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    Aportes para construir una cultura de paz desde la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia y los mensajes para la Jornada Mundial de la Paz del Papa Francisco, a la luz del informe final de la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición.
    Albrecht-Lorenzini, Walter Alfred; Mendieta-Mendieta, William Rafael
    Violence in Colombia has been a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has affected society as a whole. The Commission for the clarification of the truth, coexistence and non repetition has identified the need to build a culture of peace as a fundamental tool to overcome violence and move towards reconciliation and peaceful coexistence in the country. The Catholic Church has collaborated in multiple ways in the search for overcoming the armed conflict and in achieving peace, and its Social Doctrine can be an important contribution to building a culture of peace in Colombia, since it is based on the idea that peace is a fundamental value for humanity and that building a culture for peace is everyone's task. The objective of this article is to analyze the contributions of the Social Doctrine of the Church, synthesized in the Compendium and in the messages of Pope Francis to the World Days of Peace, towards the construction of a culture for peace, taking into account the findings and recommendations of the final report of the Truth Commission in Colombia.
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    El ecumenismo visto desde la perspectiva teológica del principio Trinitario de la Unidad en la Diversidad
    Sandoval-Clavijo, Robert Esteban; Ramírez-Lozano, Sergio
    The purpose of this work is to propose, from a theological analysis and a biblical approach, Christ as the common and meeting place for ecumenism, as a special call to unity that springs from the intimate desire of the Trinity and that was reiterated at the Council Vatican II. To carry out this, at first a theological reflection on the Trinitarian principle of Unity in Diversity is proposed, and focused on the proposal of some authors, some essential categories are taken to observe that the foundation of Unity in Ecumenism is Christ as a common meeting place. In a second moment, an approach to the narrative analysis is made from Daniel Marguerat (2000) of Mc 7, 24-30, a story where Jesus meets a woman rejected for her cultural condition (Greek), ethnic (Syria of Phoenicia) and above all religious (Vivas, 2002), in order to understand the itinerary that the text proposes to the reader and finally a theological proposal is made, putting Christ as a meeting place. Without a doubt, Holy Scripture and Trinitarian theology are essential for the Christian faith and encourage us to have an outward movement, of communication with the other that overcomes human closure to its movement of communicability, the blindness to recognize the seeds of the Trinity. throughout history, the attempt to homogenize man while neglecting the treasure of diversity (Fundamentalisms) and finally, the overcoming of exclusivist or inclusivist positions that have developed within the Church, to have a global view that discovers the traces of Christ in human history.
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    Los ermitaños neogranadinos, una voz para el presente
    Rojas-Hinojosa, Sergio Alberto; Patiño, José Uriel
    The main objective of this document is to describe the neogrenadian eremitic movement to determinate the theological experience lived by the hermits and achieve an update of it to show it as valid possibility of Christian experience for the nowadays believers. In order to reach this objective, an investigation was made in the colonial’s archives, civil Histories and religious communities that registered the presence of some hermit related with theirs convents giving as results seven hermitage across the Cundiboyacense Higlands. At the moment to address the spirituality was discovered that hermits didn’t have a homogeneous spiritual learning and every single case had choose an contemporary mainstream spirituality for grant words to theirs personal experience with God in disregard of legacy heritage from the primitive monasticism, and, finally, the update of that spirituality, was made under the light of pronouncements of Latin-American Generals Bishops Conference with a few teachings of Pope Francis Magistery.
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    Ser padre a la luz de Jesús, líneas orientadoras para el ejercicio del rol paterno desde el análisis narrativo de Lc 8, 40-56.
    Garnica-Yepes, Laura Camila; Ramírez-Lozano, Sergio Orlando
    The purpose of this work is based on the biblical narrative analysis of the text of Luke 8, 49-56 and the investigation of the concept of paternity in Sacred Scripture, propose some guiding lines for the exercise of the paternal role, so that paternity can be illuminated currently recognizing the importance of the figure of the father within society and training processes of children and young people. The study is developed in three points that They include: At first, the review and analysis of bibliographic sources in relation to the understanding of fatherhood in Sacred Scripture, emphasizing the Gospel of Luke. Then, following the method proposed by the authors Daniel Marguerat and Yvan Bourquin, The narrative analysis of Lc is carried out. 8:49-56, a story that allows an approach to fatherhood through Jesus' encounter with two characters: Jairus, a father who is head of a synagogue and whose twelve year old daughter is dying; and a woman who has been suffering from bleeding for twelve years, who is called "Daughter" after being healed by Him. Finally, as a consequence of all the research and analysis carried out, theological keys are developed in perspective of the role fatherhood and its functions from the text of Luke 8, 40-56, and then propose some lines of Guidance for the exercise of the paternal role.
