Mostrando documentos 161-170 de 197
Relación de actividad y envolvente en la formulación de vivienda productiva en el barrio llano grande
The central objective of the document is to determine the financial impact that the rates of
dropout from higher education institutions (IES) in the specific case of the University
Autonomous Region of the West (uao). ...
Vinculación entre espacio doméstico y actividad comercial para el diseño los espacios domésticos las viviendas.
This project addresses the concepts of domestic space and commercial activity as relationship variables in the design of a replicable productive housing module, which allows over time, according to the needs of the users ...
Relación entre el programa arquitectónico y la escenografía en la vivienda rural productiva (Bogotá Usme)
The present research work covers the relationship between program and scenography as an articulator to transform productive rural housing in the village of La Requilina, in Usme, Bogota; we start from the scarcity of ...
Relación entre envolvente y programa arquitectónico para la configuración de espacios dinámicos
The purpose of this research work is to study the relationship between envelope and architectural program and how it influences the configuration of dynamic spaces for the design of an entrepreneurship center, applying ...
Espacios de comunidad: relación entre estructura portante y espacios polivalentes para la configuración de un equipamiento cultural como complemento educativo.
Supporting structure and generic spaces are two layers that we consider of vital importance for
the disposition of spaces given for culture and education, additionally the role users take on how
they appropriate spaces ...
Los vínculos de la circulación y el programa arquitectónico para la formulación de estrategias de diseño en equipamiento educativo en Usme
This research shows the results of the links between circulation and architectural program through the analysis of the flows, intensities and ways of movement that the student population has in the locality of Usme, ...
Correlación entre estructura portante y espacios genéricos como formulación de la vivienda productiva en el sector de La Laguna( San Gil)
The current research project seeks to delve into the characteristics and possibilities that the supporting structures of a home have, while relating a structural proposal with the most dynamic spaces for a user, in relation ...
Relación entre escenografía y envolvente para la configuración de un centro artístico ambiental en Usme
This research work explores the relationship between envelope and scenography for the configuration of a cultural-environmental facility in Usme-Bogota. The starting argument was the disposition of the scenery which does ...
El espacio colectivo como articulador de las actividades comerciales de La Plaza de Mercado El Grano Barranquilla - Atlantico
The commercial activities of the Barranquillita neighborhood where the marketplace the Grano is located in the city of Barranquilla is affected by the misappropriation of public space and the deterioration of its image, ...
Relacion entre envolvente y actividad, como elementos articuladores de la vivienda en alta densidad y agricultura en vertical
This research aims to assess the relationship between the envelope and the activity to give rise to the problem of food and housing deserts in the town of Usaquén: As a starting point, we analyze the different referents ...