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Item La acción de Jesús sobre el leproso en el Evangelio de San Mateo 8,1-4, un compromiso de la Iglesia con los marginados y excluidos: análisis narrativo-teológico.Barón Ochoa, Pedro Manuel; Ramírez Lozano, Sergio OrlandoThis research project aims to approach St. Matthew´s Gospel with the objective of analyzing the Jesus´ action with the leper, in terms of his compassion, contact and personal relationship, in the pericope of Mt 8,1-4; it utilizes the method of narrative analysis of the biblical texts and some theological keywords proper to the pericope to illuminate the Church´s commitment to those who are marginalized and excluded from society. In developing this research project, we first identify the situation of marginalization and exclusion of lepers in Biblical times of the Old and New Testaments; we will also look at the disease of leprosy and what it meant. A second step is a narrative analysis, taking into account the context of the Gospel of St. Matthew and the pericope of Mt 8,1-4, with elements proper to the method in order to better understand the text. Finally, in a third step, we approach the theology of the text using theological keywords to update the message and uncover Jesus´ action, thereby recognizing the lepers of today´s society who experience marginalization and exclusion. At the same time, the project aims to offer a concrete response for the mission that concerns the Church today, and to consider Pope Francis´ proposal to always have open doors, opting for the marginalized and excluded, close to the poorest people.Item Acciones de desarrollo sostenible realizadas por las PYMES del subsector confección de prendas de vestir, excepto prendas de piel en la localidad de Fontibón.Fory-Villegas, Katerine Yulieth; Renteria-Casallas, Karen Alejandra; Catumba Arias, Juan CarlosThe main purpose of this research is to characterize the sustainable practices carried out by SMEs specifically those of the apparel subsector, except leather garments located in the town of Fontibón. To undertake this, the actions of the private sector before the SDGs were taken into account according to the Global Compact Guide, and those that were being carried out by companies were identified, through the application of a structured survey, according to the responses obtained it is evident that a large part of the organizations focus their strategies on the reduction of the use of natural resources required for the manufacture of their products, and although there are many processes that are carried out under sustainability criteria, it is essential that they apply aspects such as the incorporation of inclusive businesses and some very important objectives for the development of the sector in the social, economic and environmental dimensions of the country.Item Acciones para fortalecer el turismo de bienestar en el Eje cafeteroTovar-Florian, Karen Andrea; Laverde Guzman, Maria YolandaThe objective of this study is to identify the international negotiation strategies that allow to dynamize the development of the wellness tourism sector in the coffee-growing region. The methodology used was qualitative, exploratory, documentary, based on the competitiveness theory of Michael Porter; starting with a diagnosis of the well-being subsector in Colombia, where it is intended to know this subsector in the coffee region, additionally the importance of safety regulations in the face of the global pandemic and the commitment to the reactivation of tourism to achieve a significant contribution in GDP. Followed by identifying the potential factors in the portfolio of services, where it is intended to know the activities of wellness tourism and representative places of the sector that offer such services, that contribuite to the economy and development of the population. Finally, actions are determined to make visible the potential of wellness tourism in the coffee-growing region, with which it would be expected to generare an experience of value to the tourist and that it is an area of preference when choosing. At the end of the study it was concluded that Colombia excels in thermalism and holistic therapies, likewise, the strategies proposed seek to draw attention to the development that brings tourism and the relevance of international negotiation, which seek to form something beyond the large hotel chains, setting a pillar of development that involves the local population taking into account the connection of people, ancestors, traditions and culture.Item Acercamiento a la imagen esponsal de Dios en el libro de Oseas, y de cristo esposo de la iglesia en la carta a los Efesios, como manifestación de la relación que Dios establece con la humanidad. Una aproximación exegético-teológica y hermenéuticaAcosta Caballero, Jonathan Sneider; Osorio Florez, Juan CarlosThe present work makes an exegetical-theological and hermeneutical approach to the spousal image of God, present in the book of the prophet Hosea in chapter 2, and to the image of Christ as husband of the Church, present in the letter to the Ephesians 5, 21-33. The historical-political, cultural and religious context, and elements of textual criticism of each of the texts are addressed in order to reach a better understanding of the importance of calling God "husband", both in the Old and the New. Testament, as