Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas
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Item Diseño de procesos de recursos humanos en lacteos joymaAmaya-Rangel, Johan Manuel; Catumba-Arias, Juan CarlosHuman capital is an essential factor in any organization because it depends on it how productive a company is compared to its competition, for this reason it is important to have a good human talent management that contributes to continuous improvement in areas such as motivation, personal growth and professional growth, because if you have trained personnel to perform their activities, the change in the organizational climate will be noticed, which will generate business growth and thus seek to stand out from the competition. The following internship was conducted in order to help the dairy company Joyma which is located in the city of Bogota in the town of Kennedy, at the time of the internship the company did not have an area that focused on the management of human resources, due to the need presented by the company it was decided to implement the processes to control and improve aspects such as communication, motivation, integration, recruitment and personal growth through tools such as job cards, which identify the knowledge and activities to be performed in each job, and flowcharts which provide the steps to follow in each of the processes of human talent management.Item Análisis de las PYMES del sector de muebles en Colombia a partir del ingreso de compañías y productos extranjerosOspina Pantoja, Irene Marcela; Barrera, FreddyThe aim of this project is to develop an analysis of the competitiveness of SMEs in the furniture sector in Colombia against the entry of new foreign companies, in order to determine how small and medium enterprises would face the entry of these foreign companies from an impact analysis derived from the diamond analysis of Porter's competitiveness and the entry of new competitors, a situation that must be experienced by companies from developing countries within the current internationalization systems. To this end, an analysis of the furniture sector was carried out and interviews and surveys were carried out in order to understand the views of SME entrepreneurs and potential customers in the sector.Item Propuesta para la potencialización del turismo cultural en el sector la candelaria de la ciudad de Bogotá a través de una aplicación móvilAvendano Melendez, Wendy Dayany; Carreno Rodriguez, Miguel Angel; Díaz Valbuena, José AlfredoIn Colombia, it has been shown that tourism has been a very important factor for its growth and economic development since it is classified as the second most important link in the gross domestic product. Looking closely at the movement of tourism in the sector of La Candelaria, in Bogotá, it is observed that the type of tourism that takes place in this area is cultural tourism and several factors that can be improved to make the experience of the tourist is better, as are security, transport and information, this last item is on which this project is based to be developed and give a different initiative to help the district progress. The proposal of the mobile application developed in this work has the most important tourist attractions in the sector of La Candelaria, as well as a detailed study of the needs of tourists, it will also be known how technology has impacted the tourism sector and in the same way the tastes and preferences of the current market of La Candelaria. The application is developed under GPS and tourists can see images of the main attractions in times past, so you can establish a comparison with what is present today. Likewise, the application contains tourist information in Spanish and English and it is planned in the future to incorporate other languages that are strong in the tourism that takes place in the Colombian capital.Item Diseño y propuesta de la planeación estratégica para la empresa equipo consultor empresarial S.A.SCamargo Bohorquez, Yenny Carolina; Diaz Hernández, Luis CarlosThe research topic is strategic planning, as in most of the companies that want to initiate operations do not pay adequate attention to this topic. Strategic planning is of great importance and interest not only as a topic of study but as part of implementation in a company, since this helps to get a better perspective and can be a real approach with the help of the mission and vision where you can construct a picture to see how far you want to go with the company, you can return to rethink after a few years, and to build new goals.Item Análisis de la internacionalización del sector de follajes y flores hacia el mercado de CanadáBenavides-Parra, Nedid Alexandra; Beltran-Pardo, Luisa Fernanda; Davila-Basto, Cesar AugustoThe main objective of this research focuses on identifying the difficulties in developing innovation in the value chain of SMEs in the Tequendama flower sector, specifically in the municipality of Cachipay, to export foliage and flowers to the Canadian market between 2014-2023. With the context of the economic importance of flower growing activity in Colombia, especially in the Tequendama region, highlighting its export potential and the opportunity represented by free trade agreements with countries like Canada. The theoretical framework is based on Michael Porter's five competitive forces model and analyses the competitive pressures that companies face. Background information is compiled that highlights the economic opportunity of exporting Colombian flowers and foliage, as well as the need for innovation in the sector. Thus, enabling the identification of applied innovation processes and export opportunities to strengthen the flower sector in the region.Item Propuesta para la fidelización de clientes en la empresa humplastTellez Avila, Caryl Sherman; Pulido Reina, Jason SteveThis document presents a customer loyalty system, implementing strategies based on the consumer behavior of frequent and non-frequent customers through a client management software called CRM.Item Análisis del mercado de vehículos eléctricos en Colombia