Mostrando documentos 131-140 de 165
El cine: herramienta pedagógica para la comunicación asertiva en la formación integral del ser humano
Assertive communication has become a life skill of great importance today, since it facilitates the interaction of the individual with their environment and their reality, as well as being a fundamental characteristic for ...
Ambientes de aprendizaje para el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional y la flexibilidad cognitiva en estudiantes de grado 10° y 11°.
The present research study is carried out to develop entrepreneurship in 10th and 11th grade students by strengthening soft skills and creating learning environments, allowing the participants to develop a better role as ...
El uso de la bicicleta un aporte al aprendizaje significativo, en la asignatura de proyecto de vida de la Escuela rural de la Vereda Lagunitas
Education in rural sectors offers a wide range of possibilities that make it possible to provide meaning the different knowledge shared between students, teachers and the community in general. Based on the above, this work ...
Prácticas deportivas en la Uniagustiniana “Implicaciones de participación estudiantil en programas deportivos de bienestar”
At Uniagustiniana, sports influence the life of a student for the contribution of their formation and integral development, but it is also observed the efforts that students make to be able to access the sports groups.
The ...
Participación y responsabilidad democrática: una vivencia desde la escuela
The main objective of this research is to make a pedagogical intervention that allows to identify the civic competences that need to strengthen the students of the Colegio Agustiniano Norte in order to encourage their ...
Experiencias significativas en el aula, una mirada de la teoría de aprendizaje significativo de David Ausubel, en la práctica pedagógica cotidiana
Learning processes will always have dynamics to update, it is well known that generations are changing, and methodological proposals must be in tune with the needs that are required. However, the term meaningful learning ...
Estrategias didácticas para el desarrollo cognitivo mediante el patinaje de velocidad en personas entre 8 a 15 años, como aporte a su desarrollo integral.
The didactic strategies for cognitive development through speed skating in people between 8 and 15 years, as a contribution to their integral development that are presented from this investigative exercise that is exploratory ...
Práctica docente de los profesionales sin formación en didáctica. Análisis de caso de cuatro docentes vinculados a la línea de Fiscalidad de Contaduría Pública de la Uniagustiniana.
This article presents the analysis of the teaching practice of professionals linked to education in the line of taxation of the Public Accounting Program of the Agustiniana University from the approach of the classes carried ...
Evaluación del uso de las TIC como recurso didáctico para el aprendizaje de vocabulario en inglés colegio Agustiniano de Floridablanca, grado cuarto
This research has its origins in a diagnostic test applied to fourth grade students from Agustiniano School in Floridablanca at the beginning of the school year, in which weaknesses in English vocabulary acquisition were ...
Estrategia didáctica para la comprensión lectora mediante el uso de fichas interactivas - Liveworksheets
The purpose of this research is to strengthen the reading comprehension in fourth grade students from the Agustiniano School in Floridablanca, through a didactic strategy, in which characteristics, causes and consequences ...