Especialización en Seguridad Social Integral

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    Manual para la orientación y el asesoramiento a la empresa Vicky Fashion sobre la implementación del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SG-SST)
    Cortes-Rodríguez, Keidy Katherine; Forero-Hernández, Gina Alexandra; Gómez-Blanco, Juan David; Castro-Jiménez, Laura Elizabeth
    This integrative project whose study understands the importance of having a management and safety system implemented at work. The main intention is based on establishing a means by which the clothing company Vicky fashion knows how useful and necessary it is for the company to comply with the regulations in decree 0312 of 2019 of the minimum standards of the security management system and occupational health SG-SST focused on chapter 2 of 11 to 50 workers, which applies to the company. There are a total of 35 workers of which only 6 are affiliated to social security, they are from the plant and it is sufficient for management that they are operating in this way. For what they have always worked in this way there is their lack of interest, and also for decreasing the cost of this management system, for this reason they do not know the consequences of not being up to date with what concerns the system. As a solution, we proposed a manual indicating the step-by-step to the employer so that they can begin to implement the management system in the company. This was carried out in a virtual and didactic way so that it would be well received by management. Likewise, it is indicated that it does not represent a great expense, otherwise it represents a great advantage in its projection and in terms of competitiveness, as it can have a good recognition in the textile market.
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    Lineamientos en riesgos laborales para los migrantes venezolanos regulares e irregulares
    Criollo-Figueroa, Caterine Andrea; González-Parra, Fredy Oswaldo; Gutiérrez-Pérez, Laura Judith; Castro, Laura Elizabeth
    The focus of this project is to publicize the guidelines on occupational risks for regular and irregular Venezuelan migrants. The objective of this research was to show the Venezuelan population through a primer the benefits that legal establishment in Colombia brings with it, focusing on the area of occupational risks, for the Famig foundation. The development of the project was carried out through qualitative research methodology through the following actions, normative research regarding occupational hazards, classification according to their importance. The foregoing was done in order for the Venezuelan population to know the requirements for them to be able to enter a formal job and thus be affiliated with occupational risks either as an employer or a worker, in order to focus on the area of occupational risks research It focused on the regulations and the process of affiliation to the entities that provide the service. In this way, the final result will be delivered physically and virtually to the foundation through a primer which will be the final result of this project.
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    Evaluación de la Política Pública Social para el Envejecimiento y la Vejez en el Distrito Capital 2010-2025 de la segunda dimensión vivir bien en la vejez en el eje seres saludables y activos en la línea de la Salud.
    Arango-Rivera, Luz Esperanza; Díaz-Ovalle, Katherine Andrea; Salamanca-Fonseca, Diana Carolina; Castro Jiménez, Laura Elizabeth
    One of the main challenges facing public policies in general and specifically Bogota’s social public policy on Aging and Aging (PPSEV) is the regulation between actions to serve the largest population in the district and the creation of social environments in which older adults have the necessary and sufficient conditions to age with dignity and equity. In this research work, the analysis of 27 indicators established in the document “social public policy for Aging and Aging in the capital district” of the health line, corresponding to the” healthy and active beings” axis of the “living well in old age” dimension, to determine how public policies implemented during 2015 to 2019 helped mitigate older adult health deficiencies. Finding that the vast majority of the actions developed do not fully meet the objectives and needs of the older adult, as they are directed to the needs of the community in general and not to the needs of this population group.
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    Sensibilización sobre el sistema de seguridad social para empleadas domésticas en el barrio tunal en la localidad de Tunjuelito
    Becerra-Herrera, Jenifer Andrea; Patiño-Patiño, Jessica Juliana; Castro Jiménez, Laura Elizabeth
    The central objective of the current project is to sensitize domestic workers, located in the city of Bogotá, Tunjuelito town, Barrio tunal, Multifamiliar Guajira A, about the General Social Security System. For this purpose, a sociodemographic and knowledge survey was carried out on the subject in order to know the population and identify what gaps it has regarding comprehensive social security, its benefits and its forms of affiliation. The survey was applied to 49 domestic companies, the use of a means of communication such as WhatsApp was proposed to receive information on the subject, the beginning was a survey on the knowledge they had on comprehensive social security, based on the affected results, it was executed the awareness strategy in which it was processed with the design and elaboration of an informative video that includes precise information on issues in health, pension and occupational risks such as the types of regimes, comparison between the types of known regimes, advantages, benefits and how to contribute to social security according to law 1595 of 2012 which governs them. This informative video was broadcast to 49 domestic companies where 13 took the time to watch it because they wanted to have more knowledge of the subject through the better-known means of communication previously mentioned and in which they managed to clear their doubts and learn more about social security.