con base al modelo de Estados UnidosDuarte-Pulido, Jennyfer Lorena; Torres-Segura, Diego Alejandro; Amezquita-Melo, Nicolas; Ulloa Ramos, Cristian SamirThis paper analyzes the opportunities of the electric vehicle market in the country based on its local positioning and the commercial dynamics between 2016 and 2020, identify who are the actors that have been transforming the environment of electric vehicles in Colombia where are recognized brands that in conjunction with government policies have driven the positioning in the market of such vehicles. It also shows the import dynamics in the country from the case with the United States which is the main partner of the Colombian economy and a benchmark for the promotion of electric mobility in the continent. The growth of imports of this type of vehicles has been vertiginous and although this phenomenon has not happened only with the North American country, this has been a fundamental country in the momentum that has had this sector in the last five years in Colombia. The year 2018 is highlighted in this article as it not only drives the market for electric cars, but also, a growth in the import of electric motorcycles is evident with a massive arrival to the Colombian market of important brands that position themselves as the main sellers of motorcycles and electric bicycles nationwide. In this document a conceptual framework and a methodology of mixed approach is used in which the quantitative and qualitative approach is sought to combine seeking the "objective" vision as the "subjective.Item Internacionalización, nuevos horizontes para la compañía Global Logistics Services Ltda.Medina Pérez, Pablo Alejandro; Olarte Cardenas, Martha LilianaThe present work was carried out based on the need of a merchandise loading company named Global Logistics Services, to fulfill the internationalization objective, with the purpose of increasing its competitiveness within the logistics services sector, more specifically in the transport service. The internationalization process that Global carried out, was based on different theories of internationalization, example of these is the Uppsala Model, Dunning's Eclectic Theory, Network Theory, Strategic Approach, which contributed directly to the development of plans and strategies that were implemented within the globalization of Global. In order to implement these theories within Global's internationalization strategy, it was necessary to apply a research methodology, which will help us identify weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats within the organization. This methodology was based on a case study. what led me to develop an interview as an instrument for research and what would allow to adopt in a better way the established plans and thus arrive at the fulfillment of the defined achievement.Item Análisis de la competitividad del sector arrocero en Colombia y su comercialización internacional en el acuerdo de la alianza del pacífico.Cortes Hurtado, Lizeth Katherine; Rojas Simbaqueva, Brenda Alexandra; Ulloa, Cristian SamirColombia is currently showing low capacity to reach other markets due to the lack of competitiveness, and the low technical and financial support that the subsector has to correct it. The objective of this research is to analyze the obstacles that Colombian economic activity has in its process of internationalization towards countries of the Pacific Alliance from 2013 to 2017. To reach this objective, quantitative data is collected about the production and productivity of rice in Colombia, as well as the behavior of the subsector's trade balance in the Pacific Alliance to later analyze the growth of said factors, and the reason for the low competitiveness of international trade in said subsector is explained, In addition, the obstacles to commercial internationalization of the product. It is concluded that the rice sub-sector is not competitive within the framework of the Pacific alliance because it has shortcomings in its costs, technification and financial support, hence the productivity that has not allowed it to reach other markets of the alliance.Item Efecto de la NIC 16 a bienes muebles del hotel IBIS CartagenaEscobar-Ramirez, Anderson Yesid; Zuluaga-Galindo, Yuly Caterine; Rivera, JulioCurrently, the Colombian economy has required that all legally constituted Colombian companies must comply with financial information through greater stability in accounting policies and by improving their activity. This is unified under the same parameters and guidelines of the international financial reporting standards. Added to this is globalization and the search for new opportunities for the country at the international level for future trade agreements and negotiations, which makes it necessary to be updated in all aspects in order to enter new markets, this is reflected in the need to also Being in the accounting field, for this reason it is necessary for companies to apply acceptance standards at an international level, to which the tourism and hotel sector is no stranger since, due to its activity and nature, it is one of the most interested in complying with these international standards. The IBIS hotel is a company whose corporate purpose is to provide a lodging service, its fixed assets are represented in the buildings, furniture and related to all the items that are in the rooms and that are necessary for the activity of the hotel, For this reason, the application of IAS 16 regarding property, plant and equipment should be evaluated, which is where it has a greater representative item in the financial statements of the hotel.Item Propuesta de promoción turística para los termales de santa Monica en el municipio de ChoachiAvila Arteaga, Liseth Paola; Pinillos Castillo, Wilson RicardoA tourist promotion proposal is generated for the Santa Monica hot springs in the municipality of Chachi, generating an analysis of the tourist offer generating a detailed inentar, following the demand that is to say to the tourists and people who visit the hot springs generating an inestigation with data collection in different