Licenciatura en Filosofía
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Item Apología a la locura. Una perspectiva humanista desde el pensamiento de Erasmo de RotterdamIbañez-Garzón, Jesús Ronaldo; Rosas-Rodríguez, Ana MaríaThe present research has as intention to perform a resignification of craziness having as guide the book The Praise of Folly by Erasmo of Rotterdam. For this it is pretend to make a reconstruction from the thesis which is immersed in the work of the dutch about the different ways in which the character goddess Folly, developed by the author of the Praise, manifests, there, being related with distinct spheres and dimentions of humanity, from the private life to social life. Manifesting how common she is as well the constant negation that exists toward her in some spheres of the society, where it is neither thought nor even possible the existence of her, having as one of the results that it only takes be human to be one of the participants in the command of that deity. As well is developed a kind of history of madness through different eras and thinkers who aren linked to Praise's ideas. Thus, developing the possibility of a redemption or reconception of madness/craziness in order to mitigate the strong impact that the stigma toward it, having as consequence reverberating in terms of prejudice/stigmatization of psychological and psychiatric therapies aggravating mental health of the population. This investigation is guided by a a thorough hermeneutical analysis of the Prause, accounts with complements for the interpretation and reinforcement of the thesis authors such as Ledo, Porter, Nietzsche, Kant, Schopenhauer, Rosset among others with their thoughts about the Dutch or the Folly.Item De la conciencia de clase a la conciencia crítica: un paso definitivo en la lucha contra la alienación contemporáneaRamírez-González, Joan Alexander; Buitrago Arria, Daniel SebastiánThe purpose of this research work is to study and present a proposal of viable resistance that allows us to recognize and oppose the multiple forms of domination caused by alienation in our days, based on the main works of the German philosopher Herbert Marcuse and some theoretical supplies of also the German philosopher and sociologist Karl Marx. The first thing presented in this document is an analysis of the change between the characteristics of modern and contemporary alienation, as well as of its main forms of social coercion and the advancement of this form of domination that reconfigures the deepest instances of the human being as conscience, vital instincts and ways of life, which generates that the subjects that make up the capitalist societies of our time follow the patterns of behavior imposed by economic-political power in a thoughtless and naturalized way. Secondly, it is examined in detail whether it is possible to establish a class consciousness that allows to represent and concretize the struggle of the alienated to achieve their social liberation from the yoke of alienation, as Karl Marx put it in the 19th century. And, at the last moment, an analysis is made about the viability of some alternatives proposed by Marcuse to resist alienation, to finally establish a proposal of resistance or alternative to contemporary alienation called critical awareness, which is based solely on the categories radical subjectivity and Great Refusal of Herbert Marcuse.Item Enseñanza de la filosofía para niños a través del arteMontiel-Morales, Cristian Darío; Martha Graciela Arias ReyFacing the methodological and historical development of the philosophy, it is considered the possibility to design a general educational proposal for the teaching of philosophy to children by means of the art, by integrating the basic competences and achievements to the artistic education that is presented by Ministerio de Educación Nacional to enhance in kids those aptitudes that make them to be better active subjects of the philosophy and the art, such us the amazement, the interest to know something from the world that needs to be revealed; the truth; to make from children, thinking beings, an asker community able to ask themselves and ask the others, in the same way, a classroom that becomes a context to philosophize where everyone express through the creative performance those things that they go comprehending about the world, about himself or herself and about the others. To do this, three constitutive elements are described as the art as the philosophy that are directly related with the program of Philosophy for Children by Lipman & Sharp and that allow the reflexive philosophic work of the kids, on the basis of a hermeneutic exercise about the reality that takes them to express by means of the innovative artistic or recreational performance about something that includes from the dialogic, so the child is understood as an active subject of the philosophy and the art.Item Estrategias y actividades de aula para la enseñanza del concepto Ser en la filosofía de santo Tomás de AquinoAlgarra-Pulido, Anderson Fabian; Rosso Jaimes, Miguel AntonioThe purpose