médicas más comunes en el cuerpo humanoRojas Rodriguez, Jhon Jairo; Villalba, Mauricio Alonso"MEDISOFT" (System development App for users in medical pathologies most common in the human body.). This application was born mainly from a personal experience that I had during the month of April of this year where I was in the hospital due to a medical emergency on which my life depended, where he gave me an appendicitis where he gave me at the least expected moment beginning with a stomach ache that around two days was increasing in pain, clearly the first day I went to the emergency room they treated me but they only told me it was poisoning or something similar with some food, I was prescribed some medicines but that same night it got worse the next day I had to go back, this pain was stronger every time where that day I was admitted to the emergency room and at night I had surgery to remove the appendix, where for the time in the care it became a peritonitis where if it had not acted quickly I could have lost my life. Every day I thank God and all the medical team that performed the surgery, where they saved my life and the nurses who were in my recovery in the hospital and at home, where I was in the hospital asking about the causes or about the Because I had been given appendicitis the doctors only told me the basics or what I needed to know in that moment, even only until they named that word in the emergency room I thought about it, before I had no idea of the meaning of it or its origin, after the third day in the hospital thinking many things about surgery and the degree project I came up with the idea of developing an application initially focused on information and related to appendicitis, and start my degree project with the creation of this application from the idea and the conceptualization the rest of days in the hospital I finished improving the idea for when it was my exit to be able to pass it to writing and start with the initial models for mobile devices.Item DESARROLLO DE SOFTWARE ERP(MÓDULO COMERCIAL , CLIENTES), PARA ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESA DE GESTIÓN DE RESIDUOS EN COLOMBIA (AMBIENTAPP COLOMBIA)Perea Rodriguez, Oscar Sebastian; Alonso Villalba, MauricioThe evolution of technology in companies has become a necessity to carry out their processes and carry out their activities, as a result of this evolution, the development of personalized software for each company has grown over time, rethinking the use of manual tools, in order to increase their production, the accuracy of the data and improving the response times in their processes. The main objective of this project is to develop custom software for the company Eco Industria SAS ESP, who throughout their history have shown that companies need technology and rethink the structure of their processes based on their commercial growth and administrative, finding that through this application, data and decision-making can be improved. With the Ambientapp application, the company Eco Industria is given its own tool that performs its internal processes efficiently and more advanced, and generates added value for the client, involving them in the company from self-management, minimizing response times, generating security and organizing the processes that the company manages.Item Desarrollo de un aplicativo móvil partner-car que sirva como herramienta de comunicación para los conductores mediante el uso de reconocimiento de vozMontoya-Parada, Jorge Luis; Villalba, Mauricio AlonsoActually , the potencial of smartphones creates a new way that is look the phone all day , use the phone for work ,personal entertainment , this devices allow a lot of information that people can share with others, the problem it is when people use the phone , nowdays people use the phone when they are driving that means they can cause an accident for this reason , partner-car try to solve the problem , it has an artificial intelligence that help people to send messages while they are driving .Item Desarrollo de un aplicativo Móvil R-FOOD que sirva como herramienta de reconocimiento de alimentos en una imagen mediante el uso de redes neuronales.Vela-Muñoz, Carlos Alejandro; Lobatón García, Hugo FabiánIn the last decades, a new field within computer science has been strengthened, focused on the solution of problems related to the real world. This has strengthened the applications of Convolutional Neuronal Network (CNN), neural networks whose first field of action is image recognition, and BigData. The present project will focus on the first topic, opening the possibility of having a hybrid mobile application, with the ability to detect the food found in an image, the second scope was through a broad base of images on golden pineapples, to generate a report of the state of maturity of this.Item Desarrollo de un aplicativo web administrativo para la academia de músicaSilva Cifuentes, Diana Mildrey; Villalba, Mauricio AlonsoThe objective of the project is to develop a web application for the music academy to facilitate and optimize administrative processes, also being easy and intuitive for the use of students and teachers. In the development of the project it will handle three types of users, the first user is the administrator who will manage the administrative panel, which has the system to create, edit, read and delete. The second user is the teachers who could view the assigned students in their respective course and schedule, you also have a list of your students to take assistance. The third user is the student who can only view the course, date of initiation, teacher and duration of the class. The administrator has five modules, which will allow to manage the student's registration, also a list of the students who are taking or pausing their courses, the next module is a teacher where you will handle information and list of teachers who are in the academy, the course module is one where he will help the organization of the three types of courses that the academy manages, which are: free course, courses at home or quarterly.Item Desarrollo de un Aplicativo Web para la Facturación, Control de Kardex y Apoyo al Manejo de Gastos de la Empresa ¨EMPANADAS DE MI TIERRA Y PRODUCTOS S.A.S.¨Hernandez Galvis, Jonathan Camilo; Ferro Hernandez, Juan Carlos; Mauricio Alonso VillabaThe aim of the project is the accomplishment of an applicative web, which will allow him to take the record of products, clients, suppliers, expenses, generation of invoices and visualization of reports. The creators of the company Bread of my land and products S.A.S. will meet beneficiaries with the development of this one applicative to economic as operative level, taking advantage to the maximum of the options generated by this one.