Now showing items 191-199 of 199
Propuesta de un paquete de turismo experiencial por medio de la etnobotánica de la comunidad Muisca del oriente
In today's society, ethnobotany is little known or worked on, taking into account that people do not give it the importance that the Muiscas and their knowledge have, through Ethnotourism we want to show and teach this ...
Resignificando el turismo, del narcoturismo al turismo de memoria como estrategia de posicionamiento cultural en la ciudad de Medellín
The main objective of the document is to design tourism promotion strategies to redefine tourism in order to transform narcotourism into memory tourism in the city of Medellín.To carry out this, events and ...
Propuesta de turismo rural comunitario, Tame: un viaje a la resiliencia en el panorama del posconflicto en el municipio de Tame - Arauca
This work will present a proposal of rural community tourism that can help for the regeneration of the municipality of Tame - Arauca, which will play an important role in the reinsertion, because tourism is the best option ...
Análisis reflexivo de la percepción del patrimonio cultural en los museos de la Candelaria
The main objective of the document is to reflect on the factors that influence tourists' interest in learning about the cultural and historical heritage in the museums of La Candelaria, in Bogotá. Research instruments such ...
Diseño de un plan de divulgación de la cultura gastronómica del Cerro de Monserrate para el fortalecimiento del turismo.
This investigation focuses on the formulation of a proposal for the promotion and dissemination
of the gastronomic offer of Cerro de Monserrate, as well as the various aspects that make it up.
This with the purpose of ...
Propuesta plan estratégico de marketing digital para la promoción de marca Sammy’s House como prestadora de servicios de alojamiento.
For accommodation service providers, specifically for tourist apartments, promotion and advertising focused on each of them is very important, which is why, for this work, a proposal was made, focused on a strategic digital ...
Diseño de una ruta turística en el barrio el Paraíso de la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar
The present document is a proposal for a tourist route that is carried out in the El Paraíso
neighborhood of the Ciudad Bolívar town through activities related to nature tourism and cultural
tourism, highlighting that ...
Propuesta de un paquete turístico a partir de las prácticas económicas, culturales y gastronómicas en la Plaza de mercado Carlos E. Restrepo
This project proposes to develop a tourist package based on the economic, cultural and gastronomic practices carried out in the Carlos E. Restrepo Market Square to strengthen its potential as a tourist destination. Relating ...
Propuesta de plan de mejora para posicionar la plaza de mercado Carlos E. Restrepo como un destino turístico
The Carlos E. Restrepo Market Square is not within the recognition of public market squares prioritized for tourism by the IDT (District Tourism Institute) with the objective of achieving recognition to highlight the ...