ways such as surveys resulting in an analysis of the type of client that is presented and in the last place a proposal of strategies is generated to be carried out for a tourism promotion.Item Oportunidad de exportación para el abono y lixiviado de lombriz roja elaborado en la Avícola La Esperanza.Vergara Muñoz, Luisa Fernanda; Rocha Alfonso, AndresThe opportunity of exportation for the fertilizer and leachate of red worm made in the Avícola La Esperanza. proposes a general overview of the processes and costs involved in the internationalization of a product through the study of the measures necessary for export, such as the analysis of international markets with demand, supply, price and competition potential, in addition to the requirements For the access and commercialization of the fertilizer to the selected market, to complement the study a cost analysis was carried out that allowed to determine the economic benefit of implementing the export of a product as an economic activity and that in turn provides objectivity when taking decisions that affect the organization. The study arises from the need to establish the viability so that Avícola la Esperanza can meet the stated objective of venturing into the commercialization in international markets of organic fertilizer produced from lombricultivo technique, economic activity that has reflected efficiency and profitability for the organization, in addition to the opportunity for growth and recognition of the region as producers. Starting from the capacity and costing of the production, a study and analysis of all the variables involved in the process is presented and, based on the results obtained, it is possible to visualize the commercialization potential of the ecological fertilizer at an international level.Item El sector agrícola en Colombia, un análisis de las reformas tributarias y su incidencia en las personas naturales para los años 2018 y 2019Martinez-Bernal, Diego Esteban; Useche-Alvarez, Johan Sebastian; Gutierrez-Montoya, DianaTax reforms have been considered in the Latin American context as precursors of economic development (Correa, 2019). However, the realities in each country are different because government policies present different approaches; assessing the conditions, norms or requirements of the reforms is a must for individuals, since the information scope of the reforms is sometimes not optimal. This is the starting point for the development of this document, which, through the analysis of the reforms, seeks to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the agricultural sector, especially for individuals, in relation to the tax issue. The follow-up to the reforms became an optimal obligation for the development of future tax issues for individuals, since in this way the existing shortcomings at the time of taxation that taxpayers must comply with were evidenced, often these shortcomings correspond to ignorance of the rule, and / or fear of knowing the existing tools that allow the realization of the income tax return, in a concise and clear way to the real needs that people face in the national territory. In this work we created a booklet that we wanted to present in a simple way what individuals should take into account to pay taxes in our country in the agricultural sector, what parameters should be taken into account for taxation and its determinants for the realization of an effective way.Item Estrategias de internacionalización de Mercado LibreCastillo-Cortes, Karen Eloisa; Garcia-Pirazan, Jessica Lorena; Rodriguez-Leon, Laura Camila; Ospina Martínez, OswaldoThe central objective of the document is based on identifying the strategies used by Mercado Libre for the internationalization of its electronic commerce model, to achieve this objective it is proposed to contextualize the digital ecosystem of the firm and explain the strategies used to penetrate some markets where has a presence, and identify which is the digital ecosystem with the greatest projection of the company. In order to respond to the objectives of the research, a non-experimental design is proposed and it seeks to resolve the research question through the use of secondary sources which do not allow any manipulation of the variables described or studied by other researchers. In this way, the scope of the investigation is descriptive since its objective is to provide detailed information regarding the fundamental characteristics of the Mercado Libre platform and its internationalization. During the development of the investigation, the company is described as a Born Global where it is observed that Mercado Libre developed an ecosystem composed of six business units, which provide solutions for payments, logistics, financing, advertising and services, additionally it has a projection in International business is very broad, but among them the development of its credit market and payment market is part of one of the most promising strategies in relation to financial inclusion.Item Componentes de internacionalización de las industrias culturales y creativas en ColombiaAtanache Gonzalez, Juliana Maria; Folleco Sierra, Yurimar; Aguilar Galeano, EstibalizIn Colombia, Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) enjoy high levels of mind-reading (raw material based on talent, intellectual property and cultural heritage), the Chambers of Commerce and Culture, have been working in recent years to notice the importance of formalization and competitiveness of these industries. In addition to wanting to increase production and marketing levels, exports are also being promoted, with the ideal of said cultural goods and services with export potential going abroad, guiding entrepreneurs to carry out said export process with prior knowledge. How is that process, what conditions should be to complete it with the least margin of error possible, and study which place is better to export? To carry out the export activity, a businessman who does not have much knowledge about this subject, the first thing he does is to find out about how this process is carried out, not only to