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    Herramienta metodológica para la implementación del sistema de gestión y seguridad en el trabajo en la empresa servicios y soluciones bajo la resolución 0312 de 2019
    Santos-Díaz, Jenny Roció; Gutiérrez-Porras, John Esteban; Castro, Laura Elizabeth
    The main objective of this project is to develop a methodological tool for the implementation of the of management system safety and health at work (SGSHW) for the company services and solutions. In order to achieve this objective, we conducted a series of evaluations, based on resolution 0312 of 2019, which gives us a set of minimum standards that must be fully met, in order to articulate, instruct and train employees and manager on the importance of implementing the management system health and safety at work.With this we can see that the use and implementation of health and safety at work are essential in the development of the different activities, faculties and abilities that can be found by the worker, without this tool the consequences to which the company is exposed could be harmful, so that the worker is exposed to a labor calamity is without some protection from the company.
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    Manual de mejora del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para la empresa ISO S.A.
    Saenz-Almeciga, Maicol; Rojas-Álvarez, Edwin Andrés; Castro Jiménez, Laura Elizabeth
    This integrating project is based on the development of a manual to improve the system of management of safety and health at work taking into account the publication by the Ministry of Labor of Resolution 0312/2019, which will be directed to the company Implantes y Sistemas Ortopédicos – ISO S.A. The aforementioned Resolution aims to define the new minimum standards of the OSHA according to the size and risk classification of the company. Consequently, 60 minimum standards were evaluated through an initial evaluation carried out in the company of the person in charge of the H&S. The result of the initial evaluation showed a breach of 31 standards, that is, that the level of non-compliance is 50.75% of that established by the Ministry of Labor. Subsequently, the strategies for preparing the manual were developed through a prioritization where the standards that should be implemented immediately in the short term and those that can be progressively implemented in the medium term were identified. This manual was socialized to the company's human resources area, who evaluated it with high compliance with expectations. Furthermore, they indicate that it will be of great impact for the company and confirm that the manual will be used as an internal guide for the development of activities pending compliance within the OSHA according to Resolution 0312/2019.
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    Estrategias de fomento de la afiliación a la seguridad social en productores de panela
    Maldonado-Matiz, Yarith Emilce; Rodriguez-Gomez, Blanca Luz; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    High levels of labor informality in Colombia lead to low levels of affiliation to the SGSS, leaving the working and employer population subject to great risks and contingencies. In the paneling production that is carried out in the municipality of Villeta, Cundinamarca, these risks, labor informality and the low level of affiliation to the SGSS can be evidenced. Given this problem, the question arises: How to promote the affiliation of workers in the paneling sector of the municipality of Villeta, Cundinamarca, to the SGSS; from the internal conceptions of the panela sector producers ?, with the general objective of generating strategies to promote the affiliation to the SGSS of its workers among panela producers (employers). The question is approached from the method of qualitative research, ethnographic design, and the use of structured interviews as an instrument for data collection, seeking an understanding from the conceptions of community members. The characterization diagnosis led to the design of strategies such as an interactive socialization talk with feedback and a GSSS socialization brochure. Before the intervention, it is evident that the application of the designed strategies helps the population to better understand the system and encourage affiliation, so it is recommended to continue applying them periodically, as well as explore the issue of associativity and solidarity economies as a method of promoting membership in the SGSS in future work.
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    Plan de apoyo para la socialización de fondo de pensiones y el programa Colombia mayor
    Roman-Hernandez, Luisa Fernanda; Castillo-Adames, Yineira Vanesa; Gil-Moreno, Vivianabel; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    Plan of support for the socialization of pension fund and the program Colombia mayor in the municipality of Soacha, with the aim of providing all related information through two awareness talks which we conducted through videos and Power Point presentations, according to surveys conducted in the population it is evident that people are not aware of government aid, much less their rights in the pension issue, in addition to it was found that very few people who have job stability and family support, much of the population works like an informal persons in the same neighborhood; During the development of the strategies, the lack of knowledge about the topics dealt and there was a huge interest about the access of information.. It should be noted that with part of the population, the accompaniment was developed until their documents were filed.
