Hotelería y Turismo
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Item Diseñar una propuesta de mejora en las actividades de turismo aventura en Tobia, CundinamarcaSaenz-Zamudio, Miguel Angel; Gomez-Beltran, Andres Felipe; Mora-Forero, Jorge AlexanderThe municipality of Tobia has emphasized its commitment to quality and safety in adventure sports. Aware of the growing popularity of these activities and their tourism potential, strict regulations have been put in place in accordance with Law 300 of 1996, Law 1558 of 2012, and Resolution 3860 of 2015. These regulations mandate registration with the National Tourism Registry (RNT) and compliance with technical standards in adventure tourism for travel agencies, tourism service providers, and tour guides. The regulations include detailed training and certification for guides and professionals, regular inspections of equipment and facilities, and adherence to internationally recognized safety standards for various activities such as rafting, climbing, hiking, and paragliding. Infrastructure has been adapted to minimize natural risks and ensure accessibility, with risk management measures in place, including real-time monitoring during activities and constant evaluation of weather conditions. In terms of quality, Tobia strives to offer an enriching experience, promoting respectful interaction with nature and an appreciation of the local environment. Activities are inclusive and tailored to different skill levels so that all visitors can enjoy the thrill of adventure sports.Item Propuesta de un paquete turístico a partir de las expresiones artísticas y culturales del Barrio Las Manitas en BogotáRojas-Rojas, Easwaramma; Mora Forero, Jorge AlexanderThis study project investigates the perceptions, evaluations and expectations of the community of the Las Manitas neighborhood of Ciudad Bolívar, in the city of Bogotá, with respect to its artistic and cultural manifestations and its willingness to participate in community tourism initiatives. Using field work with focus groups, semi-structured interviews and surveys applied to the Transmicable system with due authorization, the aim is to describe, classify and safeguard artistic and cultural expressions and understand the perception and motivation of tourists. The results of this research will contribute to the understanding of the tourism potential of the Las Manitas neighborhood and to the planning of strategies for the development of sustainable tourism through the creation of a community tourism route analyzing the carrying capacity, cultural preservation, community participation, environmental protection, economic resources distributed equitably, education and awareness of the community and the demand of tourists where complete marketing and promotion is planned with marketing work and familiarization tours, being able to agree on alliances with agencies of trips, as well as from clients to obtain feedback on the experiences generated during the tour.Item Propuesta de plan de mejora para posicionar la plaza de mercado Carlos E. Restrepo como un destino turísticoCepeda-Chacón, Johan Camilo; Perez-Ramirez, PatriciaThe Carlos E. Restrepo Market Square is not within the recognition of public market squares prioritized for tourism by the IDT (District Tourism Institute) with the objective of achieving recognition to highlight the benefits and strengths of the Plaza de Mercado. market, an improvement plan is developed to achieve a possible tourist positioning on the tourist routes of the city of Bogotá; An analysis of the current state of the place was carried out, identifying interested visitors at different times of the year and the improvement proposal was presented. For the analysis, 6 testimonies from merchants from the Restrepo Market Square were taken into account, 70 testimonies from visitors, buyers or tourists interviewed at different times and finally a testimony from the current administrator of the place. It is essential to highlight the crucial role that citizen participation plays in this improvement plan, active collaboration between the community, local organizations and government institutions are essential to guarantee the success of any urban revitalization and development initiative.Item Propuesta de un paquete turístico a partir de las prácticas económicas, culturales y gastronómicas en la Plaza de mercado Carlos E. RestrepoMurcia-Fonseca, Lina María; Agudelo-Alape, Tania Michel; Lizarazo-Perez, Julio Cesar; Mora-Forero, Jorge AlexanderThis project proposes to develop a tourist package based on the economic, cultural and gastronomic practices carried out in the Carlos E. Restrepo Market Square to strengthen its potential as a tourist destination. Relating the above, we seek to identify which are the most important practices to include them as the main input in the design of the proposal for interested tourists. Some commercial posts with the potential to be included in the tourist tour were visited and evaluated, from which valuable and important information was obtained and the interest of the merchants in our proposal could be seen. The research methodology was used with a mixed