Repositorio Institucional UniAgustiniana
El Repositorio Institucional de la UniAgustiniana administra, preserva y difunde en OPEN ACCESS los documentos académicos de la institución: tesis, trabajos finales de graduación, libros, artículos, resultados de investigación, trabajos docentes, etc. Actualmente está indexado en varios recolectores mundiales de metadatos OAI-PMH que incrementan su visibilidad y permiten la consulta y citación de sus contenidos en todo el planeta, garantizando de este modo el acceso ilimitado y continuo a nuestra producción académica/universitaria.
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Propuestas de formación docente en habilidades discursivas y de comunicación oral desde el aprendizaje significativo
Gómez-Martinez, Yeimy; Rosso-Jaimez, Miguel Antonio
This preliminary research project raises the need to create a teacher training proposal taking into account that education requires teachers to possess oral and discursive communication skills to generate a significant impact on students. However, in Colombia, the specialization programs in pedagogy do not include specific training in these competencies, which shows a need for improvement, which is why it proposes to develop this strategy in the students of the Pedagogy Specialization of the Uniagustiniana University
Estrategia de Marketing Tradicional para el Posicionamiento de la Marca del Restaurante Pajares de Yerbabuena.
González-Rubiano, Nickol Natalia; Jiménez-Contreras, Daniela Alejandra; Mosquera-Chaux, Juan Nicolas; Urbano-Montaño, Juanita Daniela; Buitrago-Reyes, Richard Orlando
The event restaurant Pajares de Yerbabuena, based in Mosquera, Cundinamarca, has faced challenges in brand recognition despite offering a variety of services for social and business events. A lack of investment in traditional marketing strategies and resistance to change have limited its reach in the local market. In response to this situation, the proposed project aims to describe the current strategies being used and to implement social media marketing strategies to improve its positioning.
The methodological framework of the project employs a mixed methodology, focused on socioeconomic strata 3 to 6 in Fontibón, Mosquera, and Funza. Data collection is carried out through online reviews, information from the owner and workers, competitor research, and search trends.
The results of this research highlight that despite its solid infrastructure and focus on customer service, Pajares de Yerbabuena restaurante faces significant challenges, such as limited presence on social media and the need to adapt to the changing environment. The conclusions emphasize the vital importance of implementing both conventional and digital marketing strategies to improve the restaurant's visibility. It is suggested to increase investment in social media, generate attractive content, and carry out specific campaigns to capture information from potential customers.
Implicaciones tributarias por la eliminación en la deducción de regalías para las compañías del sector de hidrocarburos según la Ley 2277 de 2022
López-Méndez, Ana María; López-Fuentes, Katherine; Romero-Sanabria, Kevin Herney; Rubiano-Rodríguez, Brayan Smith; Anduquia-Rodríguez, Gerson Manuel
This paper analyzes the tax implications of the elimination of royalty deductions for companies involved in the extraction of non-renewable natural resources in Colombia, as established in Law 2277 of 2022, implemented by President Gustavo Petro (2022-2026). The reform aims to increase fiscal revenue but raises concerns about its impact on foreign investment and the competitiveness of the extractive sector, as it does not align with the principles of equity and equality.
The effects of this elimination on the profitability of companies are examined, considering that royalties can no longer be claimed as a cost or expense related to operations. Additionally, the treatment of royalties in Colombia and Canada is compared, highlighting the differences in fiscal incentives that influence the perception of potential investors.
The findings of this research indicate that the removal of the deduction could reduce foreign investment, negatively affecting the country's competitiveness. It is concluded that the government must carefully consider the implications of these fiscal policies to create a favorable environment for investment and sustainable economic development.
Explorando la creatividad plástica a través de la Cianotipia: Un Taller Pedagógico
Rojas-Navarro, Daniel Alejandro; Rosso-Jaimes, Miguel Antonio
The cyanotype workshop aims to foster plastic creativity and the development of artistic
skills in young people aged 18 to 35 interested in photography and art. Through a methodology
based on experimentation with artistic materials and alternative photographic techniques, the
workshop seeks to create a collaborative learning environment where participants can share
ideas, make joint decisions, and reflect on their creative process. Cyanotype, as a revitalized
historical technique, not only enriches artistic skills but also strengthens interpersonal
relationships, promoting an inclusive and enriching space. To validate the workshop's
hypothesis, an experience systematization will be conducted after its completion, evaluating the
impact in terms of creativity and group dynamics. This practical approach counters the
theoretical methods prevalent in non-formal education, allowing participants to experiment
without fear of failure. By integrating artistic practices like cyanotype into non-formal
educational settings, a pathway opens toward new forms of expression and innovation,
contributing to the holistic development of participants.
Análisis De La Dirección De Arte Y La Construcción De Personajes En El Entorno Rural Y Campesino De Los Cortometrajes Los Retratos -2012- Completo -2013- Y Volver -2015 De Iván D. Gaona.
Orjuela-Yara, Lina Milena; Roa-Morales, Laura Camila; Galindo-Cardona, Yamid
In this work, an analysis is carried out on three short films by the Colombian director Iván D. Gaona titled Los Retratos (2012), Completo (2013) and Volver (2015), short films whose main theme is rurality in Colombia, where we identify and analyze the forms and/or elements used. the director to achieve an adequate representation of peasant culture from the art direction and the construction of characters, with the aim of contributing to the creation of audiovisual projects that have rural themes and the representation of peasant culture as their aspiration, and managed to solidly portray the reality of peasants outside the traditional narrative about the armed conflict in their audiovisual projects. In this way, we also demonstrate the approach to peasant life from a narrative with a perspective oriented to the daily life of that culture, from the dignity of their work with the land and subsistence thanks to it.