Mostrando documentos 1-10 de 165
Re-significación de la evaluación en pos de una evaluación para el aprendizaje
The evaluation plays an indispensable role in the formation and in the teaching and learning processes, but, having several important characteristics to help with these processes, in reality the evaluation has been ...
Modelo evaluativo para el taller de realización experimental y nuevos medios
The experimental realization workshop and new media is a subject that belongs to the cinema and television curriculum provided at Uniagustiniana university, which contains some subjective and intersubjective processes due ...
La transición del papel a lo digital: las nuevas Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) en el proceso de lectura y escritura
The of integrationprojectisbornoppositetotheporoblemáticathatpresnetawiththecourse 6C of the College Agustiniano Norte, where his academic results werebajosdebidotothat the notes in the activities thatwereim playing reading ...
La formación en valores de los niños en grado transición colegio Agustiniano Norte
The present investigation intends to present the importance of forming in values to students of transition degree, considering that in the family environment it is a subject that is not addressed with the frequency and ...
El Aprendizaje Colaborativo en la Práctica de Cine y Televisión de la Universitaria Uniagustiniana
The objective of the the following research project is to analyze the benefits that could bring the
implementation of the Collaborative Learning technics in the teaching of Filmmaking and
Television. Through the ...
Usos de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la escuela
The TIC have become the best way to access information in the acquisition of knowledge or perhaps in the most practical and economical way to communicate to short and long distance, but definitely today, is a frequent use ...
La evangelización del Papa Francisco. Una propuesta misional para los jóvenes de confirmación de la parroquia Nuestra Señora de la Consolación
The present investigation has as purpose to present a missionary-pedagogical proposal that serves for the evangelizing orientation in the confirmation catechesis of the Parish Our Lady of Consolation. It is a novel proposal ...
El uso de las TIC en la interpretación y construcción de gráficas para el aprendizaje de los porcentajes
In the present work, the practice is taken into account where the teacher traditionally performs certain pedagogical rituals that involve methodological processes that do not directly affect the interests and priorities ...
Construcción del proceso lecto escritor en niños de primer grado del colegio Agustiniana Norte a través del programa letras
This project presents a program developed with the first grade children from the Agustinaniano del Norte for the acquisition of the read – writing process applying as methodology “El Programa de Letras”, based on the ...
El cine foro como estrategia didáctica para la apropiación del concepto evolución en los estudiantes de grado noveno del Colegio Agustiniano Suba
The cine forum as didactic strategy for the acquisition of “Evolution” as a concept in ninth grade students from Agustiniano Suba school, this proposes a didactic alternative for teaching science, in this case, for improving ...