approach that was carried out through tools such as observation, structured surveys and interviews with the target population. In addition, a characterization of potential tourists interested in learning about the experiences, traditions and customs developed in this place has been carried out. Market squares are considered a bridge or walkway between rural and urban practices, they are like a pantry of healthy food but they are also places of meeting and preservation of cultural, artisanal and social gastronomic heritage. According to FAO (2022), market squares are spaces that bring together producers, merchants and consumers around food and culture, evoking those practices of “going to the market” that grandparents and parents have left behind generation after generation. This project aims to rescue, recognize and promote the idiosyncrasy of our society, its traits and customs as a potential for economic growth.Item Diseño de una ruta turística en el barrio el Paraíso de la localidad de Ciudad BolívarThompson-Lancheros, Johan Alejandro; Arias-Tellez, Yon Alexander; Castro-Chiguazuque, Monica AndreaThe present document is a proposal for a tourist route that is carried out in the El Paraíso neighborhood of the Ciudad Bolívar town through activities related to nature tourism and cultural tourism, highlighting that the El Paraíso neighborhood has different attractions in which can carry out the planned activities. Mainly theories related to tourism, the history of the neighborhood and the locality in which it is located, and various types of tourism were considered. In the second instance, the methodology used for the research was with a mixed approach, where the instruments were also included, such as: surveys and the tourist inventory, which made it possible to determine the places that will make up the tourist route. Finally, it was possible to generate a tourist route proposal covering important and historical aspects of the places that were chosen and highlighting the importance of caring for them.Item Propuesta plan estratégico de marketing digital para la promoción de marca Sammy’s House como prestadora de servicios de alojamiento.Rodríguez-Cuisa, Derly Camila; Mora-Forero, Jorge AlexanderFor accommodation service providers, specifically for tourist apartments, promotion and advertising focused on each of them is very important, which is why, for this work, a proposal was made, focused on a strategic digital marketing plan for the promotion of the Sammy's House brand as a provider of accommodation services, so that this establishment, in addition to being welcoming and with a home-like atmosphere, can be distinguished by name and brand to anyone, through recognition and implementation of different strategies. Which in order to achieve the objective, first a study of the current state of the microenterprise and a study on the actions and competitive advantages that help its implementation were carried out. Secondly, a survey was carried out to identify the opinion and characteristics of potential guests for a tourist apartment in the city of Bogotá. Finally, a design was made to propose a digital marketing strategy, based on the previous study, support from different theories and the needs and purpose of Sammy's House.Item Diseño de un plan de divulgación de la cultura gastronómica del Cerro de Monserrate para el fortalecimiento del turismo.Marin-Castaño, Santiago; Mora-Forero, Jorge AlexanderThis investigation focuses on the formulation of a proposal for the promotion and dissemination of the gastronomic offer of Cerro de Monserrate, as well as the various aspects that make it up. This with the purpose of contributing to the gastronomic development of the place and with the objective of strengthening it in order to reach a greater number of people.Item Análisis reflexivo de la percepción del patrimonio cultural en los museos de la CandelariaRestrepo-Tafur, Manuela; Mora-Forero, Jorge AlexanderThe main objective of the document is to reflect on the factors that influence tourists' interest in learning about the cultural and historical heritage in the museums of La Candelaria, in Bogotá. Research instruments such as interviews and questionnaires were employed to understand the perspectives of both tourism providers and tourists visiting this area of the city. Varied results were obtained regarding tourists' interest in experiencing this type of tourism; however, challenges were identified that prevent this activity in museums from being carried out consistently. Based on these results, some recommendations were proposed to help promote cultural tourism, particularly in the cultural and historical museums of La Candelaria.Item Propuesta de turismo rural comunitario, Tame: un viaje a la resiliencia en el panorama del posconflicto en el municipio de Tame - AraucaLozano-Moreno, Geraldinne; Sánchez-Rozo, Yelitza; Castro-Chiguazuque, Mónica AndreaThis work will present a proposal of rural community tourism that can help for the regeneration of the municipality of Tame - Arauca, which will play an important role in the reinsertion, because tourism is the best option for the economic and social