Negocios Internacionales
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Item Innovación de procesos a través de impresoras 3D para aumentar las exportaciones de joyeríaBeltrán-Calderón, Johan Enrique; Redondo-Mendez, Andrea CarolinaThe main objective of the document is to determine the productive and export impact that business innovation can have in the Colombian jewelry sector, specifically the implementation of 3D printing. To do this, the export capacity of the Colombian jewelry sector was identified and the technological innovation of 3D printing was characterized and how this influences the export of Colombian jewelry. In order to determine the benefits of 3D printing innovation in jewelry companies in the Colombian country, future research and comparisons of the effects of 3D printing business innovation were carried out and data on the current state of the jewelry sector in Colombia was presented. The last years of the sector's exports. It was found that the export percentage showed a decrease in the export of the traditional jewelry industry, which shows that the industry must look for alternatives to increase its presence, such as technological innovation. From the information collected, it was possible to demonstrate the effects of the technological implementation of 3D printing, showing potential for the Colombian jewelry sector to increase the value of its product and increase its export presence.Item Efectos de los Acuerdos de Coproducción Cinematográfica en la industria del cine ColombianoHoyos-Romero, Natalia; Herreño-Sánchez, María Fernanda; Romero-Quintero, Karen Nataly; Redondo-Méndez, Andrea-CarolinaThe objective of this article was to analyse the effects of cinematographic co-production agreements on the Colombian film industry, evaluating their impact in terms of artistic quality, access to international markets, and economic development. Throsby's concentric circles model and Higson's theory of transnational cinema were used to explore both, the cultural aspect and the economic and creative interconnection of Colombian cinema within a global context. A qualitative descriptive analysis methodology was employed for this research, based on review of available literature, case studies, and comparative analysis of economic and commercial data. The main findings showed that the agreements have significantly increased film production, access to international funding, and participation in international festivals. However, challenges were also identified, such as the dependence on external resources and the potential dilution of local cinematic identity. The conclusion was that co-production agreements have considerably benefited the Colombian film industry, but improvements in regulation and public policies are necessary to ensure that these agreements contribute to the sustainable development of the industry and strengthen the country’s cultural identity.Item Análisis de la competitividad en América Latina del puerto de Buenaventura entre el periodo 2012 y 2023.Galvis-Ocampo, Paula Melissa; Pinzon Muñoz, Carlos AndresThe present degree work is a research that deals with Analysis of competitiveness in the trade of the port of Buenaventura, where a research was carried out that is based mainly on the observation of phenomena as they occur in their natural context: categories, concepts, variables, events, collection of information, communities or contexts, this to later analyze them, and to serve as guidance to carry out this project, which is why we focus on differentiating and characterizing ¿What are the aspects that allow the competitiveness of the port of Buenaventura to improve? Analyze the port of Buenaventura, in comparison to the first two ports in Latin America that we are going to investigate, which are the port of Santos and the port of Balboa. with the objective of classifying these two ports based on similar conditions in terms of port performance, geographic location, infrastructure, investments, and model of port logistics processes, which they present in comparison to the other ports and the port of Buenaventura, the objective of classifying these two ports is to look for similar conditions in terms of port performance, geographic location, infrastructure, investments, and model of port logistics processes, which they present in comparison to the other ports and the port of Buenaventura For this reason, the characteristics that affect the port of Buenaventura are identified and how to improve the aspects and characteristics that are affecting the port, seeking good development and performance that improves competitiveness.Item Análisis del comportamiento de las exportaciones del sector agrícola antes y después de la entrada en vigor del TLC entre Colombia - CanadáOrtiz-Joven, Juan Manuel; Nuncira-Cervantes, Wilson AlonsoThis research aims to analyze how the entry into force of free trade between Colombia and Canada has generated changes in the behavior of exports of Colombian agricultural products. To follow this proposal, the work is included in the references that you understand; the review of the literature that focuses on identifying research that addresses similar topics such as: the general effects for the agricultural sector with the entry into force of the FTA, the analysis of the trade relationship in order to observe the impact on the economic growth and the theoretical mark of economic integration. For its analysis, it is based on descriptive research with a mixed sample, which allows an analysis of how the monetary value of exports increases or decreases over the years and describes the