Estrategia de marketing digital para el Colegio Gimnasio Bosques del Nogal
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Este proyecto se enfocó en la creación de un plan estratégico de marketing digital para mejorar el posicionamiento de la institución educativa Gimnasio Bosques del Nogal. A través de un análisis exhaustivo de factores internos y externos, se identificaron estrategias de marketing digital alineadas con SEO y SEM con el fin de aumentar la visibilidad en línea de la institución. Se recurrió a fuentes de información confiables, como investigaciones previas, conceptos clave y análisis históricos del colegio y el sector educativo. Se utilizaron encuestas para obtener la perspectiva de los padres sobre el uso de herramientas digitales y se llevó a cabo un análisis DOFA para comprender la situación actual. En un entorno educativo cada vez más digital, es esencial que las instituciones tengan una sólida presencia en línea, y este proyecto busca no solo mejorar el posicionamiento, sino también destacar al Gimnasio Bosques del Nogal como un centro educativo de alta calidad, fortaleciendo su presencia y reputación en el ámbito digital.
The main objective of this monograph project is to optimize the digital marketing strategy of the company Nueve Punto Cero, located in Suba-Campiña, Bogotá. The company is dedicated to the design of tattoos and body modifications, however, its participation is not very active on the social networks Instagram and Pinterest, implying that it is one of the marketing needs that precedes the company.
To address this situation, an analysis and research was carried out that focused on the social networks Instagram and Pinterest, where the objectives to work on were to diagnose, design and develop strategies that favor the current situation of the company in terms of network management. social networks, through a publication schedule that allows increasing the flow of attractive and innovative content for current and future clients.
This project focused on the creation of a strategic digital marketing plan to improve the positioning of the educational institution Gimnasio Bosques del Nogal. Through an exhaustive analysis of internal and external factors, digital marketing strategies aligned with SEO and SEM were identified in order to increase the institution's online visibility. Reliable sources of information were used, such as previous research, key concepts and historical analysis of the school and the educational sector. Surveys were used to obtain parents' perspective on the use of digital tools and a SWOT analysis was carried out to understand the current situation. In an increasingly digital educational environment, it is essential that institutions have a solid online presence, and this project seeks not only to improve positioning, but also to highlight Gimnasio Bosques del Nogal as a high-quality educational center, strengthening its presence and reputation in the digital field.
Esta obra está bajo licencia internacional Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0.