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Item EVUlution Edición N°15: Empresa, Tecnología y EducaciónBanquet-Villazón, Harold; Barbosa-Pérez, Ehyder Mario; Caballero, Diego José; Carvajal, Alexander; Cuellar-Patiño, Eliana Sofía; Gómez-Rodelo, Paula Andrea; Gómez-Rodríguez, Dustin Tahisin; Guerrero-Quintero, Katherin Sofía; Herrera-Camelo, Maria Helena; Laverde-Triana, Juan Gabriel; Leguizamo-Pinzon, Sharith Sofia; Longas-Flórez, Yaneyda Zulay; Marroquín-Cortes, Lady Tatiana; Martínez-Ramírez, Carlos David; Molina-Molina, Sebastián ArturoNowadays, the interaction between education, technology, and business has become a crucial element for the development of our societies. Digital transformation is revolutionizing the educational sector, facilitating more equitable access to knowledge and enabling learning tailored to individual needs. Tools such as online education platforms and interactive applications are redefining how students acquire skills and prepare for a job market that demands advanced technological competencies. This evolution presents both a challenge and an opportunity for educational systems to adapt to the demands of the 21st century.Item Evulution Edición N°14Rodríguez-Camargo, Mercedes; León, Adriana Yamile; Triana-Laverde, Juan Gabriel; Acosta-Castillo, Mabel Viviana; García-González, Jennifer Sofía; Fajardo-Castillo, Juan Pablo; Castillo-Velázquez, Lina; Monsalve-Serrano, Andrea; Mojica-Quijano, John Greyson; Espejo-Rosero, Juan Esteban; Mosquera-Mesa, Brallan Alexander; Bohórquez-Forero, Nicolás; Moreno-Largo, Camilo Andrés; Ocampo-Rodríguez, Eduardo; Alberto-García, SantiagoArtificial Intelligence refers to the ability of a computer system to carry out jobs that usually require intervention of the human brain. In addition, it has the ability to imitate functions such as learning, perception, reasoning and problem solving similarly, to human beings. This concept is based on the use of algorithms and mathematical models designed to analyze large quantities of data and make decisions or take actions based on them. This edition the topic of Artificial Intelligence is addressed not only from the technological, educational and health field, but from research and posthumanism too.Item EVUlution Edición No. 13Sierra-Trujillo, Paola Andrea; Gómez-Rodríguez, Dustin Tahisin; Aguirre-Nieto, Miguel Arturo; ChatGPT; Ortíz-Góngora, Lady Daniela; Pascuas-Nuñez, Esteban MauricioThe reduction of social gaps and the search for equity are a constant on government agendas. Societies have tried to fight inequality through various alternatives and, although the magnitude of the task seems to display a discouraging terrain, the responses from social agents have not been long in coming. This is the case of the growing idea of making education and technology two fundamental allies in the search for a more egalitarian society. The current dynamics are evidence that the accelerated advancement of technologies also requires an educational progress, that is not only nourished and makes use of technological tools; but also understands its context and is the pillar in the construction of a more equitable and fair society.Item EVUlution Edición No. 12Tamayo-Rojas, Lina Johanna; Martínez-Camelo, Angie Vanesa; Garzón-Florez, Carlos Alberto; Acero-Robayo, Natalia; Cháves-Castelblanco, Laura Daniela; Cuervo-Lagos, Miguel Ángel; Ochoa-Valencia, Luz Andrea; Ortíz-Arias, Jorge Iván; Ramírez-Pachón, Ángela GinethCurrently, labor markets are very competitive; In addition, globalization and technological advances have transformed the needs of organizations. For this reason, professionals are forced to strengthen both their skills and their competencies. In this change, Higher Education Institutions play an important role since they must innovate their administrative, academic and infrastructure processes, in order to optimize the performance of their students and prepare them for the personal and professional future. It is necessary to implement new educational resources and strengthen contact with universities and educational institutions in other countries, with the main objective of improving quality and educational coverage that reaches anywhere, with the support of government entities.Item EVUlution Edición No. 11Peña-Hernández, Luis Miguel; Martínez-García, Gabriela; González-Araya, Fabián Avelino; Gómez-Rodríguez, Dustin Tahisin; Barbosa-Pérez, Ehyder Mario; Santana-Cortés, Leonardo; Gutiérrez-Soto, Miguel Ángel; Rojo-Gutiérrez, Marco Antonio; Saavedra-Martínez, Jhoana Andrea; Ugalde-Meza, Lastenia (coaut.); Jaime-Patricio, Leiva Núñez (coaut.); Rebolledo-Font de La Vall, Roxana (coaut.)In recent years, a recurring theme when talking about education refers to the changes that education has undergone in recent decades, since new needs of the student and the teacher have been recognized, but above all of the institutions in their conception of training processes, strategies and methodologies.Item EVUlution Edición No. 10Silva-Vargas, Dany Mariela; Gaiazzi, Pablo; Gutierrez, Miguel Ángel; Di Natale, Carina; Peña-Hernández, Miguel; Urrego-Martinez, Cesar Augusto; Velasco-Castañeda, Natalye; Gómez-Rodríguez, Dustin TahisinNow, from the EVUution magazine, we want to give the opportunity to experts on the subject to tell us about their experiences, and those situations that led to encourage the creativity of managers and teachers, to carry out these new educational projects based on ICT, that would allow them not to disappear and remain in the gaze of a public that grows more and more, as the educational alternatives of the HEIs grow.Item EVUlution