resurgence of the Tame community, integrating victims, ex-combatants (FARC-EP) and locals; also providing the tourist with knowledge about the Colombian plains, its culture, history, nature and gastronomy. In order to provide tourist recognition to the territory and demonstrate that tourism is a great contributor to a real change in society, in addition to having an economic potential for the community in the municipality of Tame; Taking into account the essence of rural community tourism as a possible solution to the effects of the armed conflict in the municipality, because it contributes to the social, economic, tourism, natural, gastronomic and historical Tame in order to give second chances to victims and ex-combatants (FARC-EP) of the post-conflict, being them the protagonists of a proposal of rural community tourism that elevates Tame in the tourism sector and can put in the minds of tourists to this municipality in its map.Item Resignificando el turismo, del narcoturismo al turismo de memoria como estrategia de posicionamiento cultural en la ciudad de MedellínRomero Garcia, Leidy Mayerly; Pérez Ramírez, PatriciaThe main objective of the document is to design tourism promotion strategies to redefine tourism in order to transform narcotourism into memory tourism in the city of Medellín.To carry out this, events and places that are part of the historical memory of Medellín in relation to narcotourism were identified and characterized. Likewise, the mostprominent character is Pablo Escobar, who with his actions related to drug trafficking, the armed conflict and acts of violence marked the historical memory of Medellín, consequently an erroneous collective imagination is generated by visitors to what which is the history of Medellín. In compliance with the objectives,research methods, techniques and instruments were used, including data collection (survey and interviews); field observation; the bibliographic review of various authors and tourism projects; Finally, tourism promotion strategies are presented for the cultural attractions that are part of the historical memory of Medellín, La Comuna 13, Parque Memorial Inflexion and Museo Casa de la Memoria.Item Propuesta de un paquete de turismo experiencial por medio de la etnobotánica de la comunidad Muisca del orienteContreras-Vanegas, Luis Sarah; Mora, JorgeIn today's society, ethnobotany is little known or worked on, taking into account that people do not give it the importance that the Muiscas and their knowledge have, through Ethnotourism we want to show and teach this concept in a different and striking way, for this A tourist tour was designed, where we will go through different places and thus be able to learn more about the plants, the Muiscas of the East and the benefits that following the path of the Muiscas of the East brings to our lives. Its importance focuses on the little information that is disseminated in the different media about this concept and the work of the Eastern Muiscas in the “apothecary of the condor.” The above will be supported with different texts and authors that will be presented throughout the work, in order to make learning easier for the understanding of all people who wish to be part of the project and the final journey.Item Propuesta para la mitigación de barreras comunicativas en el Hotel Wyndham Art Bogotá en la atención de personas con discapacidades auditivas y de habla.Castillo, Nicole Valentina; Ovalle, Jorge AlbertoTaking into account that tourism seeks to promote itself as an inclusive and accessible activity, the purpose of this research is to propose different improvements and processes that should be adopted by hotel establishments to mitigate the limitations and offer a quality service in the attention to the service for the people with speech and hearing disabilities. This is particularly crucial in creating an environment where all individuals, regardless of their abilities, can fully participate in and enjoy their experiences within these establishments. Considering that this group of people have communication difficulties which does not allow their regular development, and enjoyment within these establishments, the objective of this project was to identify the reason why these barriers are present communication in the customer service processes of people in special conditions. This research seeks to provide a first approach that allows professionals in the sector, hotel establishments, and other interested people to identify the problem presented, implement solvable measures in a short term, and foster an environment of inclusivity and equal access.Item Propuesta de una ruta de turismo gastronómico a partir de los amasijos en los municipios de Ventaquemada, Santa Sofia, Sutamarchan y Villa de Leyva de Boyacá.Fino-Beltran, Fausto Daniel; Mora, Jorge AlexanderThe kneading are a product consumed by many people but are not recognized for their gastronomic and touristic potential, the purpose of having developed a proposal for a gastronomic tourism route based on the kneading in the municipalities of Ventaquemada, Santa Sofía, Sutamarchan and Villa de Leyva de Boyacá, where cultural