Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Análisis de necesidades para la creación del área de Gestión del Talento Humano en la empresa Globalthor S.A.S.
The present work is based on the description and analysis of the company Globalthor, oriented to the area of human resources; The origin of this research is focused on the processes of recruitment, selection and hiring of ...
Definición de un modelo de implementación del sistema de talento humano para las micro y pequeñas empresas de Apartadó atendidas por la Agencia de empleo Comfenalco Antioquia sede Urabá en el año 2021
The central purpose of this research is to determine how to build a model by which micro and small companies in Apartadó served by the Comfenalco Antioquia Job Office make their human talent management system. This is based ...
Plan de modelo de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo SG-SST en la microempresa Plásticos G&P
The present work was born thanks to the identification of a need of a labor and legal nature, of In accordance with the provisions of Decree 0312 of 2019 on minimum safety standards and health at work SG – SST. This was ...
Análisis de los elemento importantes del clima organizacional para los empleados de la alcaldía de Cáqueza para el año 2022
In the public sphere, government entities have taken various measures and actions to guarantee timely, quality and effective care, seeking to establish an assertive communication with the community and to be able to satisfy ...
Diseñar Un Plan Estratégico De Atracción y Retención De Talento Humano en la Empresa Nalpiherbs, Durante El Periodo 2022
This investigation aimed to identify the causes of high staff turnover rate in the
NALPIHERBS company. In the same way, it seeks to find strategies that allow attracting and
retaining workers to avoid the constant turnover ...
Diseño de los perfiles de cargo de la Agencia de Desarrollo Rural (ADR) en la Dependencia de Talento Humano en el año 2022
This work was prepared for the Rural Development Agency with the purpose of
evidencing and guiding the importance of the elaboration of position profiles by competencies,
since they allow to exalt characteristics and ...
Modelo de formación y capacitación para fortalecer las habilidades técnicas y sociales de los colaboradores de la empresa Green Travel DMC en la sede Bogotá durante el primer semestre del año 2023
Through the human resources area and the processes that arise from there, objectives are set
to strengthen the capacities that all employees need, the training and training models contribute
to developing the work in ...
Propuesta para la creación del departamento de Talento Humano en la empresa Movilidad Futura S.A.S en la ciudad de Popayán
Human talent is currently considered the most important tool for organizations, there are strategies, ways and methods of work, which promote personal and organizational commitment, in search of common welfare evidenced ...
Análisis de los beneficios de las nuevas tecnologías implementadas al proceso de reclutamiento de personal a partir del Covid-19 en grandes empresas colombianas en el 2023
This document analyzes the benefits of the new technologies implemented in the personnel recruitment process as of Covid-19 in large Colombian companies in 2023. Thus, the evolution of the recruitment process is briefly ...
Estrategias para la retención del personal orientado a disminuir la rotación de la empresa Américas BPS durante el año 2023
In this work we will carry out the identification and analysis of the main causes that generate high personnel turnover in the Américas BPS Company during the last quarter of 2023. In order to obtain the required data, ...