Now showing items 21-30 of 199
Propuesta de una Ruta Turística en el Municipio de Villavieja -Huila
In the course of this project the proposal of a tourist route for the communitarian development in
the municipality of Villavieja Huila is made, in where studies for the data collection are carried
out different that ...
Plan de marketing territorial enfocado al turismo para el municipio de Agua de Dios Cundinamarca
In order to group and put into practice the knowledge acquired during the studies carried out in the hotel and tourism program providing the realization of an idea studied and that is applicable. This project has the main ...
Propuesta para el desarrollo de un paquete turístico de ferias y fiestas de los municipios de Jenesano y Ramiriquí
Jenesano and Ramiriquí are two municipalities in the province of Márquez in the Department of
Boyacá, Colombia, located in the center of the department, which is about
28 km from tunja, the capital of the department, ...
Análisis del impacto de sustituir pitillos plásticos por biodegradables en una empresa de servicios de Alimentos & Bebidas, Caso Centro de Convenciones El Cubo, Bogotá
Taking into account the problem of pollution facing the planet and much of the pollution produced is due to the consumption and poor handling of plastic whose components take a long time to decompose and within the industries ...
Ruta turística a partir de la memoria histórica de los acontecimientos relacionados con el Bogotazo.
The main objective of this work is to determine how a tourist route of historical memory related to the bogotazo event develops. To accomplish this in the first chapter, the places and facts that are part of the memory ...
Propuesta de un programa de desarrollo comunitario turístico a partir del apadrinamiento en la Vereda Los Puentes (Mosquera - Cundinamarca)
During the development of the project and the challenges that occurred along the way, an alternative of community unification for socio-economic improvement in their quality of life through tourism as a tool or instrument ...
Propuesta de actividades Ecoturísticas para el parque Embale el Hato entre Ubate y Carmen de Carupa Cundinamarca
El Parque Embalse el Hato located in the municipality of Ubate in jurisdiction with Carmen de Carupa has great importance for the inhabitants of the Region. Currently is supplier of drinking water for the surrounding ...
Inclusión laboral para personas con discapacidad física en cadenas hoteleras colombianas que operan en Bogotá
The objective of this project is to carry out an investigation where the barriers that are generated when generating labor inclusion for people with physical disability in the hotel chains operating in Bogotá can be ...
Propuesta para el diseño de actividades agroturísticas en la Granja Tachi del Municipio de Subachoque, Cundinamarca.
The proposal consists in the design of on-farm activities agro tourism Tachi of the Municipality of Subachoque, these have as their main objective to generate a tourist development in the farm through activities that ...
Estudio de la potencialidad del turismo comunitario en la provincia del Magdalena Medio en Cundinamarca como apuesta en las zonas de posconflicto
The present document is a study that seeks to contribute and generate tourism development proposals from 3 integrated municipalities within the Magdalena Center province in Cundinamarca. These municipalities are: Guayabal ...