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    Economía del comportamiento: investigación y práctica en la gestión de recursos humanos
    Urueña-Bonilla, Angela Elena; Ardila-Franco, Richard Gustavo
    The main objective of this work is to analyze behavioral economics in the context of human resources management. Using a bibliographic approach and a systematic literature review methodology, we provided a description of the characteristics of behavioral economics, cited some authors who have contributed to this discipline, as well as their most important theories and supporting foundations. Finally, we assessed the level of research and application that behavioral economics has had in the field of human resources management. The results demonstrated that behavioral economics is a valuable tool for managing intellectual capital, significantly enhancing employee performance and well-being, thereby promoting sustainability and the achievement of organizational objectives. Despite the increasing application of behavioral economics in both public and private organizations, (especially concerning nudges), there is a need for further research in this area and the utilization of measures based on behavioral economics to assess behavior and performance in the workplace.
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    Uso de la billetera digital como estrategia de inclusión financiera en la micro y pequeñas empresas en la ciudad de Bogotá para el periodo 2015 – 2022
    Reyes-Riveros, Juan Sebastian; Riaño, Carlos Fernando
    The incorporation of financial technology and access to banking services through mobile applications and online platforms offer an unprecedented opportunity to expand financial inclusion by reaching more people who are excluded in the traditional banking system. In this work, a documentary investigation was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the relevance of the use of the digital wallet as a financial inclusion strategy in micro and small businesses in the city of Bogotá for the period 2015 ­ 2022, determining that these financial tools have have been vital for small and micro businesses to have been integrated into the financial inclusion process and thus improving the security of their assets, the service provided to their clients, leaving aside traditional accounting for digital systems that allow the evaluation of at a glance the state of finances in the desired period, in this way micro and small businesses obtain grater financial and accounting control.
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    Desarrollo de modelo de stock de inventarios para los repuestos más solicitados en la empresa Clean Water Technology Colombia SAS en la ciudad de Bogotá.
    Palacios-Mahecha, Nicolás Felipe; Muñoz-Guana, Raúl Armando
    The objective of the professional internship is the development of an inventory stock model for the most requested spare parts in the company CLEAN WATER TECHNOLOGY COLOMBIA SAS, in order to perform a prediagnosis to help prevent and counteract the problems faced by the purchasing area in the area of spare parts, since the delivery times stipulated in the promise of value to customers are not met. In order to comply with this improvement plan, we must begin by analyzing the main problems in order to propose solutions and strategies to help the purchasing area, since this is where the internship will be developed. The main problem that is evident is that there is not enough stock of spare parts, so the delivery times to customers nationwide takes some time, thus generating nonconformities and dissatisfaction. Having clear the theories of inventory management, inventory control theory and organization, we can move towards them to meet the objectives stipulated in the purchasing area. Performing an analysis of the rotation of goods, financial and a SARO matrix, allows us to highlight the opportunities, strengths, weaknesses and threats that the purchasing area presents, and also to see the purchasing capacity that the company has to acquire a quantity of spare parts to keep in stock.
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    Propuesta para la consolidación de la participación en el mercado a través del marketing digital - un estudio de caso en D’ela Beauty.
    Martinez-Morales, Daniela; Alfonso-Caro, Sergio Alejandro; Lopez-Rodriguez, Campo Elias
    Market share is currently very important for companies, because by tracking it, a good indication is achieved in their marketing strategies or actions linked to strategic planning, which allows to know whether or not these alternatives are having an effect. Taking into account the above, and to address it, we seek to generate a conceptual approach to digital marketing and market share, identifying strategies related to them to design a solid proposal for the business idea D'ela Beauty. For this study, these are valuable and powerful tools to boost business, because, in addition to working in a different way, it is possible to have more precision and control of the results, thanks to the various tools of analysis and information from the web. Thus, this study through a documentary analysis, extracts tools, ideas, innovations and concepts worked around the time on digital marketing strategies applied to companies in a satisfactory way, to group them in a relevant proposal towards the consolidation of market share through digital marketing of the business idea D'ela Beauty.
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    Mejoramiento del proceso de alistamiento y despacho de mercancías en Coldepósitos Logística Zona Franca Bogotá
    Suarez-Sotomontes, Magaly; Vanegas-Moreno, Carlos Ferley
    The purpose of this internship project is the approach of solutions for the current problem presented by the company Coldepósitos Logística SAS during the process of enlistment and dispatch of merchandise in the Storage and Logistics area, which was identified through the development of an internal and external diagnosis. Therefore, the problem question arises, how can the process of preparing and dispatching merchandise be improved in the Storage and Logistics area at Coldepósitos Logística SAS? From there, two solutions are proposed, the first is the implementation of picking through the scanning of the barcode that each product brings and scheduling upload and download appointments from an online schedule that would be handled on the company's website. The improvement proposals are not yet implemented, since they require approval from the management of the company and of course the endorsement of the university. However, the project has been reported and presented to the supervisors, coordinators and the logistics director, with the improvements that the company would have if it decides to apply these strategies.