well as an analysis of each of the biblical texts mentioned. In the same way, a theological reflection is made about the use of the spousal image of God in some documents of the Tradition and the Magisterium, in order to find the keys of understanding that, this image, offers to the Church for the recognition of your relationship with God.Item Actividad y escenografía como herramientas de reinterpretación de espacios domésticos espontáneos, en UsmeRamírez-Rodríguez, Diana Rocio; Ardila, Juana MarcelaThe present research covered the relationship between activity and scenography as a tool to reinterpret the housing of spontaneous developments in the San Germán neighborhood, in Usme, Bogotá; the starting argument was the qualitative precariousness of domestic spaces which limit the development of activities by not planning the evolution of their scenography over time, being a risk for this population as the most affected during the COVID-19 pandemic according to WHO (2020). Therefore, in order to recognize the activities and spatial configurations of housing, a case study was conducted in which the main activities and types of scenographies were contrasted, this analysis allowed to propose a prefabricated housing system, flexible and adaptable to the needs of families, activities and location, as part of a research process that led to the conclusion that, in low-income sectors, ideal conventional typologies cannot be established, Rather, a systemic vision is required, in which a programmatic system and different variations of multifunctional scenographies are established, where the user can easily interact and alter the space according to the different housing, productive and collective activities, maintaining the characteristic social fabric in self-managed territories, which have been a risk in the occupation of urban peripheries and protected areas.Item Actividad y espacios genéricos como instrumentos de configuración de la vivienda productiva, en Usme.Daza-Lopez, Jarrison Ferney; Vargas-Sanabria, Yilberth Sebastian; Jaramillo-Acosta, Laura MarcelaThis research was experimented with highlighting the relationship between activity and generic space in the Requilina sector, Usme; Currently in this sector, productive-type housing presents a segregation of the interior-exterior space from the activity, that is why it is a topic of interest since through this we can propose design principles to promote a new housing model that allows improving the spatial conditions of the environment in relation to the development of the activity both inside and outside the house, we cover it through the mixed experimental methodology in which, from the relationship of the architectural program, a relationship mechanism of the variables is proposed. Taking into account the analysis of the context and the existing dwellings, this was done through 3 methodological stages, in the first the types of activity and generic spaces that exist in the Usme dwellings were identified, in the second stage the findings found in conjunction with the analysis of references carried out to determine the characteristics for later In the third stage, it would carry out the synthesis of the findings that would determine the design process and thus, in stage number 4, be able to establish principles that were applied to propose a productive housing model that is configured from different spaces and activities.Item Actividades agroturísticas en el municipio de Tenjo CundinamarcaGonzalez Rodriguez, German Felipe; Morales Rivera, EfraínThe natural and cultural wealth of Tenjo Cundinamarca, its friendly people and its fascinating history, allows you to know it as a tourist destination for all nature lovers and tourists in general, so that being the owners of this wealth, it is time to value and to take advantage of our resources in a sustainable way, contributing through ideas and actions that seek the tourist development in our municipality. The great dynamism of the tourist activity has determined that every day that passes generates the need to implement new alternatives, reason why the supply has had to be extended based on the exigencies of the demand. At present due to the boom of the tourist sector and the high agricultural potential, it is begun to take advantage of the Agrotourism. In it, natural and agricultural resources are integrated and used under the concept of sustainability.Item Actos de falsificación en el subsector de prendas de vestir y su incidencia en ColombiaLópez-Montero, Valentina; Monroy-Santoya, Nicoll Daniela; Dávila-Basto, César AugustoThe main objective of the document is to determine the impact that counterfeit clothing sold in Colombia has on original brands. To conduct this, the causes that influence the problem were identified: the scope of counterfeit brands, the current regulations and norms related to Colombia, reasons why consumers acquire counterfeit clothing and its effects, and the national and international impact on the clothing subsector. To determine the scope of each of these axes, the qualitative data collection methodology was used, which allows the study of the phenomenon under study without altering its natural state. To conclude, the counterfeiting of garments has an impact on the country's economy, because it decreases loyalty to the original brands, their reputation, and tax evasion and smuggling