Now showing items 1-10 of 18
El juego de rol como herramienta pedagógica en la enseñanza de las humanidades
Role-playing games allow to establish a playful, dynamic, attractive and motivating scenario to approach any theme through the game. Essentially it is an entertainment tool that over the last decades has been used as a ...
Legado del pensamiento de San Agustín para los jóvenes universitarios del siglo XXI
Saint Augustine is one of the greatest thinkers of the fourth century A.D., for his richness, his simplicity, his depth, his actuality and his thinking is a legacy for the academy at all times. His life, his struggles, his ...
La formación a través de la lúdica en el diseño de áreas de trabajo
Prior to the realization of a plant distribution, the industrial engineer must master the concepts and formulas to determine the appropriate spaces in each of the machines or jobs. These calculations should take into ...
Fundamentos de microeconomía para no economistas
Microeconomics is usually seen by students as a subject of high complexity, difficult to understand, which is why this class note aims to provide necessary and sufficient tools to deal with the subject more easily, ...
Conceptos fundamentales para la toma de decisiones financieras
Fundamental concepts for financial decision making is a class note that begins, in Unit 1, with a study of the principles that allow thinking decisions in terms of investment, notions of financial analysis and value of ...
Guía básica para el desarrollo e interpretación de los modelos matemáticos de programación lineal
This proposal for a class note arises from the work in the classroom, where the student's difficulty in addressing the issues and studying in the basic texts indicated in the bibliography is observed. The introductory phase ...
Matemáticas financieras como base del análisis financiero empresarial
It is normal that the students of the universities do not notice the different levels that they are achieving in each of the professional competences or abilities of their career; one of these competences is the skill or ...
La planeación estratégica y el diseño organizacional como herramientas gerenciales
The main tool created to exercise the managerial function is the administrative process. This chain of stages was proposed by Fayol to respond to the management needs that had not been studied until then. The process has ...
El ser humano ayer, hoy y mañana
This class note is an approach to answer the question "What is man?" from the fields of philosophical, theological and cultural anthropology. It is not a course for anthropologists, it would be a great claim and it would ...
Organización y gestión de almacenes y centros de distribución
The structuring of logistics systems, as a result of the analysis of the client's requirements, requires the establishment of service levels that are often difficult to meet under conditions of uncertainty. The variability ...