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    Plan de Direccionamiento Estratégico en la Empresa de Empanadas y Pasteles A y C, Orientado al Fortalecimiento y Posicionamiento en el Mercado.
    Santamaria-Martinez, Oscar Eliecer; Toro-Rubiano, Blanca Elizabeth
    The project is based on carrying out a strategic direction plan for the Empanadas y Pasteles A y C company, with the purpose of correcting the deficit of the organization and being able to focus on strengthening, positioning and permanence in the market. The company Empanadas y Pasteles A y C was founded on July 14, 2009, in the city of Bogotá DC, it has an experience of more than thirteen years in the food industry sector, its economic function is the manufacture, sale and distribution pies and cakes; through various studies it was possible to identify the current state of the organization; As a result, it was found that it is an organization in a comfort zone because it does not have an adequate address, generating low returns and risk of the existence of the organization. It was proposed to implement an improvement proposal allowing the company to provide a solution to its situation, related to strategic direction, especially in the market area of the Empanadas y Pasteles A and C company, which is where the problem is especially concentrated, also established management indicators to measure the progress of the improvement proposal.
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    Plan de mejoramiento del departamento de recursos humanos de la empresa Geopav Ltda.
    Estupiñan-Verdugo, Yesica Natalia; Benavides-Ortiz, Diana Janeth
    This degree work focuses on generating the proposed improvement plan for the department of human resources for the company Geopav Ltda. To carry it out in the first instance, conducted surveys and interviews with company personnel in order to thoroughly determine which factors affect to a greater extent the operation of Geopav Ltda. After the tabulation of the results, the identification of the problem was carried out, which in this case lies in the current operation of the human resources department; hand in hand with management theories of human talent, the improvement plan was formulated, which consists of hiring a person with specialized knowledge in the management of the company's human talent and in the design of the function's manual to be fulfilled by the person who aspires to the position and is hired. Additionally, the cost estimate for the implementation of the improvement, the cost-benefit ratio for the company. Finally the conclusions obtained and recommendations to be followed by the company once the plan is implemented.
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    Plan estratégico orientado al desarrollo de proyectos de construcción de A+C
    Rondón- Arias, Julián Guillermo; Rodriguez-Santana, Carlos Andres
    The objective of the internship was to establish a series of guidelines such as processes, head count, leadership in the organization, which allow the company to change its economic activity, i.e., to go from making repairs or maintenance to being a VIS construction company, based on the agile methodology, which seeks to carry out the project with monitoring and evaluation. All this was achieved from a joint work with the general manager, where points such as the writing of processes, the writing of functions by position, an organizational chart that seeks to give responsibility to those responsible, continuous training of employees were established; a more organized internal structure was achieved that led in the last half of 2020, to complete the first stage of transformation to a construction company.
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    Manual de funciones para los empleados directos e indirectos de la organización Coyote Trade SAS
    Monroy-Osorno, Anderson Camilo; Mora-Cruz, Jaime Manuel
    Coyote Trade SAS is a Colombian company in charge of the importation and commercialization of mobile phones at a national level, with a wide variety of smartphones and tablets, which are positioned in the market of mobile telephony as one of the leading suppliers of Technology Commerce in Colombia. Through an initial diagnostic, it was searched from what already exists in the company to contribute to the improvement for the organization and fulfill the expectations that the high management proposes, solving the problematics presented by its directives and giving continuity to the consecution of the objectives. By the improvement proposal presented in this project, it was created a Function Manual, this important instrument is addressed to the intern and extern employees of the organization based on the different existing charges in the company. It also contributes to the development and advance of its process in the management of human resources.
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    Diseño de la Estructura organizacional para la empresa Plomería y Acabados Gutiérrez
    Gutierrez-Florian, Laura Camila; Díaz-Hernández, Luis Carlos
    The purpose of this project is to design the organizational structure of the company Plumbing and Finishing Gutiérrez, which consists of carrying out a preliminary diagnosis of the current state of the company, taking into account the divisions by departments and the interactions of the internal stakeholders of the company. organization, this will analyze how they manage the basic concepts of an organizational structure and functionality within the company, with tools such as surveys, interviews, and direct observations. A conceptualization will be made with different sources such as books, articles, web pages among others, based on an investigation that allows to analyze the competitiveness of the company in the sector and how the applicability of these concepts in the real plane will contribute to the internal growth of the same , in order to carry out the design of the organizational structure within the company such as policies, manuals of functions and procedures, organization chart, hierarchy, mission and vision among others. The elaboration of the organizational structure of the company contributes to the benefit of this in order to clearly establish the roles, responsibilities and functions of each area and processes that the organization performs, reaching the fulfillment of objectives efficiently.