of this degree work is to demonstrate how the concept of Being in Santo Tomás de Aquino can be applied in the classroom, especially with 11th grade students, from the Colegio Bachillerato Patria. To carry it out, it is worth highlighting three transversal ideas; the concept of Being in Saint Thomas, significant learning and didactic transposition, finally, the didactic strategy for the application of the concept of Being in Saint Thomas Aquinas. In the first moment, to speak of the concept of Being is to mention the terminology of act-potency, matter-form, simple-compound and entity-essence, which directs the reader to the ontology of Saint Thomas. In the second moment, talking about meaningful learning allows students to assimilate the most relevant content and to anchor it in context. In addition, in this section is the didactic transposition that facilitates passing the wise knowledge to the taught knowledge, that is, transforming a complex concept into a terminology that adapts to the environment for better learning. In the third moment, a didactic strategy is proposed in the classroom so that students understand the concept of Being, through an accessible language and an activity that strengthens learning, from team and individual work.Item Guía para la enseñanza de la estética filosófica en la Básica Media desde la pedagogía conceptualMurillo Rodriguez, Jenny Alexandra; Arias Rey, Martha GracielaThe present work of degree aims to implement a teaching guide that serves as a strategy for the teaching of philosophical aesthetics in the Middle Basic from conceptual pedagogy and the art of social interaction. In the conceptual pedagogy, the pedagogy is combined with the psychological pedagogy for a common objective, which consists of the integral formation of the person, is based on the human triangle to determine the criteria of execution and evaluation in the academic process, for it has three phases : affective, cognitive and expressive. It should be noted that the richness of this pedagogy is the notion of intelligence and its multiplicity in not only conceptual formation, but also for life; From this perspective three transversal competences that seek to educate for life are established, these are: thinking, interpreting and coexisting. From the teaching experience, I have seen in art a didactic strategy for the teaching of philosophical aesthetics, together with the theory of social interaction, taking into account the importance of discourse in the creation of knowledge. It is from this pedagogical experience carried out in the Psychopedagogical School The Wisdom that I have designed activities that I consider important in the didactics of philosophical aesthetics.Item La incidencia del programa PISA en las políticas públicas en educación en Colombia. Una revisión de literatura.Melo Mayorga, Jeison Leonardo; Farieta Barrera, Rene AlejandroThe objective of this paper is to make a critical analysis of the influence that the participation of Colombia has had in the PISA tests (Program for International Student Assessment), at first the complete document of the PISA Program of the OECD, and then the documents that have a relation with the educational policies and the PISA program in Colombia, through the bibliographic review, since the review allows to detect and obtain the documents and necessary and relevant material for the investigation. Thus, it will be evident what has happened with the reforms established in the education policy, which have not yielded favorable results in the education system; From the foregoing, then the main question to be addressed in this paper will arise, which is: How have the participation of PISA tests influenced public policy in Colombia? According to what was observed throughout the documents, it was derived that the key or main incidences, both in PISA and in public policies are: the evaluation, the teacher and the competences, where it was determined that they help to develop and enhance education in general.Item La memoria en el libro décimo de Las Confesiones de San Agustín, en perspectiva fenomenológicaGonzalez-Gonzalez, Martin Emilio; Abecia, Fray AntonioThe central objective of this document is to relate the memory process, using part of the material stored in it and pertinently exercising the mental processes and the commitment that Saint Augustine makes for happiness in his book of Confessions. The process that develops human thought, after receiving the information captured, thanks to the stimulations of the senses; the way in which said information is imprinted in memory and the subsequent events through which some data are totally or partially eliminated, while others are brought up again in the human mind to generate new memories or help in the development of various tasks. The methodology used for this study is the phenomenological perspective that Saint Augustine himself proposes and develops and that allows all subjects to be their own object of study to do science. In the case that occupies this monograph, it ratifies the theory that Saint Augustine presents