detailed behavior of previous agricultural exports. after the entry into force of free trade between Colombia and Canada. The results of the research show that the Colombian agricultural sector has benefited from the free trade agreement between Colombia and Canada, increasing the monetary value of agricultural exports to more than double, taking the years 2003-2011 as a reference (before the entry into force). of the FTA) and 2014-2022 (after the entry into force of the FTA).Item La importancia cultural y comercial de los negocios internacionales entre Colombia y Costa RicaLinares-Ramírez, Angie Lorena; Cante-Urrego, Yuliana María; Dávila-Basto, César AugustoThe main purpose of this document was to determine the cultural and commercial importance between Colombia and Costa Rica. In order to carry out this research, the beginnings of the Free Trade Agreement between these countries was analyzed, considering its benefits and characteristics with the aim of getting to know the cultural factors, the commercial relationship, and the economy that each one contains. During this research, it was found that each country strengthens the business industry with the harnessing of raw materials, innovation, technology and trade. However, it was verified that Costa Rica exhibits a lower tolerance for power imbalance in short and long-term social relationships, while Colombia shows a greater interaction in social diversity due to the cultural influence of people in the consumption of goods, services and activities. This trade agreement allowed a greater strengthening of equality in foreign trade competitiveness conditions, especially in the business industry, enabling higher investment levels, which contributes to the economic growth and sustainable development of Colombia and Costa Rica.Item Iniciativas internacionales de crecimiento verde en América LatinaMedina-Martinez, Nicolas Esneider; Díaz-Ariza, Diana MarcelaThe main objective of the document is to determine the effect that international initiatives on green growth have had in Latin America with respect to environmental technological development, more specifically for the countries of Colombia, Chile and Costa Rica. To do this, the Green Growth initiatives of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Bio Trade of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) were identified. Specifically, it addresses the international commitments made by each country to create domestic policies that promote environmentally responsible economic growth. In order to evaluate the effects on environmental technological development, the before and after of the adaptation of internal public policies and their integration with international organizations on the result and progress in the generation and growth of registered patents of environmentally related technologies and the growth of environmentally related technologies are taken into account, of which a quantitative analysis shows countries with great potential for growth and environmental influence within the ecosystem.Item Análisis de la internacionalización del sector de follajes y flores hacia el mercado de CanadáBenavides-Parra, Nedid Alexandra; Beltran-Pardo, Luisa Fernanda; Davila-Basto, Cesar AugustoThe main objective of this research focuses on identifying the difficulties in developing innovation in the value chain of SMEs in the Tequendama flower sector, specifically in the municipality of Cachipay, to export foliage and flowers to the Canadian market between 2014-2023. With the context of the economic importance of flower growing activity in Colombia, especially in the Tequendama region, highlighting its export potential and the opportunity represented by free trade agreements with countries like Canada. The theoretical framework is based on Michael Porter's five competitive forces model and analyses the competitive pressures that companies face. Background information is compiled that highlights the economic opportunity of exporting Colombian flowers and foliage, as well as the need for innovation in the sector. Thus, enabling the identification of applied innovation processes and export opportunities to strengthen the flower sector in the region.Item Exportación de servicios de la empresa colombiana MacroGym al mercado mexicanoCruz-Castillo, Katherin Dayana; Valencia-González, CatherineThe objective of this project was to advise the company MacroGym of Colombia, for the export of computer services to Mexico through the methodology of process innovation, which consists in the improvement of processes, derived from activities that are based on the theory of Born Global and the Uppsala model, being also suitable for entrepreneurs and small or medium-sized enterprises that do not have enough capital to withstand the high costs of expansion processes to new markets. The different models of innovation in companies seek to enter new markets ignoring some of the stages of the traditional internationalization process. The results of the investigation identified four improvements in the company’s export processes, such as the registration of exporter before the Dian, the change of code according to the central classification of products, host national and international standards for currency billing and withdrawal.Item Beneficios de la implementación de un sistema de cultivo vertical al interior de contenedores para la producción de lechugas en el departamento de Cundinamarca.Garzón-Nieto, Juan Felipe; Acosta-Rusinque, Kevin Daniel; Melo-Chacón, Stefanny; Pinzón-Muñoz, Carlos AndrésThe research addresses the evolution of vertical farming