Mostrando documentos 11-20 de 164
La enseñanza de la verdad en el Colegio Agustiniano Tagaste
This project wants to analyze the methodology used to teach the value of truth in students from seventh grade at Agustiniano Tagaste School, through surveys done to students and teacher. It is analyzed the answers, the ...
La enseñanza de la multiplicación con material manipulable concreto (MMC) con los estudiantes de grado segundo del colegio Agustiniana Norte
What to do pedagogically is a continuous search for practices and knowledge that are formed within the classroom and strengthened in the day-to-day experience, a teacher should not stay with the usual practices and on the ...
Estrategia didáctica para fortalecer la habilidad textual en inglés de los estudiantes del grado 6° del Colegio Agustiniano Norte a través la plataforma Moodle
In the learning and teaching of English Language, the development of the communicative skills: listening, writing, reading and speaking, is an essential part in the dynamism inherents of the area of knowledge. Therefore, ...
Analisis de las formas de evaluación empleadas por los maestros de matemáticas de grado quinto del colegio Agustiniano Tagaste y su influencia en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes.
The present work proposes an analysis about the influence that the different ways of evaluating mathematics teachers have on the academic performance of the students and how those ways of evaluating should be converted ...
La indagación como estrategia pedagógica para el desarrollo de habilidades científicas en los estudiantes de grado quinto
The purpose of this research aims to improve the scientific competence in the Science teaching and learning processes through inquiry as scientific competence implemented in the pedagogical practices carried out with a ...
El Design Thinking como estrategia didáctica para la estimulación de la creatividad en los estudiantes.
The present work is a proposal that is make by innovative exercises that help creativity, from constant production of ideas and immediate implementation with students from school grades where can see the advantage to find ...
Página web para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales en inglés
Based on the purpose to integrate the knowledge of Sciences (Chemistry and Biology) and English area to strengthen the basic learning competences, the 10th grade students´ perceptions from Agustiniano Norte school and the ...
Un perro no es un juguete: sensibilización y educación sobre la tenencia responsable de mascotas
The present project has been developed with the purpose of generating from the
students a commitment on the responsible possession of a pet, since in recent years in the
Municipality of Mosquera - Cundinamarca has increased ...
El ensamble instrumental como generador de habilidades musicales en niños de grado séptimo
The musical ensemble as a didactic strategy for the appropriation of basic musical skills in seventh grade students of the Augustinian Suba school, proposes a didactic alternative to work on elements such as pulse, rhythm ...
Estrategia pedagógica para la implementación del plan de emergencia de la pastelería la Briocherie S.A.S .
The present investigation arises as a need to contribute to the process of strengthening the Health
and Safety at Work Systems from the pedagogy. Although significant progress has been made in
the prevention ...