Facultad de Arte, Comunicación y Cultura
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Browsing Facultad de Arte, Comunicación y Cultura by Subject "Actividad"
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Item Diseño de vivienda rural productiva por medio del estudio de la relación entre actividad y escenografía en la caleraRivera-Lopez, Angie Paola; Jaramillo, Laura; Hernández, Ana Catalina; Vieda, Sergio Andrés; Vinasco, Fabiothis thesis focuses on the search for design tools for a new productive housing model in the municipality of la calera that takes into account the relationship between activity and scenography. Through an analysis, the growth of the municipality is investigated, through the change of housing in relation to its construction, structure, scenery and activity of strategic areas within the municipality of La Calera, where three types of housing are identified that show the conflicts. of non-articulated programmatic spaces, undesigned architectural program, which allows us to identify that towards the peripheries of the municipality, rural housing is located that is characterized by hosting conflicts of spatiality, non-programmatic spaces, activities without adequate spaces, areas not designed for use that the user adapts to the place, therefore it does not allow the generation of flexible spaces between the activity and scenery that occurs around the home. As a result, the activity helps to configure flexible and dynamic spaces that allow the generation of new scenography, and the relationship between envelope, permeability, transfer, porosity, threshold, generating new ways of interacting between the exterior and the interior of the home in relation to the variables. The activity being a design tool to develop the new housing model with a high percentage of spatiality.Item La escenografia y la actividad como estrategia para el diseño de espacios para el uso de vivienda e industria textil.Garay-Alvarez, Sara Lucia; Quiñones-Ariza, Angela Vanessa; Vieda-Martinez, Sergio AndresThe present investigation covers the relationship between scenography and activity to design housing spaces and the textile industry, the initiative began from evidencing problems such as uncontrolled spaces, rigidity, disorganization, immutability and fixity and where this was most fixed was in housing. and in the spaces for the textile industry in funza cundinamarca. Therefore, we found that rigidity can disappear from the scenography, taking into account we began to carry out a study of how it was possible through the scenography to give the flexible characteristic to a space regardless of use, where from the literature and the study of referents we extracted qualities, as it was that the activity could be coordinated through the furniture, different height and texture allows different characterization to what induces the versatility of a space and mobile enclosures that adapt to the needs of the space. Then a study was carried out on how this relationship between scenery and activity was working in the textile dwellings of Funza, what positive characteristics we could demonstrate, this allowed us to show that the scenery can act as a covering, that the furniture can act as an ordering, dividing and the importance of versatility, all these characteristics contribute to break the rigidity of a space and achieve flexible property.Item Los espacios programáticos en relación con los espacios genéricos en infraestructura deportivaBuitrago-Fandiño, Nicolas; Martínez,Yira CatalinaThis research work seeks to study the relationship between programmatic and generic spaces in sports infrastructure; starting from the analysis of the neighborhood where the project will be developed and sports facility and a study facility, of the different aspects that influence this relationship, such as the architectural and its dynamics. Starting from the analysis, I propose relationships between sports program and study program programs through strategies such as non-composition, mappings and a programmatic collage, which allow me to mix both with opposite uses resulting from the evaluation of the analysis developed. Thus, I arrive at the determination that the relationship is conditioned to the scenery and its covering.Item La propagación de la luz natural a través de la envolvente arquitectónica en la plaza de mercado de La mesa CundinamarcaVanegas-Rubiano, Brayan Sebastian; Vinasco Ñustes, Fabio AndrésDesign an architectural envelope that ensures a uniform propagation of natural light to generate comfort in the development of activities that take place inside the Cundinamarca table market square. The current envelope of the market square does not allow the fluidity of natural light inside it, it is evident that users use materials such as poly shadows, sacks and eaves to shelter from the direct radiation that enters the square, because their types of cladding do not allow adequate natural light crossingItem Reinterpretación de pieza arquitectónica popular en relación con la actividad en ciudad BolívarEspitia-Cárdenas, Juan Sebastián; Castro-Castellanos, Hugo Andrés; Vinasco, Fabio AndrésThis research project aims to analyze the relationship between popular architectural piece and activity in the Lucero Medio neighborhood located in the town of Ciudad Bolívar, from the study of the components that make up the activities of the neighborhood and the way in which They adapt over time, likewise an analysis of some buildings through a decomposition and classi-fication of pieces that these buildings have in common, taking as a base the problem of an archi-tecture that adapts activities or complementary uses in buildings of primarily residential use, un-derstanding in a certain way the functional