Edición No. 9Gómez-Rodríguez, Dustin Tahisin; Peña-Hernández, Luis Miguel; Camargo-Luque, Hernán David; Carrón-de la Torre, Antonio; Peña-Albarracín, Edgar; Ortiz-Bolivar, Ginna; Jimenez-Zarate, Mario Alfonso; Torres-Neuta, Harol Hernán; Seguanes-Díaz, Claudia Cristina; Mancera-Guzmán, Claudia Liliana; Rodríguez-Contreras, Ingrid Milena; Nieto-Göller, Rafael AndrésThe social conditions on which the training processes are being developed in the different educational institutions, regardless of the level, have led to an almost mandatory appropriation of technologies as a fundamental part of these processes, and as a tool for continuity in the provision of education. their services, which has led to the incorporation of ICT into the strategic planning processes of the directives.Item EVUlution Edición No. 8Arpi, Lucía; Guerrero, Dalila; Alarcón, Mauricio; Acuña, Marit; Bozikovich, Sabina; Soler-Rubio, Jesus Angel; Posada-Parada, Flor Yamile; Ramirez-Niño, Lorena; López-Machado, Ana María; Nieto-Goller, Rafael AndresA few months ago no one would have believed that today we would experience such a radical situation as having to live with something that is killing people and that isolation and distance would give us arguments to think of new ways of being close. Current situations have led institutions to change and innovate in their processes to remain and cope with the adversity that has us today watching the world go by from the window and remembering the time when we were happy without realizing it. Today, after several months, adjusting our processes to the “new normal”, we can already envision ways to move forward, not to go back to doing what we did before, but to transform it, but in a better way.Item EVUlution Edición No. 7Santana-Cortés, Leonardo; Castro-Rendón, Carlos Alberto; Bejarano-Avila, Paola; Gaiazzi, Pablo; Gutiérrez, Diana; Nieto-Göller, Rafael Andrés; Rojas-López, Ricardo; Martínez-Ramírez, Carlos David; Seguanes-Díaz, Claudia CristinaIn these times where people had to stop their life in the place where they were, near or far from their home, but without the possibility of replacing absolutely nothing in their favor, taking into account that it is a worldwide situation and that the general good, means that your particular interests take second place. There is nothing that can replace the well-being of being with yours or that allows you to lead life as usual, because if we know something about ourselves as people, it is that we are beings of customs and changing our habits can be very complicated. Now, the challenge for humanity is to adapt to this new normality and what the world will be like from now on, with the paranoia that may be awakening in all of us this social isolation and believing that if we go out, anything can affect or infect us. Institutions and organizations are not alien to these changes, as in our case, educational institutions, which have tempestuously changed the way they do things, but their main objective remains the same, to teach and train people of integrity, just as it says the mission of many of them, but then, what changed?Item EVUlution Edición No. 6Castro-Rendón, Carlos Alberto; Moreno-Zambrano, Valentina; Sánchez-Ruiz, Juan David; Turanzas, Mateo; Niño-Quevedo, Diana Mayerly; Burguera-Hidalgo, Iker; Uranga-Zaldua, Miriam; Bozikovich, Sabina María de Luján; Fernández García, CarlosTeaching higher education faces the challenge of closing the generation gap between teachers and students. The former are a population whose training process was carried out when technological development was limited, while the latter have lived their entire existence in an environment influenced by different technological devices. In this sense, the teaching-learning process developed as a substantive function of education is permeated by the different technological tools available that teachers use as a pedagogical element that facilitates the construction of knowledge of all those involved in said process. It also requires that the teaching population appropriate the available technologies, so that they are included in their pedagogical process with sufficient assertiveness to impact the student, leading to the construction of a significant experience that results in the appropriation and construction of knowledge.Item EVUlution Edición No. 5Nieto Göller, Rafael Andrés; Román Encinas, Marco Antonio; Acuña, Marit; Hernández, Pablo César; Ladino Marín, Paola; Pedraza, Ruth Nancy; Santana Cortés, Leonardo; Ramírez Niño, Lorena; Vivas Navas, Edwin; Bejarano Avila, Paola; Cabrera Feo, Diego; Espinosa, Andrea; Espino, Mónica; Castro, SoledadIn this edition we will find how higher education actors can announce an innovation opportunity this moment through which virtual education goes through, thus becoming a plus for institutions and in a different way for many to achieve their goal of being professionalsItem EVUlution Edición No. 4Ladino Camargo, Deivi Fernando; Guardiola, Elia; Camargo Luque, Hernán David; Guerrero Rojas, Dalila Katiska; Pérez Castro, Carlos Antonio; Gaitán Méndez, Jorge Eliecer; Bravo Neira, Paula Andrea; Martínez Ramírez, Carlos David; Alvarez, Jose Valentín; Triana Márquez, Jhon Agustín; Montes Briceño, Alejandro; Bustos, Gaston GuillermoIn our days education goes through a series of changes and innovations that have allowed to develop a certain competition between institutions. However, the concept is not new, it is becoming a new alternative for those seeking to complete their professional studies or give continuity to training and specialization through postgraduate courses. Although this function