Now showing items 1-10 of 12
La dignidad humana en la Gaudium et Spes, las conferencias de santo domingo y aparecida: hacia unas líneas de acción pastoral para ESUNA
Human dignity is one of the major concerns of the Church since the Second Vatican Council, especially by the anthropological turning point that is given on the basis of this ecclesial event. That concern for human dignity, ...
La teología mariana en la inmaculada concepción de Gregorio Vásquez de arce y Ceballos en la iconografía granadina de los siglos XVII Y XVIII
The present work approaches the life of the artist Gregorio Vásquez de Arce y Ceballos, taking into account the social and cultural context of the time and his artistic work during his life. This includes an evident emphasis ...
Fundamentos teológicos del Papa Francisco en la exhortación apostólica Evangelii Gaudium y la Carta Encíclica Laudato sí.
The present work is an approach to the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium and the Encyclical Letter Laudato Sí, written by the Supreme Pope Francis. These documents promote critical reflection on current issues that ...
Interpretación teológica de la aplicación de la ley de bienes de manos muertas promulgada por el general Mosquera en la confederación neogranadina
This work is structured in three chapters, through which a possible answer to the following research question will be glimpsed: How to theologically interpret the application of the law of confiscation of property of Dead ...
Fundamentación teológica para un retiro agustiniana de conversión
The spiritual retreat has been throughout the history of the Church a privileged space of
encounter between God and man. God seduces the human being and takes him to the desert
to speak to the heart. The dessert fathers ...
Apropiación de la teología amigoniana por parte de la comunidad terapéutica amigoniana San Gregorio
The mission of the Tertiary Capuchin Religious of Our Lady of Sorrows is inspired by the
biblical and theological principles of mercy and compassion in the style of Jesus the Good
Shepherd who, like the Father who welcomes ...
Superar el duelo ante la muerte de un ser querido. Un acercamiento exegético-teológico a Juan 11, 1-45 para contribuir en la praxis teológico-pastoral ante el duelo.
That research works the text of the Gospel of John 11, 1-45 in order to recognize the importance of the concepts of mourning and death and how these concepts are understood against the categories of resurrection and life ...
La acción de Jesús sobre el leproso en el Evangelio de San Mateo 8,1-4, un compromiso de la Iglesia con los marginados y excluidos: análisis narrativo-teológico.
This research project aims to approach St. Matthew´s Gospel with the objective of analyzing the Jesus´ action with the leper, in terms of his compassion, contact and personal relationship, in the pericope of Mt 8,1-4; it ...
Claves Teologías y Pedagógicas del Shemá Israel Dt. 6, 4-9 como fundamento de un ministerio laical
The Church, understood as God's people, Vatican II, 1974. LG (No.13), Formed by men who act in unity, under the background of the Holy Spirit, thus provoking and in function of the plan of salvation, it was heard to get a ...
Jesús educa para el discipulado desde la vivencia del bautismo: itinerario formativo prebautismal
The present document "Jesus educates for discipleship from the baptism experience" was developed in San Luis parish of the Diocese of Fontibón, with the purpose of promoting a formative itinerary through meetings oriented ...