heritage, tourist routes, cultural tourism and of course gastronomic tourism are highlighted and developed within a methodology with a qualitative approach within a descriptive research where the municipalities of the Boyaca region are characterized, potential tourists and consumers of the gastronomic route were surveyed and ending with the organization of the gastronomic route by applying the opinions of future tourists. A gastronomic route was organized that includes the municipalities Ventaquemada, Santa Sofia, Sutamarchan and Villa de Leyva of Boyaca, where the kneading are elaborated by which this gastronomic route is based, taking into account the preferences of potential tourists and the needs that each municipality and the communities that live in them may have; they are also the great historians of the kneading for this reason this project will connect with them to understand and enhance tourism from the local gastronomy.Item Propuesta de un plan de marketing digital para el Hotel Casa Finca Karaho ubicado en la ciudad de San AndrésGaray-Valencia, Edwar Orlando; Mora, JorgeThis project aims to design a digital marketing plan for the Casa Finca El Karaho hotel through the different strategies that influence tourists when selecting a hotel. For this plan, the mixed approach was implemented, because an interview was carried out with the hotel manager where she describes how many areas there are in the hotel and the services offered by each one. A survey with 18 questions for hotel guests and another survey with 16 questions for potential visitors to the island were also applied, where the answers provided important information to develop the marketing plan, knowing which were the digital platforms that guests use the most. and potential visitors to the island of San Andrés to reserve their stay. Finally, the digital marketing proposal was designed, implementing social networks, the website and Hootsuit to achieve a digital positioning above the competition.Item Propuesta de ruta de biciturismo como medio alternativo de turismo en el municipio de Tabio Cundinamarca.Arias-Pérez, Lizeth Daniela; Borray-Montoya, Ginna Fernanda; Suarez-Caro, Maria Esmeralda; Mora-Forero, Jorge AlexanderThis paper is based on the proposal of a cycling tourism path for Tabio, a municipality and town of Colombia in the department of Cundinamarca. This cycling tourism path aims to develop the touristic offer of the town. Through this touristic initiative, the natural and cultural attractions of the region can be promoted to potential visitors. To conduct this research, different aspects related to sports, regulations, visitor’s profile, touristic services operators, and attractions were considered. Likewise, a mixed approach and descriptive research were used, and interviews and surveys were privileged as data collection instruments. Positive results were attained since most of the people surveyed answered that they are interested in a cycling touristic path. Finally, after the results analysis, it can be argued that this proposal is feasible, as Tabio has great touristic potential to develop cycling tourism and benefit the municipality and town and its visitors.Item Propuesta de un evento turístico para el fortalecimiento cultural del Cabildo Mayor Indígena Kichwa de EngativáRativa-Montaña, Solangy Vanessa; Murillo-Suarez, Angie Vanessa; Ramos-Gómez, Leydi Viviana; Castro-Chiguazuque, Mónica AndreaIn the present work, it can be evidenced that its main objective is the strengthening of the culture of the Cabildo Mayor Indígena Kichwa de Bogotá located in the locality of Engativá, since it has suffered a great wane in its cultural identity. Mentioning this, it can be affirmed profoundly in an investigation carried out of a descriptive type, with a qualitative approach, by which, first measure, defects were investigated were the aspects to be strengthened within the cultural identity in the community, followed this, the causes that caused this wane in their cultural identity were identified and finally a proposal was presented for the fulfillment of the general objective. This proposal was made for to achieve a strengthening focused on different aspects of the Kichwa community; it proposes the development of tourist activities with the objective of consolidating and making its culture more widely known. With this, it is intended that the new generations take the responsibility of transmitting their culture and the interest of promoting the recreation of these same people outside their community. Finally, with this proposal and degree work, it will be modified to motivate the young generations of the community to take on the responsibility of keeping their culture and identity alive, transmitting it principally within its own community, with the new generations that are arriving and with all possible people external to them. Additionally, it will be possible to demonstrate that tourism is a key factor for the transmission and recognition of these cultures or indigenous communities within the country, emphasizing that it must be carried out with the greatest respect and responsibility so as not to generate negative impacts.Item