in the tenth book of the Confessions about the way in which humans, by "phenomelizing" memory, can perceive the innate desire to be happy, and that it transcends a Being Superior to who most call God.Item Narración del Trauma: Apología de la reconfiguración del discurso histórico desde Dominick LaCapraParada Suarez, Eddy Santiago; Jiménez Guzmán, CamilaThe present document is a defense to LaCapra's proposal that we make the work of trauma an object of study of historiography. Although their work is focused on history, the interests of this document are the philosophical, as they seek the understanding of what is meant by history, their political and social rights and the way in this issue and involves everyone from them. In the framework of the study of trauma, we seek, then, a clarification about the most important notions of the philosophy of history, a saber, the ways in which human beings create and respond to historical events and the impact that this exercise can have It is not a thesis about history, because the underlying concerns are philosophical. The methodology for this document has been the documentary analysis. To this end, we have used the reading of Dominick LaCapra's works, especially Writting History, Writting Trauma, to trace a historical discourse that overcomes the shortcomings found in previous historiographical methods. These methods respond to two trends in the understanding of history: First, Documentary Research, positivist cut, which understands history as a science, which is necessary for a rigor that avoids the speculation to make the assertions of La truth, so that you can remember any act that involves history, to what is considered here as an objective observer.Item Pasantía adaptación de malla curricular de los grados décimos y undécimos de la institución educativa Jorge Eliecer Gaitán de la ciudad de Yopal-CasanareAvila-Moreno, Diego AlfonsoIn the elaboration of this work as a degree option, an internship was carried out at the Jorge Eliecer Gaitán educational institution in the city of Yopal, Casanare in the year 2023. The central objective consisted in the review of the curriculum and the classroom plan of the institution, in the area of philosophy of the vocational media, understood as the tenth and eleventh grades, in light of the FODA matrix (strengths, opportunities, weaknesses). and threats). On the other hand, a review of the PEI was carried out, where the philosophy, principles and the context in which the educational institution is located are identified. Finally, the guidelines proposed by the Colombian Ministry of Education, as the highest state entity in charge of ensuring, promoting, and regulating education in the national territory, were analyzed. Everything focused, with regard to the teaching of philosophy, in order to configure an optimal curricular mesh.Item Pasantia Proceso de Revisión y Ajuste de Gestión Académica del Colegio Cooperativo de los Álamos "Coálamos" de EngativáRubio-Moreno, Helmer SaahIn the realization of this work as a degree option, the results of the process of review and adjustment of academic management in the Colegio Cooperativo de los Álamos de Engativá, “Coálamos”. Based on the revision of the curricula, the institutional model, its cooperative identity and its competency-based training approach for the world or work allowed to improve its educational management and provides a human training of excellence, quality and competitiveness. The revision process of the PEI of the Coálamos School took into account the guidelines, norms and horizons of the MEN that allow the construction and operation of institutional IEPs and the elaboration of curricular grids defined by competencies.Item La pedagogía del aprendizaje altermundialista aplicada a la cátedra para la pazAlarcon-Lozano, Cristhian; Arias Rey, Martha GracielaThere is an academic foundation of the Altermundialist Learning Pedagogy proposed by the educational project another possible world of the Consolata Missionaries, which is proposed as an input for the pedagogical and methodological application of the contents of the chair of peace in Colombia. (Law 1732 of 2014 and Decree 1038 of 2015 CPN)Item El perdón como valor pragmático analizado desde el escepticismo de Nietzsche y la práctica cristianaSanchez Vergel, Henry Humberto; Alberto Suarez, Carlos AndresIn the present investigation, we intend to carry out a dialogue between the metaethical positions, as key tools to understand the development of the moral discourses of each of their positions in society. Subsequently, the investigative exercise will be oriented around the implications of two discourses that represent in a certain way two positions or ways of understanding the development of society in relation to the moral as is the contemporary Catholic vision and the Nietzschean moral discourse itself. This with the purpose of developing an analysis that takes forgiveness as a relational term of the two positions: moral existentialism represented by the Nietzschean moral discourse and the Catholic natural law discourse from a pragmatic