offers a great amount of benefits for those who choose it, it remains taboo for many people, they give the account of the subtraction quality in the training process or they simply can not find the certainty of being able to achieve academic success through a model Where the direct contact with the teacher is reduced and forces him to interact with digital tools that do not handle or do not know. But if we analyze these two aspects, we can show the main fear for which many people not yet in virtuality a possibility of achieving a professionalization or a postgraduate degree is because, obviously, this is a function that does not only involve skills and competences in A specific topic, but also bring to a higher limit the sense of the student's responsibility, commitment and responsibility depends largely on the success of their process.Item EVUlution Edición No. 3Escobedo Oscanoa, Rossemery; Pinzón Vega, James; Rodríguez Gallego, Margarita; López Martínez, Antonia; Galvan Moreno, Milton Mauricio; Bejarano Avila, Paola; Salio, Claudia; Brielo, Diego; Pulido, Laura; Carrón de la Torre, Antonio; Vargas Rivera, Mónica Alejandra; Riveros Vargas, Jorge Andrés; Villa Trujillo, Karol Marcela; Vega, FreddyCurrent societies spread the need to appropriate information and communication technologies and turn them into pedagogical resources or support them in order to make the teaching - learning process an exercise with better results, in such a way that they become great experiences. value for the student and evidence of true learning from them. But how have corporations turned people into agents exploring the use of technology, but without a clear objective that contributes to social development? This has led in many cases that users only become simple consumers of technology, without the effect that we would all expect from the advances that this shows us every day. It would be possible to understand that the way in which these new tools are assumed in homes or in schools does not correspond to the expected use and for which they were developed. We currently find a large number of users of the technologies that have brought the use of ICTs to other levels, in a way that they have turned different devices into very valuable tools, and that taking into account the issue that calls us in this edition, they contribute significantly to our education systems, since they allow us to visualize a future that, with the help of these resources, will offer better living conditions and more options for social contexts that previously had a horizon with a deficit of alternatives for their development . Many authors call us today around these issues and what better than UNIAGUSTINIANA to invite some of them to share experiences and knowledge in one more edition of the magazine EVUlution.Item EVUlution Edición No. 2Delauro, Mariela; Marinsalta, María Mercedes; León Luquez, Julio César; Vargas García, Benjamin; Salazar Morelo, Alejandra; Lenis Muñoz, Natalya; Castro Rendon, Carlos; Fajardo Leal, StefanieCurrently, higher education comes to take important steps in terms of the qualification of both institutions and the education that is provided; Higher and higher parameters are being established for everything related to the quality of education; it is so high the staff that is implanting that, very surely, several institutions could be relegated on the road. But it is not an impassable road for quality, it really is a commitment of the government for the level of quality of the universities at a more competitive level in the international arena; This commitment also implies that the institutions managed, relevant projects and impact, in order to be truly valuable and of global interest. Thus arises the need to rethink how institutions that have a quality process, that their professionals can transfer to other countries and their title allows them to perform in the labor market where it is known, because as we know, the vast majority of nationals who decide to leave the country and settle in another, it implies to start again from scratch.Item EVUlution Edición No. 1Ramírez Niño, Lorena; Arboleda Toro, Néstor; Santana Cortés, Leonardo; Valencia V., Herbert Orlando; Alonso Pelegrina, Irene; Bedoya, FernandoEducation, over the years, shows us that it is not a static, repetitive and monotonous process; The truth is that we must recognize that education is a process capable of adapting to the changes that different societies bring with them. For educational institutions of any level, it is necessary to assume education as a dynamic and changing process, which requires a permanent reinvention; this is why the UNIAGUSTINIAN, since its inception, has been aware of the need to go one step further when designing and offering training options to the community, always showing an institutional model adjusted to the needs of the community. On the other hand, it is important that institutions promote education in all its forms, since the social changes generated by technological development demand better alternatives to qualify their citizens; the time seems shorter and the distances longer, which makes it obvious that attending a physical class classroom is more difficult every day. Virtual education becomes an ally for those people who seek to make the most of the little time they have left between work, travel to and from home, family responsibilities and their daily activities; studying through virtual platforms is the perfect complement for these people, because not only do they take advantage of the time spaces to study, but they also bet on an option to train as professionals.