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    El avance del ecumenismo en algunas obras de Walter Kasper con relación al diálogo con las iglesias orientales y evangélica luterana
    Paez-Sierra, Andres Camilo; Valenzuela-Osorio, Vicente
    The dialogue constitutes one of the main concerns of the Church since the Second Vatican Council was held, since it has been verified that when there is no dialogue, war and therefore death occurs. The claim of Jesus is precisely life in abundance and not a life overshadowed by injustice and cruelty of non-dialogue. The main purpose of the writing is to describe the theological contribution to the ecumenical dialogue in relation to the Eastern Churches and the evangelical lutheran through the ecumenical works (path towards Christian unity, reaping the fruits and unity in Jesus Christ) by Walter Kasper, the One way of approaching the texts is through the method of hermeneutics of texts, making the proper interpretation bearing in mind the cultural context and the author's intention; Because W. Kasper is a living theologian, he only proposes to research his texts published to date 2021. In addition, he emphasizes topics of theology such as: soteriology, ecclesiology and eschatology. From the hermeneutical interpretive analysis of Kasper's texts, an ecumenical approach is proposed through ecumenical openness that includes reconciled diversity and it is at the same time supported by the spiritual ecumenism that must exist between the Church of Rome with the Eastern Church and the evangelical lutheran leaving that base to have the ability to continue the dialogue and not on the contrary that it falls into the inability to dialogue and therefore into constant fratricide as the story has narrated.
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    La liturgia en la vida de la Iglesia como una experiencia comunitaria y no privatizada
    Olarte-Murillo, Jhon Eduard; Ojeda, Omar Javier
    This writing seeks to discover points of encounter between the theology of the liturgy and community experience. It covers fundamental points such as the history of the liturgy and its life within the Church during the moments that in my opinion were very relevant in history. For this reflection, I have used a critical historical method that will help me to discover the moments of fracture and crisis within the liturgical life of the Church. Finally, and after a long meditation from the not only liturgical and community life, but also spiritual life of the Church, I have managed to conclude that the great importance of liturgical theology is not merely centered on rite and mystery (terms that complement each other), the liturgy goes much further and its fullness can only be discovered through community life and exercise. Therefore, it is important to reflect on the impact of the liturgy on the Life of the church.
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    Superar el duelo ante la muerte de un ser querido. Un acercamiento exegético-teológico a Juan 11, 1-45 para contribuir en la praxis teológico-pastoral ante el duelo.
    Cardozo Cardenas, J. Javier; Ramírez Lozano, Sergio Orlando
    That research works the text of the Gospel of John 11, 1-45 in order to recognize the importance of the concepts of mourning and death and how these concepts are understood against the categories of resurrection and life in theology for the Johannine community and how that perspective is understood at present in order to establish guidelines that help assimilate, understand and overcome grief in the face of death. The above, from three axes: the development of the categories, the exegesis and the theological keys of the text. In the development of categories, the concepts of mourning, death, resurrection, and life in Semitic thought are determined from the Old and New Testaments. Then the exegesis of the pericope of Jn 11, 1-45 is presented employing an approach to diachronic and synchronic analysis. That is to say, it is exposed to the author, composition, and recipients of the Gospel of Saint John and the narrative analysis respectively. To conclude, the theological keys offered by the text are mentioned and thus express the hermeneutics for updating the message using the categories, resurrection and life, in order to establish a contribution to the Christians of today who, faced with the reality of mourning for the death of a loved one, they forget the eschatological hope.
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    Una contribución teológica y pedagógica a la dimensión espiritual del profesional de enfermería de la E.S.E. Hospital Universitario de la Samaritana
    Quevedo Tovar, César Orlando; Garnica Carreño, Carlos Andres
    The main objective of this practical work is to strengthen the profile of the nursing professional in nursing and the Nursing Care Process in biblical-theological and pedagogical keys. To carry out this, a strategic plan was developed addressed to nursing professionals as well as patients of the E.S.E. Hospital Universitario de la Samaritana where, through surveys, interviews and four formative workshops with biblical-theological and pedagogical foundations, the spiritual profile of the nursing professional was inquired and the importance of integrating spiritual care into the Nursing Care Process was highlighted. the planning of the care of the sick. Rafael Flórez Ochoa's pedagogical principles were integrated into the theological keys in order to give pedagogical conceptual foundation to present work. The methodology of the Lectio Divina of the parable of the Good Samaritan was proposed for the formation of the nurse in three biblical-theological keys: stop, approach and donate, extracted from the biblical text, in order to create a spiritual impact in the practice of the professional nurse and in the care of the patient.