register as an exporting company, but to classify the product, analyze the market or demand, analyze the requirements of the country to which it is intended, recognize whether or not it is ready as a company to carry out such process and maintain it in time, among other aspects.Item Efectos de los acuerdos comerciales vigentes en ColombiaReyes-Buitrago, Annie Valeria; Ulloa Ramos, Cristian SamirThrough the development of this research, the signing of the deals is analyzed. In addition to identifying how feasible each of them has been. To achieve the objectives, a brief investigation has been achieved on the motivations of each one of them, the statistics and the most important topics in which the commercial relations of Colombia are taken into account in the framework of the agreements. The variables with a mixed correlation approach of qualitative and quantitative type that can be extracted and compile the relevant and pertinent information to the research problem will be analyzed in order to establish the criteria for review and classification of the same. This investigation is complemented with the cumulative total analysis of the agreements in terms of exports and imports since the entry into force in the country. The investigation showed as a result that regarding the commercial effects of the agreements in force in Colombia, it is seen that there is a simultaneous behavior of exports and imports during the period from 1995 to 2017 according to each FTA since its entry into force; In addition to the country's trade balance, it is not closely linked to the FTA. Keywords: free trade agreement, trade agreement, regional integration, export, ACE, ACE24, ATPA / ATPDEA, SGP scheme, ALADI.Item Políticas estatales del sector arrocero en Colombia, basada en las experiencias de BrasilLizarazo Hernández, Daniela; Zapata Castillo, Adriana Milena; Garcia Castiblanco, Claudia PaolaIn this paper we analyzed the shortcomings that are presented in the state policies in the rice sector in Colombia that affect the production of the same, and were compared with the experiences of Brazil for its dependence in the sector, in order to generate a possible proposal of improvement. To understand these problems, the most influential variables were identified, such as the damage caused by the imminent climate change, the investment in technology and the public policies that support the rice sector, which, with good management, can generate an improvement in the productivity. The results show that Brazil is strong in production, due to state support and non-governmental entities, which makes it a good competitor, and therefore allows identifying the practices necessary to optimize rice cultivation in the country, so that processes are more efficient both nationally and international.Item Comparativo de las oportunidades de negocio de aguacate colombiano y mexicano hacia Estados Unidos entre 2007 y 2017Patiño Castro, Johan Camilo; Vanegas Mendieta, Diego Andrés; Ulloa Ramos, Cristian SamirComparison of the production and export opportunities and competences of Colombian and Mexican Avocado to the United States analyzing a period of a corresponding decade from 2007 to 2017, in which a quantitative-qualitative analysis of different variables was carried out.Item Factores de éxito de la internacionalización de la empresa Oriflame CosmeticsNeira Rueda, Ronald Leonardo; Aguilar Galeano, EstibalizThe present work has as a general objective to identify the success factors for the internationalization of the company Oriflame Cosmetics, illustrating how its penetration in the international cosmetics market has been generated. In accordance with the above, the factors that caused the internationalization of cosmetics are analyzed, so that it can serve as an example for companies seeking internationalization of products in our country. The methodology used in this work is qualitative with a descriptive approach to give more clarity to this project by analyzing and compiling information databases. The main finding of this research is to show that one of the aspects that generated an added value for this company, in relation to the companies that are dedicated to the commercialization of cosmetic products, is the sustainability approach that Oriflame Cosmetics handles, since that through this the company seeks to mitigate environmental impacts.Item Propuesta de turismo creativo a partir de la artesanía en cerámica del municipio de Ráquira Boyacá, que contribuye con el aprendizaje significativo de los niños.Gutierrez-Garcia, Andrea; Nieto Mejía, AlvelayisThe tourist practice that takes place in Raquira's municipality from Boyacá Colombia, allows crafts to be taken as a resource only for economic consumption purposes, and does not give tourists, particularly children, the possibility to interact and participate in the cultural experience of crafts. Tour operators do not consider children as travelers, only as companions, thus losing the possibility of developing tourism products that promote learning and cultural appreciation in children. Taking into account the above, the applied methodology was mixed, that is, quantitative (counting data through surveys) and qualitative (narrative method, qualities and characteristics), among the objectives was characterized the process of artisanal manufacture of ceramics in the municipality of Ráquira was characterized, it was sought to know the perception of parents regarding the participation of children in a proposal of creative tourism based on handicrafts in Ráquira and finally a protocol was designed for the elaboration of a creative clay handicraft, aimed at the children of the San Miguel Arcángel school (Mosquera / Cundinamarca) based on the artisan tradition of Ráquira Boyacá. Tourism can be seen as a strategy or instrument for the meaningful learning of school-age children from the artisanal clay work carried out in the municipality of Ráquira, in the same way, it generates early awareness about the importance of national cultural manifestations and the role of tourism in its recreation, conservation and dissemination.