Now showing items 1-5 of 5
EVUlution Edición No. 9
The social conditions on which the training processes are being developed in the different educational institutions, regardless of the level, have led to an almost mandatory appropriation of technologies as a fundamental ...
EVUlution Edición No. 10
Now, from the EVUution magazine, we want to give the opportunity to experts on the subject to tell us about their experiences, and those situations that led to encourage the creativity of managers and teachers, to carry ...
EVUlution Edición No. 11
In recent years, a recurring theme when talking about education refers to the changes that education has undergone in recent decades, since new needs of the student and the teacher have been recognized, but above all of ...
EVUlution Edición No. 13
The reduction of social gaps and the search for equity are a constant on government agendas. Societies have tried to fight inequality through various alternatives and, although the magnitude of the task seems to display a ...
EVUlution Edición N°15: Empresa, Tecnología y Educación
Nowadays, the interaction between education, technology, and business has become a crucial element for the development of our societies. Digital transformation is revolutionizing the educational sector, facilitating more ...