continue to be present. At the same time, Intellectual Property is a key factor in safeguarding brands and thanks to International Business, companies can reach new markets abroad, generating experiences by creating a link between the final consumer and the product or service to be offered.Item Actualización de la Guía y Creación de Manual para revisión, liquidación y registro de las cuentas por pagar del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo (MinCIT) en el Sistema Integrado de Información Financiera (SIIF) NACIÓN.Rodriguez-Castillo, Julian EstebanThis document presents the final report of the professional internship entitled "Update of the Guide and Creation of Manual for review, settlement and registration of accounts payable of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MinCIT) in the Integrated Financial Information System ( SIIF) NATION”. The general objective of this internship was to design a process manual for the review, settlement and registration of accounts payable from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism in SIIF Nación in order to improve organizational control by updating and adapting the process of registration and control of accounts payable in SIIF Nación, function in charge of the accounting area. To achieve this objective, various activities were carried out, such as the review and identification of the limitations and possibilities of improvement of the guide for the review, settlement and registration of the accounts payable of MinCIT in SIIF Nación, thus proceeding to carry out the approach and implementation. of updates and corrections to the reference guide and the creation of the detailed Manual for the registration of accounts payable. This internship sought to improve efficiency, transparency, and security in the management of MinCIT's financial resources, as well as ensure compliance with legal and fiscal obligations regarding the registration of accounts payable. All this will contribute to strengthening the institutional image of the MinCIT and its ability to fulfill its mission and strategic objectives.Item Actualización de política contable y elaboración de formatos y procedimientos para el manejo de legalización de costos en la constructora Diseño Gestión y Desarrollo de Proyectos SAS.Junieles-Organista, Deissy Verónica; Rodríguez Garzón, Norma EsperanzaTherefore, in the construction company, to increase competitiveness, decisions must be made to improve administrative processes, and one of them is the recognition of assets in the financial statements, which are intended to generate future benefits, given the circumstances evidences the importance and the need to establish tools that generate detailed information in the process of identification and presentation of legalization of costs for investments received, according to the standard established by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia, from now on SFC, under the (External Circular 30, 2017), which establishes the obligation to present financial information in order to supervise the portfolios of third parties or fiduciary businesses and in accordance with (Law 1314 Official Gazette No. 47,409, 2009), where the accounting and financial reporting standards and principles. Thus, taking into account the requirement established for cost recognition in the construction company DE Y DE SAS, an analysis is carried out by the DOFA matrix, identifying the weaknesses and the actions to be strengthened, such as establishing the deadlines for submission of information to the supervisory entities as trustees, creation of control formats for an adequate classification of costs at the time of execution of a work, and implementation of the same for its correct recognition and presentation, making an update to the accounting policy of Inventory which leads to cost management, resulting in timely financial statements and project closure.Item Acuerdo comercial Colombia-Corea del Sur: Potenciando la industriaLopez-Medina, Wendy Dayanne; Díaz Ariza, Diana MarcelaThis paper has as its main objective to analyze the effects that the trade agreement between South Korea and Colombia has had on the automotive and autoparts sector, taking into account that it was one of the biggest concerns expressed by representatives of the trade. This agreement entered into force from July 15, 2016; the analysis was then carried out in two periods, the pre- agreement and post-agreement, and was carried out on the market behavior, collecting the necessary data during such periods as exports and imports of cars and auto parts. The interest in developing this thematic of work is to collect data and analyze the reality of the self-artist market through sources of official information of the trade, together with data published by trade regulators on imports and exports.Item Agarrando pueblo y Un tigre de papel: acercamiento a la realidad a través del falso documentalMartinez Cruz, Brayan Stiben; Mahecha Donato, Lizeth Tatiana; Soler Daza, Laura Milena; Galindo Cardona, YamidThe research project is based on the search for the language of the mockumentary with the purpose of analyzing the national films, Agarrando pueblo and Un tigre de papel, for further reflection on the relationship of the genre with Colombian cinema trying to create own concepts that arise in this culture.Item La agroindustria