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    La acción de Jesús sobre el leproso en el Evangelio de San Mateo 8,1-4, un compromiso de la Iglesia con los marginados y excluidos: análisis narrativo-teológico.
    Barón Ochoa, Pedro Manuel; Ramírez Lozano, Sergio Orlando
    This research project aims to approach St. Matthew´s Gospel with the objective of analyzing the Jesus´ action with the leper, in terms of his compassion, contact and personal relationship, in the pericope of Mt 8,1-4; it utilizes the method of narrative analysis of the biblical texts and some theological keywords proper to the pericope to illuminate the Church´s commitment to those who are marginalized and excluded from society. In developing this research project, we first identify the situation of marginalization and exclusion of lepers in Biblical times of the Old and New Testaments; we will also look at the disease of leprosy and what it meant. A second step is a narrative analysis, taking into account the context of the Gospel of St. Matthew and the pericope of Mt 8,1-4, with elements proper to the method in order to better understand the text. Finally, in a third step, we approach the theology of the text using theological keywords to update the message and uncover Jesus´ action, thereby recognizing the lepers of today´s society who experience marginalization and exclusion. At the same time, the project aims to offer a concrete response for the mission that concerns the Church today, and to consider Pope Francis´ proposal to always have open doors, opting for the marginalized and excluded, close to the poorest people.
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    Claves Teologías y Pedagógicas del Shemá Israel Dt. 6, 4-9 como fundamento de un ministerio laical
    Ortega Cortés, María Catalina; Sierra Urrea, Aurora Patricia; Ramírez Lozano, Sergio
    The Church, understood as God's people, Vatican II, 1974. LG (No.13), Formed by men who act in unity, under the background of the Holy Spirit, thus provoking and in function of the plan of salvation, it was heard to get a good orientation and so that the Christian, is not locked in their own concerns and can lead to universal peace. The Church must properly welcome the Christian, basing the importance on the confessional character, in order to intervene properly in the process of understanding and acceptance of the brother. According to this, the study and the reflection that is carried out in this investigation from the Shemá Israel Dt 6,4-9, value the importance that the type of active listening has for the Church, taking into account the pedagogy of the author in The mouth of Moses understood as a symbol of teaching, seeks a motivation for man's approach to God. In this text a recorded prayer is recited, and internalized by the people, as a badge that raises the importance of welcoming among men, as an answer to God. The researches that address the lay ministries (Pablo J., 1987) throughout our planet allow us to discover what there is not in the specific ministry that cares about giving support to the community through listening. With this, with the purpose of the Sacred Scriptures to offer an answer to this reality, in a fundamental way, where the Laity take the word and be support for the Church.
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    Fundamentos teológicos del Papa Francisco en la exhortación apostólica Evangelii Gaudium y la Carta Encíclica Laudato sí.
    Acosta Barreto, Andres Felipe; Rojas, Carlos Arnulfo
    The present work is an approach to the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium and the Encyclical Letter Laudato Sí, written by the Supreme Pope Francis. These documents promote critical reflection on current issues that are lived, at not only the ecclesial level, but also their influence in social, political, ecological, economic and cultural levels of all humanity. It is also an invitation for readers to recognize their important role in the Gospel experience and building a fair and caring society. With these ecclesial documents, it has intended to analyze the theological foundations that vivify the Church's work and its responsibility in the care of others and God’s creation. Initially, there will be a tour through the life of Pope Francis and his ecclesial career. Subsequently, there will be referred categories such as mercy, the option for the poorest, practical and moral relativism and the meaning of papal documents as contributions to this research. Finally, the Gospel, the Church on the way out and the poverty taken as theological foundations, since they are transversal in the documents worked on.
