Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Estudio de los lugares de la tradición popular en Bogotá para incorporarlos a las actividades turísticas en la ciudad
During the development of the investigation of the study of the places of the popular tradition in Bogota to incorporate them to the tourist activities in the city, and following the line of classification established by ...
Propuesta agroturística en Tunja, Samacá y Siachoque
The purpose of this paper is to design a rural tourism product in the municipalities of Tunja, Samacá and Siachoque that is adapted to the characteristics of the destinations, bearing in mind that agrotourism is an alternative ...
Propuesta de plan de promoción turística para el municipio de Moniquirá Boyacá
The present investigation was carried out in the municipality of Moniquira Boyacá in order to gather All the possible information of the destination to know in what state the attractions are, resources with what the ...
Plan de marketing territorial enfocado al turismo para el municipio de Agua de Dios Cundinamarca
In order to group and put into practice the knowledge acquired during the studies carried out in the hotel and tourism program providing the realization of an idea studied and that is applicable. This project has the main ...
Propuesta para el desarrollo de un paquete turístico de ferias y fiestas de los municipios de Jenesano y Ramiriquí
Jenesano and Ramiriquí are two municipalities in the province of Márquez in the Department of
Boyacá, Colombia, located in the center of the department, which is about
28 km from tunja, the capital of the department, ...
Propuesta de actividades Ecoturísticas para el parque Embale el Hato entre Ubate y Carmen de Carupa Cundinamarca
El Parque Embalse el Hato located in the municipality of Ubate in jurisdiction with Carmen de Carupa has great importance for the inhabitants of the Region. Currently is supplier of drinking water for the surrounding ...
Evaluación del servicio de los hostales de la Candelaria, desde la percepción de los viajeros
The present research reveals the user´s (backpackers) quality perception of the service in the hostels in Candelaria neighborhood in Bogota city, using the ServPref model as a measurement scale.
The research is divided ...
Propuesta ruta turística de actividades eco amigables en la mesa Cundinamarca
The present project called the tourist route proposal for eco-friendly activities in La Mesa
Cundinamarca, is aimed at the environment of the municipality, in order to improve and
make use of natural areas, raising ...
Diagnostico para el desarrollo del turismo étnico en el resguardo Muisca de Cota-Cundinamarca
The ethno tourism in Cota allows tourists to know other cultures, where they can interact with communities that have very different lifestyles, for their food, traditions, language, among others. This type of relationship ...
Análisis del potencial turístico del Museo de Momias y su incidencia en el desarrollo de San Bernardo, Cundinamarca
The following work presents a study of the Municipality of San Bernardo, specifically of the “Museo de Momias José Arquímedes Castro”, based on the incidence that it has had in terms of tourism and how has been the impact ...