del Cannabis medicinal en Colombia entre los años 2010 y 2020Acosta-Melo, Angelica Rocio; Villamizar-Pérez, Jorge Eduardo; Gómez Rodríguez, Dustin TahisinThe objective of this degree work is to characterize the cannabis agroindustry in Colombia between 2010 and 2020. The methodology is qualitative and the method is a document review by matrices. The main conclusion is that the inclusion of medicinal cannabis in the Colombian health system could be a great advance, since it has achieved certain successful cases in people and animals with different diseases, helping to improve their quality of life; Also from the economic point of view, medicinal cannabis can be a great indicator of exports of the gross domestic product, since there is a very large international demand and Colombia has a privileged location and climate for its production, in addition to This has a high variety of products derived from cannabis such as oils, products for the skin and hair, among others, allowing it to be marketed very easily throughout the country and other continents, generating employment, and a great economic boom.Item Agromedula educativa para la recuperación del uso agrícola en Madrid CundinamarcaPinilla Tangarife, Miguel Angel; Rozo Casas, Magda Nataly; Flórez Millán, Luis ÁlvaroThe urban geometry requires a multiscale vision, not fragmented that allows to see one way of a repetitive pattern or fractal over the territory, said in Mandelbrot's words: "It's about seeing the objects of a geometry in the most intuitive sense of the word, that is, who is interested in the forms. You have to learn to, understand and appreciate these forms visually, so that one can get an intuitive idea of its structure, which it is very different from the forms that the Euclidean geometry has accustomed us to handle " (Mandelbrot, 1997) The complexity then, given in the identification of the forms, which develops the nature called according to the theory "New Geometry, which is highlighted by the irregularity of the form that does not allow a specific mathematical or geometric response, such as geometry Euclidean "(Mandelbrot, 1997). However, there are 2 properties that allow your identification: "Self-similarity and the strange dimension" (Moiset, 2005).Item Agrupación de vivienda, la relación entre tipo de ocupación y espacio colectivo, una alternativa para organizar el territorio.Amado-Patiño, Claudia Patricia; Galvis-Sanchez, Luisa Fernanda; Vinasco Ñustes, Fabio AndrésWe investigated the relationship between two concepts, these being the type of occupation and collective space of a housing grouping, for which we used the qualitative methodology of non-composition, analysing the site of intervention by means of mappings, extracts and notations. In this process we determined the sound as a strategy for the distribution of the programmatic pieces of the project, we also used neutrality to implement the transference at an architectural level and to be able to compare the different spaces generated from the way the territory is occupied, giving as a result a housing grouping where the collective space is represented by means of a sonoteca and the mixture of uses around the whole project. This design has an open plan and with it multiple spaces for the development of collective activities with the intention of improving social relations and quality of life of the inhabitants of the municipality.Item Alianza del pacífico, un análisis de integración económica, estudio correlacional Unión EuropeaJaramillo Gonzalez, Maria Camila; Manga Torres, Jennyfer Geraldine; Valencia Gonzalez, CatherineThe process of economic integration of the Pacific Alliance (PA) has been very successful, but there is still a long way to go; For its part, the European Union (EU), which throughout its history and processes has managed to be the only agreement of economic integration in reaching as a bloc a monetary unification and position itself on a level of economic union according to theory of Balassa, clearly makes it the most pertinent agreement to be used as a frame of analysis of what integration processes represent. Through the development of the correlation between the projects and programs of the Pacific Alliance with the experience of the European Union under the frame of the theory of economic integration it was observed that the process of integration of the Alliance can be developed in a span of time less than that experienced by the European Union and that its process can be given in a more harmonious wayItem Alternativas de acción para ingresar al mercado Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Kuwait y Qatar con uchuva frescaLópez-Vargas, Michell Alejandra; Barriga-Vargas, Jenny Del PilarThe main objective of this document is to generate action alternatives that allow Global Agricultural Trading gain new clients in United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar with fresh Colombian cape gooseberry in a more efficient way, therefore, to carry out these alternatives, first an internal investigation was carried out to the company to know its advantages compe and their skills to improve, likewise an investigation of colombian fresh cape gooseberry market in order to discover rare are the main customers from the Middle East who buy fresh cape gooseberries from Colombian companies. And with that I believe a database which contains