perspective itself with the purpose of understanding the moral discourses to be treated and its direct influence on man and society.Item Propuesta curricular para la enseñanza de la filosofía en la Básica MediaBlanco Duarte, Yecid Francisco; Arias Rey, Martha GracielaThe teaching of philosophy in the Middle Basic must rethink what to do, for this, it is necessary to reflect around the curricular contents that should be taught, starting and responding, contextualized, to the challenges that are presented to young people and that should be read in terms of training needs in today's world, for education in general and for the teaching of philosophy.Item Propuesta de proyecto de vida para estudiantes de grado once del colegio Fe y Alegría San Ignacio I.E.D. desde la Educación Popular y el aprendizaje basado en problemas.Mojica Reyes, Adrián Camilo; Arias Rey, Martha GracielaThe present work of degree is a proposal of project of life, for students of eleven degree of the school Fe y Alegría San Ignacio I.E.D. It is constructed from Problem Based Learning (ABP), taking into account contexts of poverty, where Popular Education carries out to identify the need of the other. For this, it is questioned on what proposal may be relevant for the elaboration of the life project in eleventh grade students, taking into account the lived situations of the student. For this, it will be taken into account to identify the elements of popular education and problem-based learning, on the other hand, it will determine what is the relationship between the ethics of care and the development of skills and abilities for life. The above will be from the proposal of the educational institution Fe y Alegría San Ignacio I.E.D.Item Los qualia: naturaleza y problemas en la realidad simulada de Nick BostromGutierrez-Charry, Jesus Ernesto; Daniel Sebastián Buitrago ArriaThe present work develops a brief analysis, under the framework established by the simulation argument proposed by Bostrom, of the nature and problems of qualia, so that, for its development, in a first space the mind-body problem is embroidered , in parallel with the problem of consciousness, in a discussion regarding the most influential currents that give rise to and openness to the problem of conscious expertise, which opens the way in the debate to establish itself as a problem in itself in philosophy of the mind. In this way and under the different contributions that some philosophers who have made to this problem until today, it is sought to understand, as these experiences, qualia are presented in a virtual simulation, framed by Bostrom's argument, which exposes that it is possible that humanity in a civilization can implement, when it reaches a Post-human stage, a simulation of its ancestors. Argument that takes up assumptions of the philosophy of mind, more exactly of functionalism, allowing and focusing the analysis not only to make the experience of qualia possible for those who have a brain like that of a human being, but only a functional system, in the one that the complexity of its functional relationships allows the experience of qualitative sensations such as color.Item Qué le debe la sociedad a los habitantes de calleReyes, Andrea Lorena; Jiménez, CamilaHuman Rights are essential to have a dignified life and the opportunity of enjoying the social equality, where the recognition and social justice belong to these fundamentals’ rights since if one of them is missing the human dignity would be affected. This is the case of homeless people in Colombia who are not recognized as individuals in equal conditions, their rights are violated ending up being marginalized and disowned. At this point is when society start to have a dept with homeless population as the State as the community have not achieved to solve and apply Law 1641 of 2013, which pretend ending the increase of homeless people whose ideal is provide health.Item El suicidio como un acto liberador estoico en la obra El mito de Sísifo: un dialogo entre Camus y SénecaPeña-Hernandez, Anderson Fabian; Ramírez, Yefrey Antonioccording to Seneca's philosophy, this investigation interprets suicide in "The Myth of Sisyphus" of Albert Camus as a liberating stoic act. The first chapter details Seneca's ideas about life and death as a way to understand his position about suicide and the circumstances in which we can justify it as a liberating stoic act. The second chapter analyses Camus's concepts of life and death to determine why he refuses suicide in some moments, and he accepts it at other times. The third chapter compares the philosophy of Camus and Seneca to set out how it's possible to understand suicide as a liberating stoic act in "The Myth of Sisyphus". Indeed It's Kirilov's character who allows reading his suicide as rational, stoic, and liberating. This decision is understood when men are in terminal illness, slavery, or any other circumstance that affects the wise man. The methodology pursued in this work was a hermeneutic reading of "The Myth of Sisyphus" of Camus and "The Moral Epistles to Lucilius" of Séneca.