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    Estrategia de información sobre el Sistema de Seguridad Social Integral a Madres Comunitarias de la localidad Kennedy
    Angulo-Rodríguez, Diana; Cortes-Diaz, Laura Milena; Montaña-Coronado, Karen Viviana; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    The main goal of this Project is to elaborate a strategy to manage to increase the information about integral system of social security addressed 14% associations family welfare Colombian institute homes program, which groups community mothers located at Kennedy locality taking into account the recent formalization of their work as a formal job and the low knowledge about it. For this purpose, some intervention strategies were stablished directed to develop an inclusive project and meet the specific goals. Hence, some management steps were taken in order to have contact with the associations and the required permissions to apply the surveys through which socio demographic characterization of the target population was taken into account and the level of knowledge about the Integral system of security was identified. Based on the results, it was set that the best strategy is to make an information plan and the creation of informative pills as a didactic tool.
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    Actualización del programa de gestión de elementos de protección personal en la empresa ALBATEQ S.A.
    Nieto-Murcia, Mariluz; Rueda-Jimenez, Yury Andrea; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    The primary objective of the update of this program of management of personal protection elements in the company ALBATEQ SA, arises as an educational proposal in compliance with the development of the integration project required in academic settings and in search of solving internal needs at the organizational level, generating tools and protocols to control the allocation, use, storage, disinfection, custody and final disposal of personal protection elements (EPP). Accompaniment and management was provided, making the organization focus its efforts on the supply of PPE that meet the technical, regulatory characteristics in force in the country and satisfying the protection needs according to the work activities developed, in order to prevent accidents of work (TA), occupational diseases (EL) and decrease the resources that were being invested in EPP.
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    Propuesta para la socialización del fondo solidario de pensiones en Guayabal de Síquima
    Olave-Cristancho, Edisson Esteban; Gonzalez-Gomez, Eliana Paola; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    The social security system in Colombia in recent years has become a fundamental part of our job and community offer, since the system generates benefits not only for contributors but also with their family nucleus, which generates better quality In view of this scenario, the present work has as its main objective the socialization of the pension solidarity fund for people over 40 with the support of Fiduagraria to provide them with the benefits of contributing a pension to acquire a dignified old age to a future It has been seen that the possibility of having a solidarity or support fund for the elderly had not been touched over the time taken by the social security system, only from the presidency of Juan Manuel Santos, who was the promoter and coordinator for substantiate and implement this possibility for people who cannot contribute and who want to be part of the benefits of belonging to the pension solidarity fund. In order to take this project to the town of Guayabal de Siquima, talks will be held in the town to publicize and socialize the information of the pension solidarity fund and thus improve knowledge about the system and benefits that the government tare.
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    Sensibilización del sistema general de seguridad social para conductores de taxi en los alrededores del portal Suba en Bogotá D.C.
    Gómez-Hernández, Caren Tatiana; Marín-Nieto, Sofía; Piraquive-Chiquiza, María Angélica; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    The main objective of the present project is to sensitize the drivers of individual automotive land public transport in taxi vehicles, located around the portal in the town of Suba in the city of Bogotá, about the General Social Security System. For this, a socio-demographic and knowledge survey was conducted in order to know the population and identify information gaps on the subject. In the survey applied to 57 drivers, different media such as text message, email and WhatsApp were raised to receive information on the subject; each with the following WhatsApp percentages with 44%; 28% of drivers were not interested in receiving the information, by email 10% and 11% by text message.
