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dc.contributor.advisorAcevedo, Christian
dc.creatorCruz-Aldana, Juanita
dc.descriptionEste trabajo consiste en un Informe de Pasantía desarrollada en la empresa Kodo Trade & Commerce. Esta organización se dedica a la comercialización de material promocional y publicitario, y sus ventas se han visto afectadas de forma importante por el actual entorno económico derivado de la crisis sanitaria Covid-19. En este contexto, el e-commerce ha sido un canal que ha mostrado un crecimiento destacado, y constituye un potencial modelo de negocio en el cual la empresa puede incursionar, para superar su coyuntura actual y proyectarse hacia el futuro. A partir de esto, el objetivo general de este trabajo consiste en formular un planteamiento estratégico para la potencial implementación de un ecosistema de e-commerce para la empresa Kodo Trade & Commerce. Como base teórica se tomaron los conceptos de e-commerce, diagnóstico estratégico organizacional, método Canvas para el desarrollo de modelos de negocios, e Indicadores Clave de Desempeño KPI. En lo relacionado con la metodología, este trabajo asume un enfoque positivista-deductivo, de corte transversal. La empresa facilitó la consulta de fuentes primarias, tales como testimonios de colaboradores e informes financieros y comerciales de su archivo. Se aplicaron las metodologías PESTEL, DOFA y Canvas, principalmente, entre otros recursos. Como resultado, se encontró en la fase diagnóstica, que el macroentorno no muestra condiciones favorables, especialmente en términos económicos. Las ventas se han visto afectadas, se han comportado de manera atípica y se evidencia una importante dependencia de un cliente mayoritario específico. El análisis efectuado permite recomendar el desarrollo de una estrategia consistente en la apertura de una tienda virtual y una posible reducción en la cartera de clientes. Como plan de acción se propone un modelo de negocio de e-commerce dirigido al cliente final y se plantean los indicadores de medición inherentes a una tienda virtual. Para concluir, se señala la importancia de tener en cuenta situaciones fortuitas como la pandemia y se sugiere volcar los esfuerzos hacia los negocios de naturaleza digital.
dc.description.abstractThis work consists of an internship report developed in the company Kodo Trade & Commerce. This organization is dedicated to the marketing of promotional and advertising material, and its sales have been significantly affected by the current economic environment resulting from the Covid-19 health crisis. economic environment resulting from the Covid-19 health crisis. In this context, e-commerce has been a channel that has shown outstanding growth, and constitutes a potential business model in which the company can enter. in which the company can venture, in order to overcome its current situation and project itself into the future. Based on this, the general objective of this work is to formulate a strategic approach for the potential the potential implementation of an e-commerce ecosystem for the company Kodo Trade & Commerce. As a theoretical basis, the concepts of e-commerce were used, organizational strategic diagnosis, Canvas method for the development of business models, and Key Performance Indicators KPI. Regarding the methodology, this work assumes a positivist-deductive approach. a positivist-deductive, cross-sectional approach. The company facilitated the consultation of primary sources sources, such as employee testimonials and financial and commercial reports from its archives. The PESTEL, SWOT and Canvas methodologies were applied, among other resources. resources. As a result, it was found in the diagnostic phase that the macro-environment does not show favorable conditions, especially in economic terms. Sales have been affected, sales have been affected, have behaved in an atypical way and there is evidence of a significant dependence on a specific majority client. The analysis carried out allows us to recommend the development of a strategy consisting in the opening of an online store. The analysis carried out allows us to recommend the development of a strategy consisting in the opening of a virtual store and a possible reduction in the client portfolio. As an action plan, an e-commerce business model aimed at the end customer is proposed, and the inherent measurement indicators are proposed. the measurement indicators inherent to a virtual store are proposed. To conclude, the importance of taking into account fortuitous importance of taking into account fortuitous situations such as the pandemic and it is suggested to turn efforts towards digital businesses. efforts towards digital businesses.
dc.rightsAttribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectDiagnóstico organizacional
dc.titlePlanteamiento estratégico de un ecosistema de e-commerce para la empresa Kodo Trade & Commerce
dc.rights.accesoRestringido (Temporalmente bloqueado)
dc.subject.keywordOrganizational Assessment

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