systems in agriculture, highlighting their impact on domestic vegetable and forage cultivation, as well as their application in greenhouses and research centers. An innovative idea for vertical vegetable cultivation in the department of Cundinamarca is presented, inspired by a stand at Agroexpo 2021 in Bogotá, where the company Sáenz Fety exhibited a maritime cargo container converted into a greenhouse for the production of Cherry tomatoes and miniature cucumbers. Initially considered futuristic, this proposal has sparked interest due to its potential, motivating its inclusion in this research to evaluate its utility and efficiency compared to traditional horizontal cultivation. Lettuce is selected as the test crop due to its fast growth, ease of cultivation in greenhouses, and compatibility with vertical farming systems like the container presented at the fair. A detailed analysis of lettuce cultivation in Cundinamarca will be conducted, various types of container-based vertical farming systems will be studied, and the performance of lettuce in these systems will be compared with traditional horizontal cultivation.Item Actos de falsificación en el subsector de prendas de vestir y su incidencia en ColombiaLópez-Montero, Valentina; Monroy-Santoya, Nicoll Daniela; Dávila-Basto, César AugustoThe main objective of the document is to determine the impact that counterfeit clothing sold in Colombia has on original brands. To conduct this, the causes that influence the problem were identified: the scope of counterfeit brands, the current regulations and norms related to Colombia, reasons why consumers acquire counterfeit clothing and its effects, and the national and international impact on the clothing subsector. To determine the scope of each of these axes, the qualitative data collection methodology was used, which allows the study of the phenomenon under study without altering its natural state. To conclude, the counterfeiting of garments has an impact on the country's economy, because it decreases loyalty to the original brands, their reputation, and tax evasion and smuggling continue to be present. At the same time, Intellectual Property is a key factor in safeguarding brands and thanks to International Business, companies can reach new markets abroad, generating experiences by creating a link between the final consumer and the product or service to be offered.Item Efecto de la transformación digital en el posicionamiento de las mipymes del sector comercio en ColombiaGonzález-Cárdenas, Erika Valentina; Angulo-Rico, Grace MargaritaThe effects of digital transformation on the market positioning (national and international) of Colombian micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the commerce sector are analyzed, based on a contextualization of the national and international commerce sector and the MSMEs that comprise it; the characterization of their traditional and digital transformation strategies, and the relationship between these and market positioning (national and international). At the methodological level, a quantitative approach and descriptive scope were chosen, based on variables such as: strategies and management control of technologies, level of adoption of e-commerce, competencies and organizational capabilities for digital transformation. As a result, it was identified that the commerce sector is the third economic activity in the regional GDP of Latin America and the Caribbean (Colombia is the fourth leading country in the sector). Internationalization continues to be a challenge for MSMEs in the commerce sector, as their external sales are limited, given their limited resources and capabilities. However, the benefits offered by digital transformation have had a positive impact on the way they view business.Item Políticas de infraestructura en el Puerto de Rotterdam: Un Modelo para el Desarrollo Portuario GlobalGuerrero-Martínez, Hasbleidy; Peña-Bonilla, Fredy YezidEfficient and manageable ports are essential for a country's economic growth and competitiveness. In this sense, the Port of Rotterdam, recognized as a world standard, is an example of success based on strategic initiatives. Despite the challenges facing Colombian ports, such as poor infrastructure and lack of financing, implementing a Rotterdam-style strategy could be key to improving their competitiveness. Rotterdam's success is based on investment in modern technology, promotion of different ways of working, long-term planning and resource efficiency. The adoption of these measures in Colombia could boost economic growth, sustainable development and employment. In summary, the study of the Port of Rotterdam provides valuable lessons to improve port policy in Colombia, contributing to the economic and sustainable development of the country, as well as its competitiveness in the global market.Item Oportunidad de Exportación de los RAEE de ColombiaHerrera-Hurtado, Andres Felipe; Valenzuela-Campos, Maicol Andres; Tellez-Tellez, Karen Alejandra; Nuncira-Cervantes, WilsonThe objective of this research is to analyze the export opportunity of electrical and electronic waste and scrap by the Colombian entrepreneur. To achieve this purpose, the research was supported by the theoretical framework of the circular economy and green business, in addition, the documentary methodology was applied, which allowed presenting results on the process involved in the treatment of electrical and electronic waste and scrap WEEE in Colombia, international quality and sustainability certifications for the export of WEEE and export opportunities of electrical and electronic