Now showing items 1-10 of 29
Incidencia de la dolarización en las relaciones comerciales entre Colombia y Ecuador, 1995-2017
Trade relations between Colombia and Ecuador have had both positive and negative development, taking into account that Ecuador is a dollarized country since 2000, the incidence of the exchange rate that exists between the ...
Incidencia del sello de alimento ecológico en las empresas agroexportadoras de café: caso federación nacional de cafeteros
The present investigation seeks to identify the commercial effect that the companies can manage to obtain agro exporting of organic coffee with the obtaining of the Stamp of Ecological Food issued by the Department of ...
Situación del sector hortofrutícola en Colombia que le impide satisfacer la demanda en el mercado canadiense, el caso de la uchuva (Physalis peruviana)
The present investigation analyzes the fruits and vegetables sector of Colombia, taking as case the production of Cape gooseberry, because this is one of the main products exports in the country, and has enormous internal ...
Relación del tipo de cambio vs las exportaciones de las industrias extractivas en Colombia
This project develops in three chapters, in the first chapter is observed the variation of the Nominal Exchange Rate (NER) in the period (1992-2017), the second chapter refers to the metric exported tons related to the ...
Clúster azucarero en Colombia
Through the development of this research, it was analyzed, if the sugar cluster in Colombia is solid enough and competitive in such a way that it can be consolidated in different international markets, besides identifying ...
Estudio del sistema de navegacion fluvial de la cuenca del Atrato como medio de transporte para el comercio nacional e internacional de la región del Chocó
Colombia is one of the countries with the greatest number of water resources, with hydrographic slopes that can be easily used in neighboring countries and because of its geographical location. in an international context, ...
Efecto del TLC con la Unión Europea en la exportación de las flores colombianas y los mercados que se pueden potencializar
During this research, the behavior of Colombian floriculture exporters towards the European Union in the period 2008-2018 was analyzed with the objective of analyzing the impact of the FTA between Colombia and the European ...
Comercio Bilateral entre Ecuador y Colombia del sector químico de aromas
In this research work we analyze the bilateral trade between Colombia and Ecuador in the aromas sector in the period 2013-2017, from exports and imports and the influence of national and multinational companies in the ...
Oportunidades de negocio de Colombia en los países de la Asociación de Naciones del Sudeste Asiático
The economic opening developed since 1990, has led to Colombia gradually seek to expand its participation in international trade by diversifying its partners, although, there are not many results in the latter. Therefore, ...
Cadena Productiva del Café en Colombia
The objective of this research is to describe and identify the productive chain of the Colombian coffee sector, established and formalized since the breaking of the world coffee pact, in order to analyze and understand its ...