Now showing items 1-7 of 7
EVUlution Edición No. 3
Current societies spread the need to appropriate information and communication technologies and turn them into pedagogical resources or support them in order to make the teaching - learning process an exercise with better ...
EVUlution Edición No. 4
In our days education goes through a series of changes and innovations that have allowed to develop a certain competition between institutions. However, the concept is not new, it is becoming a new alternative for those ...
EVUlution Edición No. 5
In this edition we will find how higher education actors can announce an innovation opportunity this moment through which virtual education goes through, thus becoming a plus for institutions and in a different way for ...
EVUlution Edición No. 6
Teaching higher education faces the challenge of closing the generation gap between teachers and students. The former are a population whose training process was carried out when technological development was limited, while ...
EVUlution Edición No. 7
In these times where people had to stop their life in the place where they were, near or far from their home, but without the possibility of replacing absolutely nothing in their favor, taking into account that it is a ...
EVUlution Edición No. 8
A few months ago no one would have believed that today we would experience such a radical situation as having to live with something that is killing people and that isolation and distance would give us arguments to think ...
EVUlution Edición No. 10
Now, from the EVUution magazine, we want to give the opportunity to experts on the subject to tell us about their experiences, and those situations that led to encourage the creativity of managers and teachers, to carry ...