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    Propuesta de mejora para el modelo actual del servicio al cliente de la empresa GASTROMEDICS
    Rodríguez-García, Nicolás; Torres-Acuña, Olga Lucia
    The main objective of this document is to present an improvement proposal for the current customer service model of the GASTROMEDICS Company. In order to comply with this proposal, an exploratory research was proposed, used to study problems that are not clearly defined, thus allowing the analysis of a context from data expressed in both qualitative and quantitative terms, which will complement the results obtained in In the surveys carried out to internal and external clients in the period of October in weeks 1 and 2 of 2020, this collection instrument was applied to the members of the company (assistants, specialists and legal representative) since they are involved directly in the customer service process due to the functions of the position that they carry out in the entity. Likewise, it was carried out to users who received the service in the same period. Once the variables that have a negative influence have been identified and analyzed, the planning of the corresponding strategies will begin, in an attempt to effectively address current problems.
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    Diseño de mejora al procedimiento de vinculación de personal del departamento de Talento Humano de la compañía AGRETRANS JAS SAS en el año 2022
    Osorio-Martinez, Diana-Carolina; Ramirez-Giron, Gina-Marcela; Franco-Murcia, Dayanna-Katherine; Aranzazu-Quiroga, Johnny-Deranxel
    The objective of this direct analysis of the company AGRETRANS JAS SAS, is to determine what are the main causes of poor management and communication that has the area of human talent, how it can be solved and what alternatives were found, in order to bring order and fully comply with the provisions of this. The management of human talent is important for every organization, and improves the problems that may arise with employees at the time of their entry, and relevant affiliations to be done with it, establish a methodology will help manage change and comply with the established that is needed for the company as it will allow it to improve its processes, at the time that hiring and monitoring for both sites are made. A good research helps to find the shortcomings that were occurring, and make proposals for change for the organization.
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    Plan de acción para el mejoramiento de la estrategia organizacional al manual de funciones
    Jaramillo-Acevedo, Maria Camila; Gaviria-Mahecha, Rodrigo Alberto
    Research made is shown in this business practice with the goal of propose modifications to the function’s manual of Multintegral SAS, due to current internal issues that happen with workers at the administrative area for procedures changes in their duties. This modifications will benefit the company, given that knowing the internal and external procedures help the main goal to accomplish and to achieve growth in the future.
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    Plan de mejoramiento estratégico para la empresa Francombustibles S.A.S de Bogotá
    Ardila-Espitia, Angie Paola; Riaño, Carlos Fernando
    The purpose of this work is to apply the administrative fundamentals that are the main basis for any company, it finished the concepts in the company Francocombustibles S.A.S; For the company, continuous improvement is paramount, given that experience is broadened, optimizing and structuring the main processes. The strategic direction is defined, providing the company with a corporate image, giving the company the mission, vision, objectives and goals in the medium and long term and corporate policies, on the other hand, its organizational structure is redesigned in a solid way compared to functions and loads, making the description of loads and the function manuals for an optimal execution of its activity, in the same way administrative management matrices and methodologies are implemented in order to identify the strong and weak aspects that the organization presents to apply a series of strategies and key actions to execute the operation correctly.
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    Propuesta de plan estratégico administrativo para la empresa Doris Camargo Pérez
    Hernandez-Camargo, Tatiana Carolina; Riaño, Carlos Fernando
    The Doris Camargo Perez’s company registered with “Camara de Comercio” (chamber of commerce) as a natural person, with economic activity in clothing garment except leather garments, the company is a micro-enterprise looking for knowledge, it’s dedicated to repair, alter, modify and garments packing like national army officer and noncommissioned officers’ uniforms. This corporation was established in 2018 by Mrs. Doris Camargo Perez who could see a chance when the officers and noncommissioned officers arrived to north battalion in Bogota, to make their studies for ascending courses.It's a company that since its beginning just was dedicated to make a daily production and this company was not given the necessary priority to create a organizational plan to give it a heading of where it wanted or want to get. It does not have an organizational structure, it was not divided by work areas, and principally it does not have mission and vision that can define the importance of why and where goes the enterprise.Along of this work may be found an strategic plan design that provide it, detecting the weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats, and by means of analyses show us the possible remedies to the problem that was evaluated.