existence of the neighborhood but to the point that there is no quality compliance and that the quality of life of people may be affected. Therefore, a matrix was created that reinterprets the identified pieces using this as a method that is applied to each of the complementary uses of the neighborhood and introducing them into a collective resi-dential complex, with the idea of providing services to collective entities, to families with differ-ent lifestyles, and the productive or commercial part.Item La relación entre actividad y envolvente para la modificación del escenario deportivo en la Sabana de Occidente SurGuzman-Cajamarca, Andres Felipe; Suarez-Molina, Leidy Johanna; Martínez Castillo, Yira CatalinaThis research exposes the relationship between the activity and the envelope as a principle for the modification of sports scenarios in Sabana de Occidente Sur. At present, there are some researches that refer to the envelope and the sport architecture. As Troyano Quesada (2019) mentions, the history of sport is clear and its beginnings date from the development of the activity in open spaces that did not conceive any intention of the correct realization of it, nor of the comfort, nor of the adequate expectation (p. 10). It also addresses the idea of how modern architecture can modify the environment and give it a connotation of depth to include activities inside it.Item Relación entre actividad y escenografía en una vivienda rural productiva en San Eduardo (Boyacá)Velasquez-Romero, Nicolas Andres; Nagles-Garcia, Brian Camilo; Jaramillo, LauraThe objective of the document is to establish the relationship between activity and scenography in a productive rural housing, seeking to integrate production processes through flexible spaces. The development of the research was carried out by means of field study tools such as: mapping and notations, with which we sought to analyze and interpret the different uses, activities, displacements, flows, areas, schedules, and climatic conditions corresponding to the user’s production processes. We proceeded with the extraction of results, which served as a basis to determine the direction of the design from theories and methods of noncomposition, resulting in the prototype of a house that articulates the productive processes of coffee growing and the activities of a single-family house in asingle project volume.Item Relación entre el programa arquitectónico y la escenografía en la vivienda rural productiva (Bogotá Usme)Diaz-Guatame, Luis Mateo; Montenegro-Méndez, Robinson Julián; Jaramillo-Acosta, Laura MarcelaThe present research work covers the relationship between program and scenography as an articulator to transform productive rural housing in the village of La Requilina, in Usme, Bogota; we start from the scarcity of relationship in the scenography of the housing spaces and the same distribution of the program in these, because this limits the mixture in the daily activities not provided in the same spaces that are expected to be changing. According to the above, the housing spaces and their different types of activities are recognized and related to the scenography of the spaces, we conducted a study looking for the most tangible relationships with respect to program and scenography, taking into account that they are rural houses which 70% are production and 30% of living spaces as the main activity in the rural sector due to agrotourism, finding this in all the houses of the agrotourism route in the village where what generates a change is the internal and external activities of some houses. All the above is governed by the mixed methodology with which we are governed for the development of the research where there will be three stages to compile, group and conclude this process, with the collection of this information we conclude that it allows us to evidence a clear approach of standard replicable houses, polyvalent and flexible where the spaces will be adapted to the type of activity to be carried out, either with rotations through movable partitions that will be part of the structure through rails transforming the space according to the need, this as a process of information gathering that allowed us to conclude the following, the majority of rural houses are adapted more to the agricultural activity than to a habitable place, they are practical in their distribution of activities making emphasis in the union of some spaces, in spite of everything they supply their necessities but they need a better spatial vision for the distribution of the same one, With this in mind the scenography will be adapted to the space and the distribution system will be more conscious and programmatic for the identity of the same spaces where everyone can interact freely in each space either inside the house or in the perimeters near it with their respective activities to be part of the social collective already established in the tourist routes of the sector.Item Relación entre envolvente y actividad como elementos articuladores de la vivienda en alta densidad y agricultura verticalCasas-Sánchez, Lina María; Yomayuza-Murcia, Alex Estiven; Yomayuza Murcia, Alex Estiven; Casas Sánchez, Lina MaríaThis research aims to assess the relationship between the envelope and the activity to address the problem of food and housing deserts in the town of Usaquén. As a starting point, we analyze different references of market squares and high-density housing, with the aim of facilitating a transition of knowledge that supports the project's argument. This was complemented with a field analysis through mapping, in which we observed aspects such as the routes that users take to reach a store or market square and the areas of greatest agglomeration of people