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    Apropiación de la teología amigoniana por parte de la comunidad terapéutica amigoniana San Gregorio
    Arroyave Guzmán, Sergio Eduardo; Castaño Gil, Sandro Anibal
    The mission of the Tertiary Capuchin Religious of Our Lady of Sorrows is inspired by the biblical and theological principles of mercy and compassion in the style of Jesus the Good Shepherd who, like the Father who welcomes the son who is mistaken, is willing to forgive, give the life for those who are in danger and heal the wounds of those who need it; Thus, the present research work focused on the professionals of the psychosocial and pedagogical areas of the San Gregorio de Cota Cundinamarca Amigonian Therapeutic Community through field work (interview), where it is evident that not all professionals involved in missionary action of the Amigonians know the theological principles and therefore not knowing them, it is difficult for them to identify with them and include them in their professional practice. Therefore, the conclusions of this research suggest the formation of professionals in the theological concepts that give identity to the Amigonian mission to recover lives and save, namely: "the Christian education of youth diverted from the path of truth and of good ", an expression that not only reflects the founder's sense but that of the whole Universal Church.
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    La dignidad humana en la Gaudium et Spes, las conferencias de santo domingo y aparecida: hacia unas líneas de acción pastoral para ESUNA
    Durán Barreto, Ingemar Darío; Ramirez, Sergio
    Human dignity is one of the major concerns of the Church since the Second Vatican Council, especially by the anthropological turning point that is given on the basis of this ecclesial event. That concern for human dignity, is emphasized much more in the proposals of the bishops of Latin America that have wanted to give continuity to the orientations of the Conciliar documents in response to the pastoral challenges that arise in the social conditions of their peoples. In the present work, we analyze the prospects on the dignity of three documents of the magisterium of the Church: The Gaudium et Spes, which raises the budgets of Christian anthropology in the context of a modern world; The Santo Domingo Bishop´s Conference, which assumes the human promotion as a dimension of the New Evangelization; and the bishop´s Conference in Aparecida, which highlights the preferential option for the poor as a way of building the God´s Kingdom. From this analysis arises the proposal of a few lines of the pastoral action to ESUNA: unity of the Augustinian University to the spiritual strengthening at the educational institution. These lines of action relating to human dignity, are produced from the transversal axes of the documents: personal dimension, community dimension, the centrality of Christ and the God´s presence; and are intended to provide guidelines, from the study of theology, to illuminate the criteria of a university ministry project.
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    Diseño de un proyecto pastoral por parte de las hermanas Scalabrinianas desde la experiencia del perdón en la cruz en Lucas 23,34
    Gómez Berruecos, Nelson David; Ramirez Lozano, Sergio Orlando
    The Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St Charles Borromeo (Scalabrinians) carries out an exhaustive work with migrants and especially with those who are displaced by violence. This reality tries to compare itself with Christ's suffering on the cross that himself lived out, since who is in a condition of displacement has had to divest himself of everything, safeguarding his life, his personal and family integrity, leaving many times with deep wounds that generate more violence. The concern of this investigation has arisen from the words of Jesus on the cross "Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing" (Lk 23, 34), where it is possible to see that forgiveness can exists for the perpetrators. But, how is it reached and what is the process? Faced with this reality of displacement, the suffering Christ on the Cross that forgives, becomes a model of reconciliation at the moment of his torture, because he opens his heart and transforms everything, since it does not give room to hatred and resentment but to the renewing forgiveness that is generated in the cross.
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    La teología mariana en la inmaculada concepción de Gregorio Vásquez de arce y Ceballos en la iconografía granadina de los siglos XVII Y XVIII
    Saenz Fino, Edgar Alexis; Nieto Rubio, Cesar Augusto
    The present work approaches the life of the artist Gregorio Vásquez de Arce y Ceballos, taking into account the social and cultural context of the time and his artistic work during his life. This includes an evident emphasis on taste in the face of the mysteries of faith and religious life until it becomes a means and instrument of evangelization in the colonial era. Subsequently, a specific work of a mariological nature is analyzed, making an iconographic and iconological description of the theme, revealing in this way the mystery of faith contained therein in its characters, elements and characteristics. Having as a basis of interpretation the Sacred Scripture, the patristic tradition and the guidelines of the Catholic Church in matters of dogmas and doctrine. Finally, there is a look at the evolution and impregnation of dogma in the lands discovered by the conquerors and how it influences the declaration of the Immaculate as a universal dogma, where faith, social and political interests revolve. Everything understood from the person of the Son of God who takes the flesh of a woman to become a man among us. The analysis of the painting leads a series of approaches to different subjects such as Bible, history, mariology, christology and dogmatics.
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    Fundamentación teológica para un retiro agustiniana de conversión
    Aguilera Romero, Gilberto Andrés; Calderon Muñoz, Hector Manuel
    The spiritual retreat has been throughout the history of the Church a privileged space of encounter between God and man. God seduces the human being and takes him to the desert to speak to the heart. The dessert fathers were the first to live in depth this enriching spiritual experience, which centuries later the Church institutionalized through the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. This work analyzes the theological foundation of of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the conversion retreat of Marian Love Ties and the retreat of Emmaus, deepening their theology and spiritual vitality. Finally, it approaches a model of Augustinian conversion retreat starting from the theology and spiritual life of who is for the Church a perennial model of conversion.
