Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Análisis del producto turístico avistamiento de aves en Bogotá Región y sus posibilidades de desarrollo
The project conceives bird watching as a tourist activity of great growth in Colombia, so we proceeded to analyze the activity in the capital of the country: "Bogotá" which was still a city, has different bodies of water ...
Propuesta de actividades Ecoturísticas para el parque Embale el Hato entre Ubate y Carmen de Carupa Cundinamarca
El Parque Embalse el Hato located in the municipality of Ubate in jurisdiction with Carmen de Carupa has great importance for the inhabitants of the Region. Currently is supplier of drinking water for the surrounding ...
Estudio de viabilidad de Glamping en el Municipio de Sopó, Cundinamarca
The main purpose of carrying out this project is to find the viability of Glamping in the municipality of Sopó, Cundinamarca. For which first establish the problem to study that consists of '' Is Glamping viable as an ...
El ecoturismo como alternativa de preservación en el Páramo de Guacheneque
This Project look for to convert ecotourism into an alternative for preservation of the Paramo of Guacheneque, since there are economic activities that are affecting this ecosystem, due to the misused that the inhabitants ...
Propuesta para el desarrollo integral del turismo en el municipio de Togüi (Boyacá)
In the municipality of Togüi Boyacá there is no great knowledge of the tourist field and therefore do not have a development of it; Given this premise, a research question is posed as follows: How to formulate a proposal ...
Propuesta de turismo rural comunitario en la localidad de Sumapaz
In the following work, the documentation of the typology of Community Rural Tourism is developed, to establish the viability of a Proposal in Sumapaz, since it denotes a problem of non-development of the resources or ...
Diseño de un producto ecoturístico en el Parque Ecológico Distrital humedal Santa María del Lago orientado a estudiantes de Hotelería y Turismo de la Uniagustiniana
The present project is an ecotourism proposal for Hotel Management and Tourism students of the Agustiniana University which aims to raise awareness about protection of wetlands, because there are deteriorating every day, ...
Propuesta agroecoturística bajo el análisis y estudio de las cinco fincas evaluadas ubicadas en San Sebastián de Mariquita, Tolima
The researcher of this research found that in Colombia there are policies aimed at the tourism sector in order to promote development in agricultural areas of the country, but these policies have prevented its proper ...
Propuesta de circuito ecoturístico por Villa de Leyva en bicicleta
The proposal of ecotourism circuit by Villa de Leyva, by bicycle, is a proposal of alternative tourism in the municipality, with the inclusion of tourist attractions, in which the conservation of heritage is an essential ...
Propuesta ecoturística para la preservación del bosque alto andino y el páramo de Guerrero en Zipaquirá
The present investigation is based on the ecotourism proposal to preserve the high Andean forest and the Guerrero páramo, where various factors are going to be identified, which have impeded the adequate tourism development ...