Now showing items 1-10 of 1609
Análisis del fenómeno Brexit en el comercio bilateral entre Colombia y Reino Unido
The Brexit in its two abbreviated words means Britain, British and exit exit of the European Union, which came from a referendum that was held on June 23, 2016 by the United Kingdom citizens who voted in favor of the exit ...
Experiencias apícolas exitosas en procesos de internacionalización
Beekeeping is an excellent development proposal for new activities for the analyzed countries toward international markets, that has been an achieving opportunity in sectors without financial projection and support, as ...
La franquicia como estrategia de internacionalización de empresas del sector de la moda
The franchise is a business model that facilitates the growth of a company with the possibility of replicating and multiplying a successful concept, even positioning itself at international level through the capital of ...
Modelo de negocio sostenible de recolección de basuras de Bogotá D.C, caso de éxito suizo
The waste collection process in Bogotá has had several implementation projects, however these procedure have not been developed under an efficient collection and separation system of waste, to accomplish this it is necessary ...
La equivalencia que tienen los sellos verdes colombianos en el sector de alimentos respecto a los requerimientos de la Unión Europea
In this paper, the comparison of the Colombian green seals and the European Union of the food sector was analyzed. In order to develop this research, the most important variables for the entry of food products to the EU, ...
Internacionalización de las pasifloras
The idea of this study is to analyze the competitiveness and the recognition that is being generated
for the Colombian pasifloras subsector, in addition to the generation of employment generated by
thousands of peasant ...
Papel de la Reforma Rural Integral y la producción responsable en la evolución de los Negocios Internacionales en Colombia
The stagnation of the economic growth in the country gives itself product mostly of I leave behind of the agricultural sector. Little importance that is given to the sector in terms of public and private investment and the ...
Propuesta de trade marketing para el lanzamiento de suelas biodegradables para distribuidores en el Restrepo
This work aims to guide the new forms of production that seek to mitigate the environmental impact generated by the production of conventional soles, however in these new processes there is uncertainty because they are ...
Estrategia para incentivar el conocimiento y consumo de la oferta de café colombiano en la localidad de La candelaria-Bogotá
This document refers to the analysis of the offer of Colombian coffee in establishments located in the neighborhood of La Candelaria-Bogotá. ...
Incidencia de la dolarización en las relaciones comerciales entre Colombia y Ecuador, 1995-2017
Trade relations between Colombia and Ecuador have had both positive and negative development, taking into account that Ecuador is a dollarized country since 2000, the incidence of the exchange rate that exists between the ...