waste and scrap of Colombian entrepreneurs. The research concluded that Colombian businessmen have knowledge about the regulations governing WEEE exports and this makes it easier for them to obtain certifications both nationally and internationally to approach the market, in addition, they have a great opportunity to export WEEE in countries such as South Korea, United States, Canada, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands, due to the fact that they offer a tariff rate of 0% for tariff item 8549 that was negotiated with Colombia in the different FTAs, there is also the possibility of entering the Japanese market with an upcoming FTA with Colombia, thus opening the opportunity for the Colombian businessman to enter the WEEE marketItem Oportunidad comercial de exportar papel a base de fibras de residuos orgánicos desde ColombiaLondoño-Gómez, Wilson-Daniel; Robayo-Martínez, Laura-Camila; Angulo-Pico, Grace-MargaritaThe objective of this research is to analyze the commercial opportunity of exporting paper based on organic waste fiber from Colombia. For this purpose, the current state of the paper industry in Colombia is identified in order to know if organic residues from fruits and vegetables are used in the production process; the process of extracting cellulose from fruits and vegetables to transform it into paper is described; and a new niche demand for Colombian paper made from organic fibers is established in order to establish a commercial opportunity. The methodology is quantitative-descriptive, with variables such as: use of fruit and vegetable residues with high cellulose content for paper production, paper exports, sustainable development based on the production of paper obtained from organic residues in the world market, marketing and environmental effect of paper based on organic residues. Among the results is that Colombia is a producer and exporter of paper but its trade balance is not balanced because imports exceed exports. However, the country is strong in the production of fruits and vegetables (such as cauliflower, carrots and bananas) with high cellulose content, which is not used in second use. In this regard, a commercial opportunity was identified for fruit pulp-based paper in the Canadian market, because its population is demanding environmentally sustainable products.Item El eCommerce como impulsor de la reactivación de las mipymes colombianas tras el Covid-19Nossa-Nova, Santiago; Ospina-Martínez, OswaldoThe main objective of the research is to identify the opportunity presented by eCommerce for MiPymes in the post-pandemic. To do this, documentary research was conducted to characterize the retail eCommerce which worldwide shows a growth of 19.4% between 2014 and 2022 reaching sales of USD$5.2 billion and is projected to reach USD$8.2 billion by 2026, while Colombia is consolidated as the third country in the region after Brazil and Mexico with sales of $55.2 billion. In addition, the research identified that Colombia for 2022 ranked 60th out of 63 selected economies with 49.2 points in the ranking of digital competitiveness and in the e-commerce index to 2020 presented a score of 59.1 points being in the fourth position after Costa Rica, Chile, and Brazil. On average, 63.6% of MiPymes consider that their business does not require them to have an TIC area, which hinders their adoption; however, it is the commercial area that encourages them to incorporate TIC into their sales and customer communication process. Despite the problems faced by MiPymes since before the pandemic, therefore, cross-border eCommerce becomes an opportunity for insertion into international markets and whose sales in Colombia in 2020 reached 8.4% of total sales made through eCommerce.Item Análisis de los Efectos de la Guerra Comercial entre Estados Unidos y China entre el 2018 y el 2022 en la Economía ColombianaDaza-Ramirez, Tatiana Geraldine; Camacho-Pinzon, Angela Gabriela; Bolaños-Florez, JaimeThis study examines the impacts of the U.S.-China trade war on the Colombian economy during the period 2018-2022. Through a descriptive analysis of key historical events and a detailed exploration of strategies and actions, it assesses how these have affected Colombia. Game theory is used to understand strategic interactions and forecast possible outcomes. It is concluded that the rivalry between the United States and China will generate new trade disputes, reflecting their position as world powers. This ongoing rivalry, driven by the quest for global leadership, resulted in tariff barriers, especially during Donald Trump's presidency, hindering economic development by analyzing patterns in trade exchange. This approach allows understanding the pre- and post-trade war scenario, highlighting the complexity and consequences for the Colombian economy.Item Competencias genéricas de inglés y lectura crítica de estudiantes y egresados de negocios internacionales en Colombia. Un análisis frente al mercado globalSantiago-Burbano, Sara Marcela; Díaz-Malagón, Ivonne Viviana; Angulo-Pico, Grace MargaritaThis study examines the demand for language and reading skills in international business professionals, focusing on Colombian students and graduates, using data from the Saber Pro 2020 tests. Specific deficiencies are identified in comparison to global counterparts, and the demanded language and reading competencies are described at the global, Latin American, and Colombian levels. The problem statement highlights the importance of international business and the need for competent skills, especially in English. The results show difficulties