Estrategia de marketing digital para las redes sociales (facebook, instagram, linkedin) en el sector de servicios, para la empresa asesorías maría c
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2024-04-28Idioma del documento
En 2024, Asesorías María C busca expandir su presencia en el mercado mediante estrategias de
marketing digital, aprovechando el auge del comercio electrónico tras la crisis por COVID-19. Se
optó por redes sociales como medio publicitario económico para pymes, en lugar de medios ATL
masivos. El objetivo principal es analizar el potencial de las redes sociales para desarrollar una
estrategia digital, posicionarse con contenido orgánico, identificar la red con mayor oportunidad
de venta e invertir en publicidad para aumentar ventas.
La empresa debe establecer metas claras en métricas por red social para mejorar eficiencia,
fortalecimiento comercial y posicionamiento. La transformación digital es crucial para las
empresas de servicios contables, incluyendo automatización, análisis de datos, servicios en la
nube, aplicaciones móviles e inteligencia artificial. Redes como Facebook, YouTube e Instagram
permiten mejorar reconocimiento, interacción con clientes y medición de resultados. Instagram y
LinkedIn destacan por su contenido visual y gestión de marca profesional.
La estrategia se basó en un enfoque mixto de análisis de métricas y seguimiento continuo. Se
identificó al público objetivo y se implementaron estrategias SEM con contenido educativo,
colaboraciones y hashtags relevantes. Se evaluó la situación de la empresa mediante matrices
EFE y EFI, identificando oportunidades y amenazas.
El análisis de datos reveló que Facebook lidera en seguidores (38%), seguido por Instagram
(31%) y LinkedIn (23%). LinkedIn encabeza el engagement (35%). En generación de leads,
Facebook y LinkedIn obtienen 33% cada uno. Facebook logró el 80% de ventas efectivas,
seguido por Instagram (60%) y LinkedIn (50%).
Faced with the economic crisis due to COVID-19, Asesorías María C seeks to expand its market share in 2024 through new digital marketing strategies, taking advantage of the growth of e-commerce. Although massive ATL media were considered, social networks gained relevance due to their economic advertising for SMEs. The main objective is to analyze the potential of social networks to develop the digital strategy and in turn to position itself with organic content, identify the one with the greatest sales opportunity, and establish the most viable to invest in advertising and increase sales, the company must create clear goals in metrics by social network to improve efficiency, commercial strengthening and desired positioning.
Accounting services companies face the need to digitally transform themselves to remain competitive in the current era, which implies adopting technologies such as process automation, data analysis, cloud services, mobile applications and artificial intelligence. Social networks, such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, are key tools that allow brands to improve their recognition, interact with clients, boost sales and measure results effectively and economically, platforms such as Instagram and LinkedIn are especially relevant, by facilitating connection with engaged audiences through engaging visual content and professional brand management, respectively.
The digital marketing strategy for Asesorías María C was based on a mixed approach that combined data analysis of key metrics in social networks and continuous monitoring to validate the effectiveness of the implemented tactics, where the target audience was identified and SEM strategies with educational content, collaborations and use of relevant hashtags were considered, additionally the current situation of Asesorías María C was evaluated through EFE and EFI matrices, identifying opportunities for growth in the sector, but also threats such as consolidated competition and regulatory changes; the main strengths are the experienced team, service portfolio and strategic location, while weaknesses include lack of digital marketing, limited expansion and dependence on few key customers, the research used a descriptive quantitative analysis of metrics in social networks, complemented with a demographic study and digital habits of the target audience in Prado Veraniego.
During the analysis of the data obtained, it was shown that Facebook leads in number of followers (38%) within the target audience, followed by Instagram (31%) and LinkedIn (23%). LinkedIn leads in engagement (35%), achieving solid connections and loyalty from its audience, in terms of lead generation, Facebook and LinkedIn are positioned as the main platforms (33% each), demonstrating similar effectiveness in attracting interested prospects, although Instagram is also relevant (28%). In effective sales, Facebook obtained 80% thanks to the appropriate use of advertising guidelines, followed by Instagram (60%) and LinkedIn (50%)
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