Now showing items 1-10 of 158
Análisis de las consecuencias de tipo ocupacional, dada la extensa jornada laboral que presentan los conductores de servicio urbano de pasajeros de la Cooperativa de Transportadores Bolivar-COOTRANSBOLIVAR LTDA de la ciudad Bogotá 2019 - 2021
This research project was based on the study of working hours and health and well-being consequences faced by an urban bus driver in the city of Bogotá DC, this problem not only affects the population with driving charges ...
Análisis del cumplimiento de protocolos del MIPG en INDERBA, como herramienta estratégica para el adecuado desarrollo de la entidad pública en la ciudad de Barrancabermeja en el año 2021
In the following project, the reader will find the final product that was fed day after day through each learning obtained in each of the tutorials and courses convened by the teacher and conducted by us in order to analyse ...
La tercerización laboral del personal asistencial de la ESE Municipal de Villavicencio como factor desmotivante
Labor outsourcing in Colombia, regulated by Decree 583 of 2016, has been mishandled in the country since the decree is clear and prohibits outsourcing the permanent missionary activities of entities in Colombia, this is ...
Propuesta para comunicar de manera eficiente los emolumentos salariales y prestacionales a los servidores de la Rama Judicial en la Seccional Bogotá – Cundinamarca durante los años 2021-2022
This research showed the need to communicate efficiently the salary and benefits emoluments to the servers of the Rama Judicial in the Bogotá - Cundinamarca Sectional. For this purpose, three data collection techniques ...
Propuesta para implementación de protocolo de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para el hogar de paso María Salud de los Enfermos en la ciudad de Bogotá entre el 2020-2021
The Hogar de paso María Salud de los Enfermos is an organization dedicated to the accommodation and care of cancer patients who present themselves in the capital, city of Bogotá, to carry out their pertinent and necessary ...
Análisis del proceso de selección del talento humano en la Agencia Nacional
This work analyzes the process of personnel selection and recruitment in the National Agency, within the framework established by the National Civil Service Commission and the existing regulations applicable to meritocracy ...
Estructuración del plan anual de incentivos que promueva las buenas prácticas laborales del área de Recursos Humanos de Servicios Postales Nacionales S.A.S, en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.
Being competitive today as a company, goes beyond having the best structure, the best salary benefits, the latest technology, and even the best business strategies to stand out in the market. The differentiating factor in ...
Análisis de necesidades para la creación del área de Gestión del Talento Humano en la empresa Globalthor S.A.S.
The present work is based on the description and analysis of the company Globalthor, oriented to the area of human resources; The origin of this research is focused on the processes of recruitment, selection and hiring of ...
Bienestar Organizaciónal y su influencia en la rotacion de personal en la empresa Diane & Geordi durante el año 2022
The purpose of this research project is to determine the causes behind the increase in employee turnover at Diane & Geordi, a company located in Bogotá, in the year 2022. The objective is to design a proposal that complements ...
Análisis de las principales causales de despido en el sector textil en la ciudad de Bogotá por efecto del COVID19 durante el año 2020
This research project analyzes the main causes of dismissal generated in the textile sector as a consequence of the health emergency of Covid19 during 2020. This allowed us to show under a documentary review, a description ...