Now showing items 1-10 of 74
Incidencia de la dolarización en las relaciones comerciales entre Colombia y Ecuador, 1995-2017
Trade relations between Colombia and Ecuador have had both positive and negative development, taking into account that Ecuador is a dollarized country since 2000, the incidence of the exchange rate that exists between the ...
Desarrollo de la economía china por las políticas aperturistas aplicadas a partir de 1978
The development of this research an analysis of the behavior of the commercial policies implemented by China from 1978 to 2016, taking as reference the Five-Year Plans established by the Chinese government since the mandate ...
Incidencia del sello de alimento ecológico en las empresas agroexportadoras de café: caso federación nacional de cafeteros
The present investigation seeks to identify the commercial effect that the companies can manage to obtain agro exporting of organic coffee with the obtaining of the Stamp of Ecological Food issued by the Department of ...
Elaboración de empaques plásticos biodegradables por parte de la empresa Prodipol & Cía. Ltda., para su posterior exportación a México.
This investigation was carried out in order to address a problem presented by the company Prodipol y Cía. Ltda., Due to the regulations imposed by the Colombian Government through resolution 668 of 2016, which seeks to ...
Análisis del sector de auto-partes en Colombia con la implementación de libre comercio
This document was carried out in order to analyse the sector of automotive parts in Colombia, determining what has been its transcendence in the domestic market and the effects after the economic opening, taking your home ...
Oportunidades del sector agrícola para Colombia en el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio con Corea del Sur
The Free Trade Agreement signed between South Korea and Colombia came into force in July 2016, which allowed different national products to enter to that country without barriers. The latter foresees a new set of commercial ...
Plan de internacionalización para Phoenix Electronics E.U desde Colombia hacia Ecuador
The main purpose of this research study is to propose an international model for a Colombian SME (Small and Medium Enterprises). Based on the analysis developed at Phoenix Electronics organization and the electricity market ...
Componentes de internacionalización de las industrias culturales y creativas en Colombia
In Colombia, Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) enjoy high levels of mind-reading (raw material based on talent, intellectual property and cultural heritage), the Chambers of Commerce and Culture, have been working in ...
Ventaja comparativa del sector floricultor colombiano que promueva su presencia y le permita fortalecerse en el marco del TLC con corea del sur
The floriculture activity in Colombia has been characterized for being one of the most competitive, due to the advantages with which it counts for the production, the weather and topography, given the floriculture the ...
Situación del sector hortofrutícola en Colombia que le impide satisfacer la demanda en el mercado canadiense, el caso de la uchuva (Physalis peruviana)
The present investigation analyzes the fruits and vegetables sector of Colombia, taking as case the production of Cape gooseberry, because this is one of the main products exports in the country, and has enormous internal ...