among Colombian professionals in generic competencies. The objectives focus on analyzing results and competitiveness in the global job market. The justification emphasizes the importance of enhancing skills to increase the international competitiveness of Colombian professionals. The reference framework reviews studies on competencies in international business at national and international levels. The theoretical framework includes theories such as Barney's resource and capability theory and the theory of human capital. The conceptual framework addresses competency-based training and the importance of English proficiency. In the job market, competition and productivity are highlighted as determinants of the standard of living.Item Aportes del marketing digital a la comercializacion de farmaceuticos producidos en colombia durante la pandemia covid 19Reyes-Rodriguez, ErikaTatiana; Diaz-Uribe, Olga CeciliaThe objective of this research is to analyze the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical sector in Colombia, which was drastically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, to identify, analyze and propose improvement strategies, the theoretical framework of competitiveness was applied towards the organizational scientific approach. Exposed by Kotler, supported by an investigative methodology which allows detailing in a structured, compiled and argumentative way before the pharmaceutical sector and scientific laboratories in Colombia, how an improvement plan in the face of this economic crisis applied a strategy which is marketing. digital pharmaceutical, therefore, this is the sum of strategies to achieve the sale of health-related products using tactical planning and data collection to achieve the market trend that was achieved, the focus is to cover all information needs and offer solutions to specific customer problems, information on pharmaceutical companies, products and the entire pharmaceutical sector. The research determines the shortcomings that occur within the productive chain of the pharmaceutical sector, the general problems within the pharmaceutical industry and its manufacturing, therefore, strategies are proposed to improve the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical sector in Colombia post coronavirus, both in the productive chain, export and import, as in the manufacturing area of management in the pharmaceutical industries in Colombia, in such a way that public policies are generated to optimize the result with the objective proposed in the present investigation.Item Influencia del Tratado de Libre Comercio Colombia- Estados Unidos en el turismo, análisis del turismo colombiano entre los años 2012 a 2020Toloza-Calderón, Yeimy Katherine Yeimy Katherine; Vergara-Páez, Daniela Estefanía; Trujillo-Lozano, Camilo Andrés; Dávila Basto, Cesar AugustoThe objective of this study is to determine the impact that the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Colombia has had on the tourism sector of the latter. To do this, the research initially focused on analyzing the sector in Colombia, its comparative advantages, and its shortcomings. Following this, different chapters of the FTA that could affect the sector directly or indirectly were investigated and interpreted. Finally, the impact was determined through the comparison of different figures over five years before and five years after the treaty's signing, highlighting the movement within different subsectors of tourism (hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, transportation). This analysis considered aspects such as foreign direct investment, tourist expenditure, passenger arrivals and departures, and tariff advantages for the purchase of supplies. From the analysis of the subsectors, it was observed that they exhibited positive trends, particularly in the case of hotels, with 32 new establishments opening after the treaty's signing, and transportation, with six new airlines operating in the country, indicating significant growth in the sector within the country.Item Desempeño macroeconómico de las economías emergentes de los bloques a los pertenece Colombia (CIVETS, AP, CAN). Un análisis comparativo con los BRICSEspitia-González, Yeidi Liseth; Sierra-Cuervo, Brayan Stiven; Angulo-Pico, Grace MargaritaThe objective is to analyze the determinants of macroeconomic success of the emerging economies that are members of the blocs to which Colombia belongs (CIVETS, AP, CAN), within the framework of a comparison with the BRICS. To do this, the macroeconomic variables that affect the success of the economies were identified, in order to characterize the trend of these in the most successful economies of the blocs, in parallel with Colombia, in the light of the BRICS. The methodology is of mixed scope, since theories of endogenous economic growth, economic integration, international relations and international trade approaches are analyzed. The variables include: population, GDP, GDP per capita, foreign direct investment (FDI), inflation, trade balance and country risk. The results show that countries such as Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Peru and South Africa have benefited from the blocs to which they belong, managing to stand out in some variables compared to previous years; hand in hand with policies and measures they have taken to avoid being affected by instabilities. On the other hand, inflation, exchange rate and population growth are factors that influence GDP per capita; solid institutions and growth models that facilitate productivity and commercial stability support these results.