Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Análisis de flujos del comercio entre Colombia y ecuador entre los años (2005-2015)
Throughout the development of this degree project we investigated the commercial flows between Colombia and Ecuador to obtain results and thus find emerging markets in a country that, like Colombia, focuses on the primary ...
Análisis del comportamiento de las exportaciones, importaciones e inversión extranjera directa chilena y su impacto en Colombia (2008 – 2016)
This research makes the analysis and study the exports, imports and the foreign direct investment behavior between Chile and Colombia before and after the entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement that was signed in ...
Plan de comercio exterior para la empresa Ceiclisan S.A., en el área de biomédica con el Population Health Research Institute en Canadá
This paper presents the disruptions in the supply chain of the company Ceiclisan for the importation of the necessary equipment to perform the medical examinations to the patients who will be attending the clinic in the ...
Oportunidades de negocio de Colombia en los países de la Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático
The economic opening developed since 1990, has led to Colombia gradually seek to expand its participation in international trade by diversifying its partners, although, there are not many results in the latter. Therefore, ...
Análisis comparativo comercial entre las Zonas Francas Permanentes y las Zonas Francas Permanentes Especiales, Colombia 2013 al 2018
The central objective of this degree work is analyze the trade implications of the creation of the Special Permanent Free Zones regarding the Permanent Free Zones in Colombia since the year 2013 – 2018. The development ...
Análisis de oportunidades para la comercialización de plantas medicinales y aromáticas
This work seeks to identify potential markets to increase sales opportunities for producers of aromatic and medicinal plants, in order to take advantage of the National Green Business Plan. This research is divided into ...
Potencial exportador de aguacate colombiano a la Unión Europea en el marco del acuerdo de integración con la Alianza del Pacífico
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the potential of Colombian avocado exports to the European Union within the framework of the integration agreement with the Pacific alliance. This will begin with the phase of ...
Oportunidad comercial de Colombia para la exportación de semen bovino
The livestock sector in Colombia is of vital importance to the country, this market provides approximately 1. 6% of GDP, for this reason the production and export of bovine semen helps to strengthen the industry, this work ...
Oportunidad de negocios para la marroquinería colombiana en Europa
The leather industry is an important sector for the country, as it contributes with 0.27% of the Colombian GDP, being a source of employment for 0.6% of the Colombian population, Colombian exports have been concentrated ...
Implicaciones para el subsector textil-confección del tratado de libre comercio con Estados Unidos
The central objective of the document was to analyze the positive and negative effects that the commercialization of products of the textile sector with the United States brings, to carry out this, the periods in which ...