Plan de mejoramiento para fortalecer la comunicación y promoción del segmento corporativo de Hotel unión GirardotSánchez-Romero, María Paula; Nieto-Mejia, AlvelayisThe main objective of the document is to determine the factors that are affecting the production of the corporate segment in the Hotel Union Girardot, since, according to statistics from previous years, it had better results and has been worsening. For this purpose, a general study was made and it was identified that one of the main reasons was the world pandemic, which caused many companies to stop traveling, to hold their meetings virtually and not to need the lodging service. In this case, the Union Hotel acted effectively and established biosecurity parameters for companies to continue with their work projects, but they were not enough, because the statistics remained the same. Therefore, a study of the sales and marketing area was made to analyze what strategies were being proposed with or without pandemic to attract the corporate segment, which defined that the sales area did not have a good management of promotion and assertive communication with the corporate segment, nor a loyalty system structured exclusively for it.Item Propuesta publicitaria para el desarrollo de turismo oscuro en el Cementerio Central de BogotáFandiño-Fandiño, Nicoll Alejandra; Patiño-Lara, Lina Johanna; Mora-Forero, Jorge AlexanderThis research is aimed at knowing what are the motivations that affect the people for dark tourism in the Central Cemetery of Bogotá. For this, used as bases, the following categories: tourism, dark tourism, trends tourism, motivations, necro tourism or cemetery tourism and alternative tourism. Fraud in order to be able to use the interview, structured survey and photography, as instruments of investigation, likewise it was taken into account that this investigation is of mixed approach and does not probabilistic. An advertising plan was made defining the public objective and the persuasive resources, thus detailing an advertising brochure of a physical and digital nature, which was carried out, taking into account the main motivations that this research found, in order to demonstrating with research and publicity, that dark tourism is nonetheless bad, but on the other hand it can teach different aspects related to the History and culture.Item Plan de marketing digital para la Finca Campestre Rancho Alegre en la vereda Viena del municipio de FusagasugáPenagos-Osorio, Janes Evelin; León-Cárdenas, Javier MauricioThe applied project consists of a marketing plan for the Rancho Alegre Country Farm that seeks both to improve its positioning, growth in the market and a correct planning of commercial strategies, starting from the current position of the farm, a situational study is carried out. about the city of Fusagasugá - Vereda Viena and its tourist industry, in order to achieve greater results and thus improve the conditions of both external and internal clients, thus we can identify the different problems that the establishment currently has, the which helped us to develop a tourism marketing plan and thus define strategies to achieve the objectives proposed by the owner of the company, strategies and actions are also presented that allow solving the present problems, which avoid greater occupation and recognition of the company in order to identify that Finca Campestre Rancho Alegre has With great strengths such as being a tourist complex that offers its visitors absolute tranquility, a different environment, 100% natural, it has a restaurant service, various entertainment areas, among others, and thus achieve guest loyalty, greater recognition and visibility of the Finca Campestre.Item Turismo, arte y cultura, una propuesta de contribución a la reactivación del turismo cultural en la localidad de La Candelaria, Bogotá D.C. Colombia.Rozo-Coy, Jenny Tatiana; Mónica Castro ChiguazuqueThe objective of this document is to develop a proposal that contributes to the reactivation of cultural activities in the town of La Candelaria, due to the great impact caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. For this proposal, it has been decided to use the descriptive research method, accompanied by techniques and instruments such as the survey for which a closed questionnaire has been designed and the interview, for which a structured questionnaire was proposed. This proposal consists of the fusion between art, culture and tourism, since it is desired to carry out cultural events in different establishments with which it is intended to establish an alliance, where local artists are invited to present their art, either crafts, paintings, music, drawing, photographs, etc. Taking into account that the establishment will not have any cost to the artists or organizers of the event, some people will be previously invited and must buy a consumable ticket. These events will be held in person, taking into account all the regulations stipulated by the National and District Governments and the administrators of the establishments. However, the events will also be broadcast virtually for all those who want to participate from a distance.