in various activities. The objective was to identify the problems of the sector, which allowed us to conclude that people must make long journeys to shop in plazas and purchase grains. Furthermore, there are no activity and leisure environments; In the sector between 193rd Street and 7th Street, there are no ideal conventional typologies, since there are only invasion homes. Taking these aspects into account, a mesh of market square typologies with flexible spaces is proposed, each one specialized in different products: fruits, vegetables and grains for one square, meat and fish for another, thus configuring a network of squares. In addition, the construction of high-density housing is proposed with three typologies: type 1 (apartment studio), type 2 (2 bedrooms) and type 3 (3 bedrooms). Vertical agriculture will be integrated inside, planning planting spaces to promote social activities and establish a direct relationship with the environment.Item Relación entre espacios genéricos y programáticos en la infraestructura deportivaPacheco-Soler, Andrés Felipe; Rivera-Rodríguez, Cristian Fabián; Vinasco, Fabio AndrésThis research work seeks to study the relationship that occurs between generic and programmatic spaces in sports infrastructure; taking into account the analysis of three (3) sports centers through the study at different scales (Zonal, municipal and metropolitan) of different aspects that influence this relationship such as their physical components (Structure, scenery, materialities and others), and their dynamic components (Flows, schedules, activities, etc.) Through this work we propose spatial relationships based on the intervention of the architectural program, the analysis of dynamics through mappings, and programmatic operations mixing different activities with collective uses resulting from the evaluation of each analyzed sports center. Thus, we determine that the relationship is conditioned by the layout of the scenery and the structure. In this sense, the project is directed towards the study of three cases through the Open Building concept of (Castro 2013) and Leupen's analysis through the systemic method that consists of shaping the investigative process through the analysis of the physical and dynamic components of the case studies in question.Item Relación entre estructura y actividad para contribuir con la activación del sector de la plaza de mercado de La Mesa (Cundinamarca).Sua-Correa, Jesica Andrea; Vinasco Ñustes, Fabio AndrésThe objective of this document is to provide an architectural solution to architectural problems identified in La Mesa -Cundinamarca also based on social problems, to carry out this research was developed in four stages in order to determine how architecturally it could help to solve these architectural problems, field visits, research and comparative files, mappings, notations and other architectural aids required to arrive at the design of an equipment of two activities that are completely opposite were made to activate and help the architectural problems of the sector, for which was the implementation of market place and cinema, from the design it can be evidenced the problems and how architecturally a solution is given after the analysis and dynamics of different market places and cinemas and thus determine how architecturally the municipality of La Mesa as a trade node.Item Relación entre estructura y espacio genérico para el diseño de un centro cultural en Girardot, CundinamarcaBobadilla-Jimenez, Jessica Guisel; Jaramillo-Acosta, Laura MarcelaThe present investigation presents the approach of a cultural center in the municipality of Girardot, Cundinamarca, which responds to the need to take an investigation which had as its central theme the relationship between structure and generic space for its development, all this seeking to respond to the need of the municipality to have cultural and genetic spaces that allow to diversify the urban and architectural dynamics of Girardot. To address the investigation of the architectural project, a series of observations in the field and data collection were used to determine the place of intervention, then when analyzing this information, it was highlighted that the population does not have an adequate space where they can carry out cultural activities and recreation. . Next, the structure and the relationship with the generic spaces were classified. Finally, a series of analyzes was carried out where I identified how the generic and programmatic space is related to the structure using the concept of porosity to take advantage of interior voids, façade elements and find interior and exterior relationships.Item Vinculación entre espacio doméstico y actividad comercial para el diseño los espacios domésticos las viviendas.Martinez-Gomez, Erika Lorena; Vinasco, Fabio AndrésThis project addresses the concepts of domestic space and commercial activity as relationship variables in the design of a replicable productive housing module, which allows over time, according to the needs of the users so that they can be develop domestic activities in coexistence with productive spaces within the home. In order to broaden the concept of housing, there are several types of housing both multifamily, single-family and mixed use, an architectural object called typical living space is proposed that responds to the constant physical and use adaptations that the productive homes of the inhabitants of the sector through the years. The proposed productive housing solution that was reached in this research establishes new relationship conditions in which common spaces can be integrated with collective housing buildings, not only as an urban environment, but as places for the development of urban life .