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    Aportes de la relación esperanza–ritualidad en el cristianismo primitivo para el fortalecimiento de la vida ritual cristiana hoy.
    Barrios Simancas, Jeison Javier; Rodriguez Rodriguez, Juan Carlos
    This thesis approaches the current situation of the celebratory and ritual life in the catholic Christianity, proposing in the light of the ritual experience and the bond of this with the present hope in the primitive Christianity, to identify some contributions that allow the strengthening of ritual Christian life nowadays. For this work we turn to the anthropological, historical, liturgical and apologetic study of rites in general and of Christian rites in particular, with the aim of knowing the context, origin and ritual development of primitive Christianity. Then we turn to an analysis of the evolution of the understanding of hope in the Christians of the first three centuries of our era, to identify how they saw and understood hope, and in a special the way how it is linked to their daily life. From all this, the relationship between hope and rite in Christian antiquity is identified and the state of this same relationship is observed in the Church of today, to determine the changes presented and extract contributions from primitive Christianity that contribute to the strengthening of the current Christian ritual life
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    Interpretación teológica de la aplicación de la ley de bienes de manos muertas promulgada por el general Mosquera en la confederación neogranadina
    Palacio Betancur, William; Ramirez Lozano, Sergio Orlando
    This work is structured in three chapters, through which a possible answer to the following research question will be glimpsed: How to theologically interpret the application of the law of confiscation of property of Dead Hands in the Neo-Granadian Confederation? In order to arrive at the answer of the question, it is necessary to know first the historical-political context, which is where the reasons that lead to the execution of the disentailment law are given. For this in the first two chapters will be presented a general overview of some relevant historical events in the course of the nineteenth century. It would not be possible to understand this provision of the government, if before it is not located in the political context of the New Granada period. Finally, the answer is given in the third chapter where all the events are analyzed in the light of the theology of history. Starting from facts such as: the nine civil wars that are gestated in the nineteenth century, the different constitutions that were institutionalized according to the political group that exercised power, whether liberal or conservative, which determine the future development of the nascent nation.
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    Jesús educa para el discipulado desde la vivencia del bautismo: itinerario formativo prebautismal
    Carvaja Niño, Néstor Iván; Garnica Carreño, Carlos Andres
    The present document "Jesus educates for discipleship from the baptism experience" was developed in San Luis parish of the Diocese of Fontibón, with the purpose of promoting a formative itinerary through meetings oriented to catechize parents and godparents of the children who receive the Baptism sacrament. Likewise, this project was carried out with the purpose of providing practical and theoretical tools in pre-baptismal courses, which had greater theological depth and intensity in their schedule, considering that the courses that were previously carried out lacked a theological background. In order to this pastoral circumstance, a formative material composed of eight meetings was elaborated, in which the theological key of "come and follow me" was deepened. However, after having made a contextual analysis and the pertinent compilation of theological and pastoral information in relation to the pedagogy of discipleship of Jesus, it was defined by means of "Strategic planning" methodology; that has two principles and eight values previously socialized with the team of catechists and neophytes parents. Alternatively, in this publication, there are meetings and evaluation instruments for them that allow measuring the impact of a catechesis oriented to the discipleship and Christians mission in the contemporary city.
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    La Teología del descanso una mirada del creyente para vivirla en medio de la comunidad
    Peñuela Quintero, Luis Alexander; Tovar Sanchez, Robert
    Throughout history, the community has understood rest as just standing still without doing or sleeping, but the rest thought from the culture of the Jewish people is the space for the encounter with God, to revitalize, to dignify the person , to humanize the community and the space of transcendence, of the fullness of the human being. And already happening to the present is the favorite space of the person, in which the rest for his daily work to have that space that revitalizes, animates, dignifies and humanizes him; but not only this, but rest is very associated with death, at the end of existence. This thesis shows that rest can be seen as a theological place since God is the answer to the rest of humanity since this that represents rest is what God promises to the human being. Thus, rest is the space of encounter with God, which fulfills man to continue the construction of the Kingdom, and encourages him in his work, humanizing it, dignifying it, and without forgetting the idea of eternal life, in which rest is given eternal, it is the space of encounter with God. Rest is the reason for work, it is the hopeful view of our life, we work to reach rest.