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    Estrategia de sensibilización para los conductores de ruta escolar de la empresa Serviespeciales Tour S.A sobre los beneficios y ventajas de cotizar al sistema general de seguridad social
    Delgado Correa, Angie Lorena; González Zea, Leidy Milena; Hurtado Quevedo, Jenny Tatiana; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    Social security today has become a fundamental part of the development of the community; with the implementation of it the benefits that it has brought with it have been great both for workers and their families, improving their quality of life. Based on this, the present work aims to present a strategy of awareness raising for school route drivers of the company Serviespeciales Tour S.A. Over the benefits and advantages of the Integral Social Security System. It has been seen that through the years it has been sought to create laws that allow good operation of the System, laws that involve not only the workers of a company but also to independent contractors among others. To document this process, initially a problem analysis and knowledge flaws that this type of population presents. He conducts an interview with sixty (60) drivers who currently work as drivers contractors in the company Serviespeciales Tour S.A. where you want to know the information that they have about the System and in this way look for the best strategy to give them greater knowledge. The results led us to conclude that a way to sensitize this population so that learn more about the benefits of the system is an interactive booklet that allows them to obtain answers to your questions in a friendly and understandable way, and not only focus on them if not that they can be transmitted to those who wish.
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    Estrategias de comunicación para el acceso oportuno y ágil de la población adulta mayor a los servicios de una EPS de Bogotá D.C.
    Torres Sarmiento, Alba Milena; Gualtero Guzman, Francy Lorena; Bayona Torres, Nelson; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    The aim of this project is, first of all, to analyze the different satisfaction measurement mechanisms used by the EPS against the suggestions and opinions made by its users, as a response to the attention received, from which ideas are taken to evaluate the effectiveness of the current means of communication of the organization and identify the difficulties or obstacles that may arise and in accordance with these results propose strategies and alternatives that offer this population easy communication and information related to the care of their health. Likewise, verify that, according to the requirements given by the Ministry of Health, the rights of the elderly are being respected, with a differential treatment, probing for a better quality of life, as their needs, characteristics, environment and capacities. they merit it.
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    Programa de capacitación en riesgos laborales para los trabajadores del sector de pos-cosecha ubicado en la finca santa maría de Elite de la empresa Apoyo Laboral ts s.a.s.
    Chaparro Bohorquez, Angela Patricia; Mosquera Cordoba, Hoselin; Mosquera Ramirez, Yineth Yesenia; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    Training program on occupational hazards for Workers of Labor Support ts s.a.s. of the floriculture sector of the post-harvest located in the Santa Maria farm. Where an analysis was made to the needs of the population, and through which the most important impacts and aspects of this area could be identified. Therefore, the main objective of this project was to evaluate the occupational hazards that derive from the identified hazards to which workers are exposed in order to contribute to the reduction of the accident rate that occurs in this area, for which a series of strategies and activities where workers participated, these strategies were developed through training and a video that explained the work that takes place in the post-harvest and occupational hazards, causes and consequences to which it is exposed for the inappropriate use of work tools. The audiovisual strategy describes the work that takes place in the post-harvest and the security measures that must be adopted and used in the selection, classification and packaging of the flower; the video sought to promote and prevent accidents at work and contribute to the reduction of the high accident rate that occurred on this farm. The workers will be updated in the immediate action, to control the accidents that arise in the processes of the work, ensuring that the actions and measures are effective, managing to control and minimize the consequences that these accidents could generate
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    Análisis de causalidad accidentes laborales en el contrato de prestación de servicios entre casalimpia s.a. y la universidad de los andes
    Rojas Bautista, Liceth Fernanda; Orozco Vanegas, Ana Delfa; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    General services employees are exposed to several risks and dangers due to his employment nature. The objective of this project was to identify the causes of work accidents subject to service performance contract between Casalimpia S.A. and Universidad de los Andes companies, in order to generate recommendations to remove or mitigate the risks linked to the work accidents or incidents analyzed. Casalimpia workers survey was used as methodology along with risk matrix to verify in each area the accidents reasons using NTC-3701 and GTC-45 standards. The main accident reasons identify were chemical substances, muscular problems, object fall and slips, in which it can be concluded that workers does not apply health and security recommendations provided by Casalimpia S.A, also it was revealed that the vast majority of accidents are between elderly people.