contact information of the main companies importers of fresh cape gooseberry from the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar, it is also evident the number of Muslim population in the Middle Eastern countries and in the United States, which are consumers of products with halal certification in which it was evidenced that the fresh cape gooseberry in these countries does not require halal certification since it is not a product processed, information was also provided on the services offered by the binational chambers of the Arab countries with Colombia and the United States respectively so that they take advantage of the advantages that they have to be able to access them and finally an arduous investigation was carried out in which specifies in detail the services of three marketing agencies to perform with any of them an online search campaign advertising through Google Ads in the 3 countries of interest in order to realize to know and arouse the interest of potential customers, to finish A budget was made of the tangible and intangible resources necessary to carry out each one of the strategies which will contribute to successfully entering the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar.Item Alternativas de desarrollo sostenible para dinamizar la economía en Aguazul-CasanareSantamaría-Montaña, Daniela; Rodríguez-Laverde, Luis EduardoThe agricultural sector is a fundamental activity for the progress of the inhabitants of a region. Thanks to the products obtained from the fields and the hard work of farmers, food security is strengthened and fresh food is available throughout the year. Over the years, this activity has been affected by the lack of opportunities and support for those involved, due to the importance given to other economic activities, such as oil. The objective of the document is to provide possible alternatives to boost the agricultural sector of the municipality of Aguazul to avoid future economic problems due to dependence on hydrocarbons, ideas were generated from observation and research which focused on entrepreneurship, sustainability and use of new materials for the elaboration of by-products through agriculture. For this, a characterization of the municipality was carried out to know its structure and economic development, likewise, by means of the FADO matrix, an approach to the conditions of Aguazul was obtained. The most representative crops are mentioned to identify the possible alternatives to present, and finally, four alternatives focused on organic agriculture, the cattle raising, the llanera culture and the transformation are exposed, being the last option the recommended one because of the positive impact that can be generated at the moment of developing the proposal.Item Ampliación de la plaza de mercado La Perseverancia, en relación a su estructura y escenografíaCasallas-Rincón, Paola Andrea; Romero-Saza, Sebastián David; Vinasco Ñustes, Fabio AndrésThe main objective of the document is to demonstrate the relationship between structure and scenography for the expansion of market hall, resulting in a free-floor design that gives users the opportunity to generate new activities and spaces in market hall . To carry out the research, a method was developed which, through field visits to market hall in Bogotá and international examples, allowed the collection of data and information regarding: materiality, structure, flow of people, bioclimatic, scenography, activities etc. Once this information was collected, we sought to diagram it through mappings, to later compare them and extract results that were expressed as notations. In this way we developed a whole system that resulted in extracts, which were design bases for the non-composition method, for the expansion of the La Perseverancia market hall, by means of a free plan and pieces of flexible scenography, which They are the conclusion of investigating the relationship between structure and scenery in market hall.Item Análisis comercial de la industria del papel y sus manufacturas en ColombiaCarpio-Leal, Jessica Julieth; Espinosa-Dávila, Luis David; Plazas-Ávila, Nicole; Valencia González, CatherineThe main theme of this research is the analysis of basically international trade in the paper and manufacturing sector in Colombia in a big way. In this project three kind of main studies mostly are presented, in the first one the productive process of the paper is described making emphasis in all the phases of this process, like second measurement the foreign trade of Colombia is analyzed, determined the kind of main factors that determine the competitiveness in this type of market, and like third measurement the most competitive countries in the industry of the paper kind of are identified analyzing that characteristics specifically have the countries that are actually great producers and exporters of the industry of the paper. The results of the research indicate a significant deficit between imports and exports where Krugman's theory of intra-industrial trade is reflected in a subtle way. In Colombia in the paper sector, there is a generally low competitiveness against countries like Brazil and Germany, but also one of the strengths that was determined kind of is the diversification of the raw material where from the paper the most exported products were the paper bags and toilet bags.