Now showing items 1-10 of 23
Análisis del producto turístico avistamiento de aves en Bogotá Región y sus posibilidades de desarrollo
The project conceives bird watching as a tourist activity of great growth in Colombia, so we proceeded to analyze the activity in the capital of the country: "Bogotá" which was still a city, has different bodies of water ...
Propuesta de desarrollo de turismo de naturaleza a partir de siete atractivos naturales del Nororiente de Cundinamarca
The following paper presents a proposal aimed to contribute to tourism development through activities related to nature tourism in the northeast of Cundinamarca, considering that the department has a large number of ...
Estudio del desarrollo turístico sostenible del PNN Chingaza por medio de la población local, tomando como referente parámetros para la elaboración de los indicadores de la OMT
Since his creation, the Chingaza National Natural Park has been considered a natural and cultural treasure in Colombia. it is a refuge for the fauna and flora and it is also considered one of the largest water reserves ...
Propuesta recorrido turístico en torno a historias, mitos y leyendas urbanas de La Candelaria
The proposal of a tour around stories, myths and urban legends in the town of La Candelaria, aims to publicize and take advantage of tourism and heritage resources with the account of the area.
Based on the surveys that ...
Estudio de los cambios culturales generados por la actividad turística durante las ferias y fiesta de exposición ganadera y agropecuaria, en el municipio de San Gil Santander, 2013-2017
The main objective of this document is to determinate the cultural changes consequence of the tourist in the festivals in San Gil in the last five years.
The development of the investigation, takes qualitative data, ...
La floricultura como alternativa de desarrollo turístico en el municipio de Tenjo, Cundinamarca
The municipality of Tenjo is one of the centers with the greatest exercise of flower cultivation
in the department of Cundinamarca, however, this activity is not being potentiated for its tourist
development. In view of ...
Propuesta de una Ruta Turística en el Municipio de Villavieja -Huila
In the course of this project the proposal of a tourist route for the communitarian development in
the municipality of Villavieja Huila is made, in where studies for the data collection are carried
out different that ...
Ruta turística a partir de la memoria histórica de los acontecimientos relacionados con el Bogotazo.
The main objective of this work is to determine how a tourist route of historical memory related to the bogotazo event develops. To accomplish this in the first chapter, the places and facts that are part of the memory ...
Estudio de la potencialidad del turismo comunitario en la provincia del Magdalena Medio en Cundinamarca como apuesta en las zonas de posconflicto
The present document is a study that seeks to contribute and generate tourism development proposals from 3 integrated municipalities within the Magdalena Center province in Cundinamarca. These municipalities are: Guayabal ...
Propuesta de Turismo Experiencial en la Ciudad de Bogota a traves de redes sociales
The term experiential tourism mainly means the achievement of tourist experiences, experiences
that are more than unique and that turn the tourist into an active subject of the activity. These
experiences and especially ...