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    Sensibilización sobre el sistema pensional actual en Colombia en la universitaria agustiniana sede suba jornada noche
    Castiblanco Garcia, Irma Liliana; Torres Sanchez, Claudia Lizeth; Trujillo Sarmiento, Nury Jazmin; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    This document looked forward to inform the night shift students from the campus located in Suba regarding the retirement system in Colombia. The students belong to the first year of Business Management, Accounting and International Business. To do so, different strategies were analyzed by using a demographic survey in which it was shown that the goal population did not know about the subject. The students were asked which method prefer to be informed about the retirement system including email, Whatsapp, a booklet or a face-to-face talk. Most of the students preferred the booklet (31%), in second place was the face-to-face talk (28%), third place by email (26%) and last place by using Whatsapp (15%). A booklet was created to inform the students about the retirement system in Colombia. The booklet includes information regarding the system in general, types, requirements and benefits. The booklet was sent by email and Whatssapp. After that, it was held a short workshop in which people participated actively and solved different doubts. After the workshop a survey was performed to know the level of satisfaction and perception. It was concluded that 96% of the students think that the money that goes to the retirement fund is a sort of saving and not an obligation. This money will represent and guarantee protection during his/her old age.
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    Estrategias para el acceso a los servicios de salud de personas con discapacidad física en la localidad Tunjuelito
    Ramírez Rodríguez, Yuri Andrea; Rojas Suarez, Oscar Hernando; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    In Colombia, the General Health System can currently demonstrate the lack of consultation and information mechanisms that can facilitate access to health services for people with disabilities. On the other hand, health is a fundamental right that must be provided to people in a timely and effective manner with equal conditions. The National Disability System is one of the entities that is responsible for gathering standards, activities, resources, programs and institutions that allow the realization of the general principles that are taken into account in the law 1145 of July 10, 2007. The SND is made up of 4 levels. The first is the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, which is a governing body, the National Disability Council, which is in charge of consulting, advising and verifying, monitoring and evaluating the public policy system. National Disability The Departmental and District Disability Committees ensure that the National Disability Public Policy is fulfilled in the Colombian territory and, finally, the Municipal and Local Disability Committees are those that are in charge of the construction and monitoring of the public disability policy
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    Programa para la promoción y prevención de lugares saludables en el área de producción de la empresa Madufar Ltda., en la ciudad de Bogotá año 2018
    Aguilar Hernández, Ángela Julieth; García Salinas, Erica Rocio; Sierra Sánchez, Martha Isabel; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    MANUFACTURAS DE MADERAS MADUFAR, was created in the year of 1993 in the city of Bogotá D.C., by Mr. Víctor Manuel Ruge, as a limited company that grows and consolidates more and more. Their main management is to work in the Industrial Manufacturing sector, elaborating all kinds of wood products. With the present work of degree is intended to develop a proposal for the implementation of a program to promote healthy environments and prevention of occupational diseases in the production area in the company Madufar Ltda. Identifying the hazards to which they are exposed, assessing the risk and in this way determine controls. In the same way, training and dynamic activities are aimed at sensitizing collaborators on issues such as self-care, the proper use of personal protection elements and everything related to occupational safety and health and, in the same way, to comply with the current legal regulations related to the SG-SST. This project was developed in a satisfactory manner, complying with the proposed objectives and leaving material such as the design of a booklet on self-care entitled Protuin (protects your integrity) and a detailed mapping by job which constitutes a promotional alternative and prevention both for people who are currently working and for people who enter the company.
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    Propuesta para conformar una red de apoyo para emergencias con personas dedicadas a labores del hogar del conjunto residencial Sabana grande 7 en la localidad de Fontibón
    Peña Cáceres, Sandra Liliana; Roa Coy, Yenithfer Alexandra; Ruiz, Francisco Javier; Rodriguez Rojas, Yuber Liliana
    Proposal to set up an emergency support network with people dedicated to the work of the home of the Sabana Grande VII Residential Complex in the locality of Fontibón. The emergencies occur at any time and place,therefore the idea is born of proposing the creation of a support network for emergencies that can be applied in the residential environment. The project is developed in the Sabana Grande VII Residential Complex located in the Fontibón locality of the city of Bogotá. Starting from the antecedents that occurred in the area,the aim is to establish a support network in emergency management for the population that carries out the activities in the home, for this questionnaires are carried out where the target population is characterized and knowledge about the topic of emergencies is estimated, as a result 44% of acceptance was obtained on all the houses complex in the initial process, where 33% of the population is aware of the emergency concept, and 75% identifies the threats, meeting point and evacuation routes of the environment, therefore visual sensitization methodologies are adopted within the Residential Complex providing information on georeferencing, practical advice of control, prevention of threats and the proposal for the formation of a support network for emergency management.