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    Propuesta de implementación de un modelo de gestión administrativa para la empresa “La Parrilla Express” ubicada en la ciudad de Bogotá.
    Cortes-Lopez, Yeimi Yiset; Cortes-Lopez, Jhonny Stiward; Tamayo-Rojas, Linna Johanna
    This work is carried out for the company "La Parrilla Express" whose objective is the elaboration of a proposal for the implementation of an administrative management model for the organization located in the city of Bogota. The methodology used will be the one proposed by means of a descriptive study developed in three phases corresponding to the diagnosis, situational analysis and elaboration of the proposal of the administrative management system in the processes of human talent management and logistics management. For the development of this proposal, different positions of authors such as Belluomo (2018), Bejarano (2013) and Drucker (s.f.) were taken into account, among others, in order to generate changes that contribute to the development and improvement in the quality of the service, since efficiency and effectiveness are part of the mission of the company, in order to make progress by helping the restructuring of processes and compliance with the objectives.
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    Diseño de plan estratégico para Tora Blue
    Andrade-Bermudez, Mildred; Díaz-Hernández, Luis Carlos
    The design of the strategic plan is based on the need to improve the performance and productivity of the company from the most important aspects in the operational, administrative, etc. The objective of the strategic plan is to establish the course that the company must follow to achieve the objectives and the way in which decisions and strategies are turned into actions. The integration of a strategic plan in the operational procedure of a company is very beneficial for it, since it allows a process aimed at meeting the objectives that are set within different frameworks. In the case of Tora Blue, deficiencies could be identified within of the scope of the distribution of the final product to clients and potential clients thanks to the collection and analysis of the information provided by its workers, where it was possible to generate a design in terms of improving the activity of the company in its different processes, which is located in the Guatavita municipality.
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    Análisis del impacto administrativo que tuvo el sector inmobiliario de Bogotá en la emergencia sanitaria del covid-19
    Coy-Quevedo, Katerine; Rodríguez-Santana, Carlos Andrés
    This degree project allows generating an analysis of the administrative impact that the real estate sector in Bogota had during the covid­19 sanitary emergency, in order to know the behavior of the sector during the crisis and the indicators that were used to mitigate the crisis. In order to achieve what was established in the project, the benefits provided by technology in the real estate companies of Bogota were identified, likewise, the operational and administrative processes of the real estate companies of Bogota to face the restrictions of covid­19 were determined, ending with the exposition of the standards or indicators that measure the economic processes of the real estate companies of Bogota to face the restrictions of covid­19.
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    Plan de mejoramiento gerencial para la toma de decisiones en la administración de la unidad residencial Niza IX- 3
    Landínez-Quintero, Luz Adriana; Duque-Gaitán, Mario
    The present proposal for the year 2022 projected below for Unidad Residencial Niza IX -3, is intended to create new income The purpose of this proposal for the year 2022 projected for the Niza IX -3 Residential Unit is to create new income to improve the liquidity of the complex, making a better investment of resources and projecting a better decision investment of resources and projecting an adequate decision making process to implement the Residential Unit. the Residential Unit, it is for this reason that it was necessary to carry out an investigation and to propose an research and propose a possible solution to the economic evolution of the complex, in order to manage the resources the economic evolution of the unit, in this way manage the resources that allow to improve the common areas and quality of life for the residents of the unit. quality of life for the residents of the Residential Unit Niza IX -3.
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    ¿Cómo ha influenciado en el área comercial el marketing digital en las PYMES del sector de las confecciones en la post pandemia de la localidad de Kennedy Bogotá, Colombia?
    Bautista-Galindo, Jose Adolfo; Mora-Cruz, Jaime Manuel
    This research document studies the postpandemic influence that digital marketing has had in manufacturing businesses in the town of Kennedy in the city of BogotáColombia. It also analyzes the impact of the current new wave of technologies in the textile sector and how the positioning in social networks and web pages can improve productivity in those businesses. In addition to that, it measures how much digital marketing knowledge these manufacturing businesses have and whether its implementation would affect their sales and profits or not. The first phase of this study is the descriptive phase of the investigation, followed by: the description and formulation of the problem, the creation of general and specific objectives, the proposal of the method to be used for the present study, the theoretical framework and field work and ending with the conclusions of the study. This study intents to present if after overcoming the pandemic there was an increase in the number of technological implementations and updates that took place in the commercial areas of the manufacturing businesses or if, on the contrary, the growth rate of new technologies implemented decreased, leaving behind online business and going back to commercialization of products at a physical and facetoface level as it used to be before the 2020 pandemic.